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Mar 16th 2023
Shamelessly stealing an idea from @jacksonfall and prompting GPT-4 to help me build a profitable business.

I'm going to start with the same prompt and do whatever it asks me to.

Let's goooooooo

Alright so the approach here is to find a product or service with high demand and low supply using a website like @junglescout or @GoogleTrends

On Google trends, the term "chat GPT" is exploding in popularity so I asked HustleGPT to suggest products related to that.

#gpt4 Image
@junglescout @GoogleTrends Top ideas generated by the bot 🤖

- AI-related books
- Ergonomic keyboards
- High-quality microphones
- Webcams

It also suggested digital products and I liked that more so I asked it to elaborate.

The answer? Chat bot scripts. That sounds easy enough 😅 Image
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