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Jun 21st 2023
Apparently one of the people on the sub is a 19 year old kid. And there is a lot of shaming going around for people having a knee jerk reaction to a bunch of rich people dying on a sub because of that.

And the narrative would be different if but for a few changes.
If he were poor and in the back seat of his best friends car as it crashed into a lake going 90 miles an hour here in rural Indiana, it would be tragic but he would be "a grown ass man that should have known better than to get in that car."
If he were black and walking down the street at night and cops beat him to death because he didn't react fast enough, or reacted too quickly he wouldn't even be a grown man. He would be "just another thug," according to the media. A danger. A threat.
Read 15 tweets
Jun 21st 2023
There's five people with far more money than sense, and then there's actual badass hero Pia Klemp, who faces a 20-year prison sentence for helping to rescue more than 1,000 migrants from drowning in the Mediterranean Sea. #OceanGate #FreePia
Sorry not sorry, but it shouldn't be a literal crime to rescue marginalized people from drowning when there's this gross amount of resources being exploited to find literally five men.

If they were poor, nobody would care.
For more context: "Up to 600 people drown off Pylos, Greece – only days after EU leaders agreed to further erode the right to asylum"

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#OceanGate #FreePia
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Jun 20th 2023
37 hours left of oxygen. No beacon installed and so far search has yielded no results. Considering the depths rescue efforts face, its not looking good. Missing since sunday. #oceangate #stillhope #titanic
So far the search has been on the surface and under the water using sonar buoys over an area the size of the state of Connecticut!
Additional assets still on the way (as of 4hrs ago). I really hope some subsurface vessels or ROVs are part of that «additional support»… :/
Read 30 tweets
Jun 20th 2023
Concerning the titanic tour / #oceangate I would just like to say it's never funny when people suffer or die. But I feel like a lot of people do not have an appropriate amount of fear and respect for just how many ways the world will kill you absolutely dead.
The ocean in particular is a SCOURGE of humanity. So many people have died at sea in various ways. Just being on top of the waves has been a risk since the dawn of sailing.
Once you get into it though then pressure kicks in. The entire atmosphere from sea level to space weighs about the same as 33 feet of water. Miles of air weighs 33 feet of water. Go down another 33 feet and boom, a whole other atmosphere.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 20th 2023
What's happening at the #Titanic site will likely be a tragedy.

@OceanGate's page on why they didn't seek certifications / classing for the Titan submersible & that design safety regulations are slow & constrain innovation... reads differently now.… ImageImageImage
Imagine if a car manufacturer told you: this car isn't crash certified because it won't prevent people from driving the car badly. Image
"No other submersible currently utilizes real-time monitoring...we want to know why"

Hubris from @OceanGate even as they dismiss the existing standards derived from many tragedies that came before. Image
Read 14 tweets
Jun 20th 2023
One possible reason, among a few, that #OceanGate submarine lost communications and hasn’t been located is something that messes with how sound travels through water, #thermoclines. They can act as blocks or conduits for sound. Caused by differences in water density.
Water density changes because of temperature and salinity, mainly. When a sound encounters these changes in density it can be reflected so something below it won’t be heard by something on top. They can also form a conduit where sound bounces between two layers.
When thermoclines act as a sound conduit they allow the sound to travel great distances and still be picked up. So a boat on the surface above a submarine may not hear it but a sonar miles and miles away may pick it up like it’s next door.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 20th 2023
#OceanGate missing submarine is a sad situation and I pray it works out and everyone is found safe. Here is the thing. The submarine is a joke. The ballast system requires shifting of people to jettison used pipes. Wtf? It is a tragedy waiting to happen. It isn’t a game.
I spent 11.5 years in the Navy and was sub qualified. Ocean Gate submarine is nothing more than a play toy for people with too much money and not enough commonsense ! Underwater, especially at the depths most military submarines operate isn’t a place to play…
Consider that Ocean Gate goes deeper than most military subs by quite a lot and it becomes even less of a place to play or be tourist. On Submarines the crew is qualified to operate the systems and trains constantly on what to do in case of emergencies. What about #OceanGate?
Read 11 tweets

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