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Sep 3rd 2021
We know vaccine passports:
• are unethical & discriminatory.
• are unlikely to have any beneficial effect on infections.
• will create huge costs to firms & individuals.
• will entrench anti-vax sentiment.

but how bad is the problem they are actually trying to solve?

The Govt says they want to introduce vaccine passports for nightclubs, football matches & other crowded events as they think, otherwise, those will cause big rises in infections …

Well, since 19 July, we have been running an experiment:
England opened all these events in full & with no legal obligation for vaccine passports/tests.

We've had full sports stadia for #100, T20, Tests, Premier league etc, packed nightclubs & loads of festivals …
Read 13 tweets
Jul 12th 2021
“We cannot simply revert to life as it was before”

Why not? That’s exactly what we should be doing

Encouraging face masks? Why? Pantomime

encourage Clubs to use NHS App? NO!

Should be encouraging Normality #openforall #backtonormal #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere
We see that deaths are v low & hospitalisations v short duration & low relatively. whitty admits they’re low. But reverts to modeling & pressure on NHS. You shd be planning for winter NHS now not obsessing Covid. Variants irrelevant #OpenForAll #backtonormal
While PM says autumn means more respiratory illnesses Whitty point that these last 4 weeks necessary does not mention seasonality. This respiratory condition vulnerable vaccinated. There IS ideal date it’s passed but shd be fully open 19th NOT SLOWLY #OpenForAll #backtonormal
Read 9 tweets
Jul 10th 2021
This all so disingenuous

Headlines Scream Vacc Passports WILL be compulsory pubs BUT

“A Downing Street source told The Times “In autumn vaccine passports COULD become an important tool that will allow us to keep things open”

“although so-called vaccine passports would not be mandated now it did not rule out the prospect if England faces 'a difficult situation in autumn or winter'

This is NUDGE strategy

90% adults antibodies


#Openforall #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere…
“It is hoped the move will increase vaccine uptake among the younger demographics The Times newspaper has reported”

See how this works?

Leaked to Times ALL rush to repeat & publish

They’re unnecessary & V wrong

#NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere #openforall…
Read 4 tweets
May 29th 2021
There’s such an incredible atmosphere already here. Families from across UK here singing Freedom

We need to be fully #openforall now with #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere #londonprotest
Make sure you get the numbers right this time @BBCNews @itvnews @SkyNews @Channel4News @LBC #londonprotest
Some more from #londonprotest We don’t want any Vaccine Passports no Test to Enter National Gov Scheme. It time to be totally #openforall #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere We need our Normal back now
Read 22 tweets
May 28th 2021
It's time

We need to be fully #openforall with NO Test to Enter Gov Nat'l Covid Cert scheme, No Vaccine Passports, No Soc Distancing or anything else

Pls RT if you agree: see vid of those welcoming everyone here. VID HERE
Also, pls send a message to your MP

"I believe we should be Open for All. That means no vaccine passports, no national gov test to enter scheme, no social distancing or any other restrictions. Will you support this?"

Just copy & put postcode in here 👇
Some Live Events asking gov to Test to Enter/Covid Certs. This unnecessary discriminatory & wrong If indiv businesses do that's up to them. Not nat'l scheme @LiveMusic_UK @TheO2 @aegpresents @TicketmasterUK @OfficialRUG @BACHvenues
@BritAthletics @ESLUK @seetickets #openforall
Read 5 tweets
May 23rd 2021
Israel to lift all Coronavirus Restrictions 1 June INCLUDING Vaccine Passports

Israelis be able to enter all public amenities regardless of vaccination status

NO REASON for ANY Covid Certification at ANY events @michaelgove @BorisJohnson

It's time that ALL the ppl asking for any type of Covid Certificates under any type of National Gov Scheme STOP doing that now. Social Distancing shd NOT be linked @GOVUK knows it's unnecessary. Also discriminatory. Back to NORMAL now #openforall #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere
Read 3 tweets
Apr 13th 2021

Among signatories are CEOs of Rekom UK & Tokyo Industries, which runs clubs, festivals & bars. Others backing the letter include @HippodromeLDN Electric Star Pubs @ProudCabaret @Brindisa Bocca de Lupo & @burger_lobster @EssexPR #OpenForAll…
Of the 2712 votes so far In @Telegraph Poll in the article above, 92% have voted “No we can’t overlook the problems with Vaccine Passports” #openforall
Read 3 tweets

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