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Jul 14th 2021
In our weekly series #PrivacyOfThePeople, the IFF team critically looks at India's incoming data law and how well (or not) it protects vulnerable populations, and the data you constantly log in.

This week, we're looking at your healthcare data👇🏾 1/n…
So what exactly is healthcare data?

There are two types — personal, relating to your health conditions, & non-personal, where data is aggregated + anonymised. And there's an increasing interest in collecting this — for supposed effectiveness & better resource utilisation! 2/n
With the amount of health data India generates, protecting them is an uphill battle! In fact, between 2009 and 2020, 3,705 healthcare data breaches of 500 or more records have been reported.

So we have to ask: Is the incoming data law up to the task? 3/n…
Read 9 tweets
Mar 2nd 2020
#CashlessConsumer Following up on consent-less auto fetch privacy violations in #BBPS

#NPCI's own data shows the practice of building credit profiles continue rampantly completely disregarding user consent & NPCI notice.…
In Oct 2018, #CashlessConsumer complained to RBI/NPCI and top fintechs/banks about the privacy abuse in #BBPS for building credit profile database without the consent of individual…
NPCI responded on Nov 1, 2018 with a circular mandating all BBPS ecosystem participants to ensure customer consent for bill fetch and provide opt out of auto fetch provisions and comply with circular in 60 days…
Read 11 tweets
Dec 12th 2019
A new draft of the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 #PDPBill was released this week, and introduced in the Lok Sabha yesterday. It builds on the earlier draft prepared by the #SrikrishnaCommittee, but with a few significant changes ⬇️
The most concerning provision in the new #PDPBill is Section 35 on exceptions for the state for national security, law enforcement, sovereignty etc. It drops the legal test of ‘necessity and proportionality’ and legality, taking a huge step back on #SurveillanceReform.
#PDPBill asks some #SocialMedia platforms to give users option to voluntarily verify their identities, posing questions about #FreeSpeech and if there will be greater #Surveillance of accounts who don’t identify themselves. This provision is out of scope for a #DataProtectionLaw.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 11th 2019
1/n <thread>

A quick, first-cut list of implications & ‘what lies ahead’ for organizations from the Personal Data Protection Bill 2019.

Note: This thread only looks at this from a regular Indian organization’s perspective – not beyond.

#PDPBill 2019 #DataPrivacy
<Acronyms used:
PD: Personal Data
DP: Data Principal – the individual whose PD we are talking about
DF: Data Fiduciary – the orgn who collects & processes PD
DPA: Data Protection Authority – the regulator to be set up>

Personal Data categorized as PD, Sensitive PD (SPD), Critical PD. Children’s PD also looked at separately.
Read 36 tweets

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