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Jul 2nd 2022

At inaugural meeting of new Integrated Care Board (ICB), I raised concerns about integration w private sector, referencing analysis published in Lancet that outsourcing health care services to private sector had increased treatment mortality. #Bath…
I stressed that the priority of private companies is to make a profit and that Integrated Care Systems (ICS) are a scheme that incentivise reduced care, referencing Panorama’s documentary about Operose Health exposing use of cheaper less qualified staff.…
I asked if Board would commit to:

- recognising health & care staff trade unions and representative professional bodies, and work with them to improve staff pay, employment terms & conditions?…
Read 10 tweets
May 4th 2020
The Cargill plant is set to open today...despite serious worker’s safety concerns and a legal action to stop its planned opening.

As of now, nearly half of the workers at the Cargill plant - 917 of 2,000 - have tested positive for the COVID-19.
Much is the same at the JBS plant in Brooks, which continues to be open despite repeated calls to close down. Together, there are more than 1500 positive COVID-19 cases tied to the outbreaks at these plants, two workers have died and at least five others are in the ICU.
Even more disturbing are the news that workers at these plants are being blamed for these outbreak and their communities are facing backlash and treated differentially. This is unabashed discrimination and it must stop.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 1st 2019
My name is Chrysty and this is Sherlock, my medical alert dog. We want to share with you why we choose @TulsiGabbard for president. #WhyTulsi

I belong to a military family and I have waited at home while my loved ones have been deployed to the Middle East too many times!(1/10)
Do you realize that later this year people who were born after 9/11 will put their lives on the line in a war that started before they were born? Tulsi pledges to put an end to regime change wars! She is a combat veteran herself and proud of her service since 9/11.She knows(2/10)
about this war!

Her commitment to prosperity through peace gives us a direction to move toward. One of the things I love the most about Tulsi is her integrity and hope! She is running a positive campaign toward a better future for us and for our children. My nieces and (3/10)
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Nov 26th 2018
New Jersey Senator Ron Rice now speaking on his opposition to the bill to legalize marijuana. #PeopleBeforeProfit Image
“I have been all across this state...when you ask the people if they want to see a pot store in their neighborhood, they say no.”
“This bill is being sold on the auspices of social justice, but it is really only about money.”
Read 5 tweets

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