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Apr 5th 2023
Does your People Ops / HR team have a set of People Experience (PX) design principles?

If not, you should.

Here’s why and how to create some for your team:

What are design principles?

Design principles are a set of core considerations which inform the direction and the overall approach of product design.

What are they for?

Design principles ensure the end product adheres to overall design vision. They allow decisions to be made quickly and accurately by anyone in the design team as decisions can be sense checked against the principles.

Read 13 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
If you are in HR or People, you have probably heard the phrase People Experience (PX) as a Product

But what does it mean?

This thread will give you 3 principles to understand PX as a Product and 3 actions to put the concept into action👇🏻
3 core principles to understand PX as a Product
Employees = Customers
People Experience (PX) = Product
People Team = Product Team
3 actions to get you started with PX as a Product:
1. Define your PX Vision:

You can’t build and ship “people product” without clearly outlining what you are solving for. In the same way as you can’t create consumer products without defining the problem you are solving and the value you are creating for your customers
Read 6 tweets

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