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Dec 16th 2020
#YearInReview Here is a snapshot of our interesting work on #policing this year!
The #COVID19 lockdown posed a unique law and order challenge, and the police were at the forefront. @_NehaSinha, @AvantiDurani, @priveda22 & @TveshaSippy curated a list of measures for #police and the prison administration during and post lockdown
Being at the forefront also posed operational and business continuity risks for the police. @_NehaSinha & @TveshaSippy addressed this risk in this blog post published by @IPF…
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Sep 22nd 2020
Last week, @_NehaSinha was part of the #policedialogues hosted by @fayedsouza, where along with Devika Nadig and Mr. Shivanadan, she discussed whether our police are citizen friendly. Further to that we discuss #PoliceReform and Public trust. (1/n)
Our 2017 SATARC survey revealed that 75% to 91% of the people across the four surveyed metropolises—Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai and Delhi believed that the police can be relied upon when needed. (2/n)
Close to half the respondents in Bengaluru, 60% in Delhi, a little over three-quarters in Chennai and 70% in Mumbai believed that the police would treat them with respect. (3/n)…
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