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2022 has been a difficult year for so many in our country and community, trapped under a Tory government and the cost of living crisis, but in Stamford Hill West Labour we have been working hard. #YearInReview
In our branch meetings, we've hosted speakers and debated and passed motions on Ukraine solidarity, our local NHS services, electoral reform, police accountability, Long COVID and more.
For months in the runup to the May elections, our members and council candidates @AhmadBismillah7 & @FarukDalTinaz worked hard speaking to residents. While we fell short this time, we thank them & will keep fighting for an active Labour voice in our ward.
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2022 was the year Africans rose up against France ✊ #YearInReview

Mali 👇 Image
Chad 👇 Image
Niger 👇 Image
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To wrap up the year, the #ChainSafe family wanted to share all of our exciting milestones & insights summarizing a spectacular 2022 💫

Explore our special #YearInReview highlights in the thread below

ICYMI, this year #ChainSafe raised $18.75m in an oversubscribed Series A with support from:
@r13vc, @NGC_Ventures, @HashKey_Capital, @Sfermion_, @JSquare_co, @IOSGVC, @DFG_OfficiaI, @ConsenSys, and @fenbushi.

We were featured in the news over 150+ times in 2022 with special mentions for:
- Ethereum Merge: 10 Key Individuals 🐼
- The launch of the @web3canada Canadian Web3 Council 🚀
- Best Blockchains For GameFi Developers

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Highlighting again some #ICYMI excellent #gout #CPPD content from #GCAN2022

#ACR22 Image
The #gout mega GWAS will be presented by @TonyMerriman2 *on behalf of a very large team* at the third plenary session

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Dr Carol Langford for the clinical #YearInReview #ACR22
1⃣GLORIA pragmatic trial in RA >= 65 yrs, of add on low dose prednisolone

NNH 9.5

How to weigh benefits and harms in GLORIA?

👉The protocol of this study provides tips to interpret the findings

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Hugo de Jonge weigert al sinds het begin documenten corona crisis openbaar te maken.
In 2021 ging dit van schandalig tot erger..
/1 #jaaroverzicht #YearInReview #2021inReview #WOB #hugodejonge #hugodejongekanniks
In juli ging hij, van ons belastinggeld, in beroep tegen de rechter om informatie voor ons achter te kunnen blijven houden
/2 #jaaroverzicht #YearInReview #2021inReview #WOB #hugodejonge #hugodejongekanniks #COVID19 #coronadebat
Zelden liet een bewindspersoon zo duidelijk zien totaal schijt te hebben aan burgers, volksvertegenwoordiging en rechterlijke uitspraken 🙄
Op Rutte na misschien..🤔
/3 #jaaroverzicht #YearInReview #2021inReview #hugodejonge #hugodejongekanniks #RutteIV
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Welcome to one of our favorite annual traditions: counting down our most popular posts from the past year!

30. Our 2021 list begins with Daniel Williams, who placed four posts on this list in his first full year of blogging.… #YearInReview
29. In another post about the mainline, Dan Williams suggested that many white liberal Protestants underwent a kind of secularizing “conversion experience” during the civil rights movement.… #YearInReview
28. In the first of his two posts on our 2021 list, Philip Jenkins urged us to take seriously the possibility that “we really are seeing a precipitous decline in religion as such… however broadly we define it.”… @BaylorISR #YearInReview
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#YearInReview 2021 was a pivotal year for us in terms of expanding our social media focus. With a graphic makeover too, the biggest hit has been our Instagram account, which in months has surpassed 1200 followers and is growing fast. Follow us at
Besides all our regular news and opinion content, on Instagram you'll also find videos (, infographics (, special milestones ( and a whole lot more
Linktree is a neat workaround for Instagram's one link policy. If you don't need any extra paraphernalia, this is a good option to get links to all our recent content and older stuff we bring back up when needed:
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#YearInReview As we wind down a bit for the holidays and raise funds for next year (, we also look back at our own coverage. At Venezuelanalysis we are always looking for new and better ways to help readers understand Venezuela and the Bolivarian Process Image
One novelty this year was infographics. Thanks to a collaboration with a wonderful Venezuelan graphic designer, we're creating visually attractive content for in-depth looks at hot topics. The first one, quite naturally, was the US blockade
In its efforts to strangle the Venezuelan economy, Washington has levied dozens of sanctions against the country's oil industry. The following work recaps the most important measures and how oil output has suffered as a consequence
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#COVID19, fraud, murder, operator changes, awards ... the @_McKnightsSL #seniorliving #yearinreview has it all! #YIR Image
#YearInReview: 2021 began with the hope that the new #COVID19 vaccine would help control a pandemic that had caused so much illness, death, loneliness, isolation and worker fatigue in long-term care in 2020. #seniorliving #YIR
#YearInReview: #COVID19 vaccines, boosters and corporate and federal mandates still dominate life for #seniorliving workers and operators.… #YIR
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As we approach the end of 2021, we want to look back at all we've accomplished this year:
We ended #ChildMarriage in not one but TWO states this year! Both #RhodeIsland and #NewYork signed laws making the marriage age #18NoExceptions!
We took our first in-person trip in over a year to stand alongside #RI @GovDanMcKee as he signed #H5387/ #S398 and made #RhodeIsland the fifth U.S. state to ban all marriage before 18, without exceptions! @JulieCasimiroRI
We also hosted a #ChainIn Celebration in #NYC after #NewYork became the 6th U.S. state to #EndChildMarriage after 6 long years of our tireless advocacy! That definitely deserved a celebration! @SalazarSenate @PhilRamos6AD #YearInReview #EndChildMarriageUSA #6Down44ToGo
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My friend @EduCelebrity has been doing a #YearInReview tweet thread (check it out), in which he relives some of his best tweets from 2020.

I’m opting to do a #YearInPreview thread where I predict what will happen over the next 12 months in we go...

Teachers come back to school (virtually or in-person) fired up and ready to implement some great new ideas and strategies as part of their New Year’s resolutions.


All new ideas flamed out as teachers begin their summer countdown. #YearInPreview

Valentine’s Day parties include students exchanging virtual cards with each other via their virtual Valentine’s Day boxes. Joey’s mom hires a professional web designer so Joey’s virtual box is the best in the class and puts pictures of it on Instagram. #YearInPreview
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#YearInReview: Here are some of our most popular Twitter stories of 2020! (No particular order)

First up: the highest resolution image of the sun’s surface EVER taken—produced NSF’s Inouye Solar Telescope

#Bye2020 Image
Back in June, the Senate unanimously confirmed Sethuraman Panchanathan as the new @NSF Director—and the rest is history!

Meet our Director:

#YearInReview Image
#YearInReview continues: NSF's @LIGO & @ego_virgo scientists witnessed the merger of a black hole with 23 times the mass of our sun & a mystery object 2.6 times the mass of the sun.

Too small for a #blackhole, too large for a neutron star – what is it? Image
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#YearinReview Here is our list of 5 of the most interesting papers on state capacity this year!
Devesh Kapur's 'Why Does the Indian State Both Fail and
Succeed?' seeks to explain why India tends to have a better record on specific tasks like eradicating polio—where delivery is episodic with inbuilt exit—than on things like improving public health outcomes more generally.
Kapur proposes some explanations: understaffing of local governments, ramifications of India adopting democracy at a 'precocious' stage relative to its economic development, and the persistence of social cleavages in India by caste, gender, and religion.…
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#YearInReview Here is a snapshot of our interesting work on #policing this year!
The #COVID19 lockdown posed a unique law and order challenge, and the police were at the forefront. @_NehaSinha, @AvantiDurani, @priveda22 & @TveshaSippy curated a list of measures for #police and the prison administration during and post lockdown
Being at the forefront also posed operational and business continuity risks for the police. @_NehaSinha & @TveshaSippy addressed this risk in this blog post published by @IPF…
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#YearInReview - We shared #ideas for better #cities (1/9)

1 - The future of cities post-pandemic
2 - Resilient dense cities
3 - Managing urban expansion
4 - Better data for policy making
5 - Financial capacity of Mumbai
6 - Costs of congestion in Mumbai
7 - Lessons from Japan
1. The future of cities post-pandemic (2/9)

The pandemic poses new challenges for cities. In @BBCTheRealStory, @VaidehiTandel discussed this with Edward Glaeser from @Harvard, Astrid Haas, Policy Director from @The_IGC and @ProfMCarmona from @ucl…
2. Resilient dense cities (3/9)

@nebuer42 and @VaidehiTandel argued that density is not to be blamed for the spread of #COVIDー19 in our cities, rather, these patterns emerged from multiple factors -@htTweets…
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When our democracy was threatened, we fought back and laid the foundation to renew and strengthen our democracy in 2019. #YearInReview
We helped shape the national conversation around impeachment by authoring original legal research explaining why what President Trump did with respect to Ukraine constitutes *bribery* under the #Impeachment clause. #YearInReview Image
We scaled our voter protection software so that we're now protecting more than 100 million (!) voter registrations from improper manipulation.🗳️🔐 #YearInReview Image
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Time for a WIPAC #YearInReview! Here's a small selection of papers written by our researchers in 2019:

"A binned likelihood for stochastic models" by Carlos A. Argüelles, Austin Schneider, Tianlu Yuan.
Journal of High Energy Physics ➡…
"Monte Carlo studies for the optimisation of the Cherenkov Telescope Array layout" by CTA Collaboration.
Astroparticle Physics ➡…

"Neutrino Oscillations in a Quantum Processor" by C.A. Argüelles, B.J.P. Jones.…
"Where Are We With Light Sterile Neutrinos?" by A. Diaz, C.A. Argüelles, G.H. Collin, J.M. Conrad, M.H. Shaevitz.
Preprint ➡

"The 8-parameter Fisher-Bingham distribution on the sphere" by Tianlu Yuan.
Preprint ➡
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#YearInReview From February: Wilmot Terry Fox Run takes next step in fundraising with a new music CD…
@AllisterBradley @_seanbertram @timlouisjazz @Juneyt @NewHamburgIndy @rebeccabinn @twasnowmusic @charlenenaf @DTaylorOfficial @craignorriscbc #YearInReview In March 2019, we lost one of our most loyal and enthusiastic volunteers, Jim Dwyer. @HillRecord wrote about Jim in her Lifetimes column for @WR_Record.…
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It’s that time of the year when we look back on how India charted new pathways in #Diplomacy and left an imprint on the global agenda.
The year began with the 10th #IndiaJapan Strategic Dialogue, which provided a platform for blossoming of deep rooted ties into a special strategic & global partnership
The then Japanese Foreign Minister @konotaromp attended the summit along with the former EAM Smt. Sushma Swaraj
@konotaromp @MofaJapan_en @IndianEmbTokyo @PIB_India A World Reorder: New Geometries; Fluid Partnerships; Uncertain Outcomes.
The 4th edition of @raisinadialogue, a flagship annual geopolitical and geostrategic conference, was organised by @orfonline and @MEAIndia

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My top 5 achievements of the year. What are yours? #yearinreview #yearinreview2018
1) Speaking at a TEDx conference:
2) The opening keynote at PyBR 14 @pythonbrasil (I'm looking forward the video to be published):… #pybr14
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2018 saw mutual fund investors gain some and lose some.
1. LTCG tax hurt, but Sebi's lowering of expense ratios and reclassification helped retail investors.…
@livemint @sunitaam
2. Both equity and debt funds were under pressure in terms of performance.
@livemint @LisaPBarbora…
The life insurance sector saw changes in the product structure and health insurance got more consumer friendly.
@deeptibhaskaran @livemint
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In solidarity with rahel, as well as with the host of other @studyhallxyz writers who've been sharing their writing from this year along with rates for the purpose of #mediapayratetransparency I am finally doing my #YearInReview post. But first, a couple disclaimers:
@studyhallxyz Disclaimer 1: I don't think that working a lot or a little or producing a lot or a few articles or pieces of writing is a good metric for self worth. It is also an often ableist metric.

Disclaimer 2: I know I work an unhealthy amount. It is a socially acceptable coping mechanism
@studyhallxyz Disclaimer 3: I also am nervous about sharing my rates, because since moving to the US I've learned how taboo discussions of money are

Disclaimer 4: but I do believe in being transparent and also

Disclaimer 5: I am bad at being proud of my writing, so here's me trying that.
Read 51 tweets

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