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Jan 17th 2023
Top 15 Must watch 2022 NEW TV Shows
Now these TV Shows, premiered in 2022 for the first time (Season).

15. MoonKnight

Steven Grant and mercenary Marc Spector investigate the mysteries of the Egyptian gods from inside the same body.
#MoonKnight Image
14. The Afterparty

When a high school reunion's after-party ends in a stunning death, everyone is a suspect; a detective grills the former classmates one by one, uncovering potential motives as each tells their version of the story unveiling the shocking truth.
#Theafterparty Image
13. Shining Girls
Newspaper archivist Kirby Mazrachi's dreams of becoming a journalist are put on hold after she survives a brutal attack that leaves her in a constantly shifting reality.
#shining Image
Read 15 tweets
Jul 26th 2022
561. #OliveKitteridge (4epi)
Weird series with an interesting storyline. 
Little emotional and great performance from the lead actress
Good S1 - 3.5/5
562. #TheTerminalList (8epi)
Show started like 'punisher' series. Liked it..
But after 4 episodes, lot of lags in the middle..
Overall a fine series
S1 - 3/5
Read 4 tweets
Mar 14th 2022
That’s where the support team steps in, ready to solve them as soon as #possible .

Regarding the available channels, those range from e-mail, live chat, and telephone. In ideal scenarios, all three options are featured, making it convenient for clients to #Reacher out to the… assistance department the way it suits them the most.CROSS-PLATFORM OPTIMIZATION
With so many people accessing the desired games on their portable gadgets, no need to discuss the importance of top-quality optimization for all sorts of tablets and… smartphones. Ease of navigation and user-friendly interface are qualities particularly appreciated on tiny devices. Sometimes an app is needed for more quality performance, but more often punters can access the lobby directly from the browser and have
Read 8 tweets
Feb 4th 2022
We will be live tweeting the first episode of #Reacher! @primevideo, @alanritchson, @malcolmjgoodwin, @willafitz, @leechildreacher- you ready??
🎵I hopped off the bus at Margrave
With a dream and my…well nothing, #REACHER travels light
Scaring off the bad guys, without even saying a WORD! #legend #REACHER
Read 36 tweets
Feb 4th 2022
📺 Staying in tonight? Here's what to watch 👇…
1⃣ #Reacher on Amazon Prime Video
Arrested for a homicide he didn’t commit, Reacher sets out to find who really did the crime. Whoever’s behind it picked the wrong guy to take the fall because Reacher is almost super-human…
2⃣ Suspicion on AppleTV+
One of the most acclaimed Isareli series of the past few years was False Flag; now here’s the American remake. Uma Thurman stars as a New York businesswoman whose son is kidnapped from an upmarket hotel
Read 7 tweets

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