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Most recents (7)

Jun 2nd 2023
Dr Jesper Mehlsen - Towards a uniform treatment regimen
There is knowledge in the Pathobiology of MECFS - using that to direct treatment
Neuro inflammation and human herpes virus - removal of EBV, cmv, hhv6. ; also decrease inflammation with mono/doxy (#remissionbiome ), LDN, aripripazol, SSRI, PEA, cox 2 inhibitors; ATR1 blockers - not one size fits all
Read 8 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
Post infection consequences of neurocognition
#longcovid on a global level has shown the consequences of LC and brought attention to post viral conditions
LC clinics benefit LC patients and MECFS patients as well. Pts can be at many different phases of the post viral conditions
Read 18 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
Prof Karl J Tronstad - energy metabolism and associations to clinical data in ME
There is no unified hypothesis that everyone agrees on, but there are observations that are guiding research
Mechanism, treatments and biomarkers of #MECFS - investigating abnormalities in the clinic, biobank and lab
Read 20 tweets
Mar 31st 2023
@remissionbiome There seems to be some confusion about people thinking that they can use the #remissionbiome protocol without the antibiotics to re-set the microbiome. This will not work. 1/n
The entire program is designed around the antibiotics and the specific strains are picked for gut-brain axis metabolites. It is NOT a wellness plan for #MECFS #LongCovid. 2/n
It is not a probiotic plan for general health. It is not a gut re-set program. If you use it without the antibiotics it is going to waste your money and time. The gut preparation part is ok to use that but is the only part that does not reply on antibiotics. 3/n
Read 9 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
Tamara @chydorina & Tess @ales_frost are scientist-patients who improved from severe #MECFS after taking antibiotics

Our aim w/ is to see if modifying the microbiome or other effects of antibiotics can shift the baseline in ME/CFS
1. The idea for #remissionbiome came from us experiencing temporary remission after taking antibiotics & in Tamara’s case, probiotics. While remission was fleeting, afterwards, our baselines improved

Our aim is to recreate this event +understand it
2. There are many possible hypotheses for what might have happened during our temporary remission events, but many follow: Change in gut → mass neuroglia homeostatic event → sudden decrease in sickness response

We are continually adding ideas to
Read 9 tweets
Dec 14th 2022
Hi👋🏼This account is run by Tamara @chydrorina + Tess @ales_frost. We’re scientists+patients (yes, you can be both!), who improved from severe #MECFS after taking antibiotics

Our aim w/ #remissionbiome is to look at how modifying the microbiome can shift a person w/ME’s baseline
The idea for #remissionbiome came from both of us experiencing temporary remission, after taking a mix of antibiotics (& in Tamara’s case, probiotics). While remission was fleeting, afterwards, our baselines improved.

Our aim is to recreate this event + understand it.
We will take AmoxClav, probiotics, prebiotics, postbiotics, & exogenous ketones during our experiment.

Before, during (if a remission event happens), & after we will test with @biomesight @ProdromeScience @imyoohealth & some blood tests like TNF alpha, CMP, CBC
Read 7 tweets
Dec 12th 2022
Tamara @chydorina & Tess @ales_frost both experienced extreme, “state-change”, temporary, remission events from ME/CFS, w/⏫in baseline afterwards

#remissionbiome refers to a self-experiment to recreate the experience. 🧵 with summary.

Also here:
They will take AmoxClav, probiotics, prebiotics, postbiotics, & exogenous ketones during their experiment.

Before, during (if a remission event happens), & after they will test with @biomesight @ProdromeScience @imyoohealth & some blood tests like TNF alpha, CMP, CBC
There are many possible hypotheses for what might have happened during their temporary remission events, but many follow: Change in gut → mass neuroglia homeostatic event → sudden⏬in sickness response

They are continually adding ideas to this graphic:
Read 5 tweets

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