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Dec 5th 2022
There are many ways in which researchers & research organisations can engage with Croakey and public interest journalism to translate your research.

Follow this thread for some examples – AB.

#CroakeyFundingDrive #ResearchTranslation
As @MelissaSweetDr has tweeted this morning, one of her favourite stories of #ResearchTranslation is how @AKction2 go about it...with an important focus on involving patients in the research from the beginning! AB


Don't miss this report about the journey, work & outcomes of the AKCTION program.

The report is an example of Croakey Professional Services & editorial working with researchers – AB.

#CroakeyHealthMedia #ResearchTranslation…
Read 17 tweets
Dec 5th 2022
On #AppreciationDay, the @CroakeyNews & @CroakeyServices team sends a big shout out to @LowitjaInstitut for wide-ranging work for health and wellbeing through quality research, knowledge translation and by supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health researchers
The @LowitjaInstitut & @JanineMilera have been longstanding supporters of public interest journalism in so many ways, including as a #HealthEquityStar member of the Croakey Funding Consortium Image
The connections between public interest journalism and research translation are many; something @MegBastard will explore tomorrow as part of the #CroakeyFundingDrive. Don't miss this new Pathways to Research toolkit… Image
Read 10 tweets
Dec 4th 2022
Good morning! @AlisonSBarrett from @CroakeyNews here.

The inaugural #CroakeyFundingDrive officially kicks off today with a week-long program of activities.

We will be tweeting from @WePublicHealth during the week to share why supporting public interest journalism is important. Image
Firstly, I would like to acknowledge that I live and work on the lands of the Kaurna people & pay my respects to Elders past and present – AB.


Photo: Karra Wirra Parri/ River Torrens Linear Park Image
The first activity of the #CroakeyFundingDrive will be a Twitter #AppreciationDay

Today, we would like to thank Croakey supporters.

We will be sharing and acknowledging the work of our funding consortium members throughout the day – AB.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 3rd 2021
Thread to follow giving overview of new papers from @bmj_latest special collection: '#Covid19: The road to equity and solidarity' cc @CroakeyNews #PMAC2021 @baumfran @WePublicHealth
The collection explores political economy of the response, role of international institutions, overwhelmed health systems, #SDOH, value of indices of preparedness, need for all countries to act together to reduce inequality, protect health, and act on climate #PMAC2021
"As we move forward, it is vital that we explore the drivers of the pandemic, learn from the global response, and become more prepared for the future." Also, you can watch the launch featuring various authors, inc @baumfran #PMAC2021 #HealthEquity
Read 53 tweets

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