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Mar 28th 2020
1/ 🚨🚨🚨

Potter is an elected official who has access to millions of dollars - but as the @MontereyHerald reported - when @JoeLivernois & @Calkins_Royal were in charge - he wasn’t a great businessman.

But LH set up a trust to help him get his Casa in the CCBTS. Easy.


Now his job, when he isn’t performing his duties as Mayor of #Carmel, is lobbying for the billion dollar #marijuana business.

Convenient. Friends in #high places.

@mcgreevy99 has written extensively (@latimes) about the 420 industry and allegations of #publiccorruption

in #LosAngeles and #SantaBarbara county.

We know the County of San Luis Obispo was just raided under the authority of a sealed federal search warrant investigation (*reported* by @CalCoastNews )looking into #paytoplay - involving their elected board of supervisors - in
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