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Jan 13th 2020
📣 OK FOLKS, with Trump's latest whopper, time to dust off the #3LeggedStool one more time. Again, this is what the ACA's 3-legged stool looked like when it originally passed. The blue leg on the left = the Pre-Existing Condition protections (& other consumer protections): 1/
Unfortunately, as with any major piece of legislation impacting millions of people and billions of dollars, there were some legitimate problems with the original structure which have never been addressed due to political resistance. 5 major ones in my view are shown here. 2/
Basically, subsidies aren't robust enough and cut off too low on the income scale; high deductibles are still a big problem; the mandate penalty wasn't robust enough to be fully effective; and the minimum network requirement isn't strong enough. All of these COULD be fixed... 3/
Read 6 tweets
Oct 28th 2019
📣 IMPORTANT: The Dem POTUS candidates seem to be bogged down in a #M4All vs. #PublicOption debate...but EITHER of those would take several years to get passed, signed, implemented & ramped up. In the meantime, the #ACA itself desperately needs to be protected & strengthened. 1/
Robust #ACA2.0 bills have been introduced by both @HouseDemocrats (#HR1868 / #HR1884) *and* @SenateDems (#S1213, aka #CHIPA), and either of them could be implemented almost immediately upon signing.

Yet there's been little movement on either of these since last spring. 2/
Therefore, as we enter the 2020 #ACA Open Enrollment Period, I'll also be launching my next Big Wonky Healthcare Data Project: How Much Would #ACA2.0 Save YOU?

I intend on running the numbers & posting tables & graphs for EVERY. SINGLE. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. 3/
Read 10 tweets

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