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Feb 4th 2022
“There is no ban on abortion in Islam. There is no ban on abortion at any point for any reason by any method.” -@rkidvai, @reprolegalfund @queercrescent #SamanthaBee
“In Judaism abortion is permitted and where the pregnant persons life is at stake, it’s required because the health and well-being of the pregnant person comes first.” @TheRaDR @NCJW #samanthabee
Read 10 tweets
Jun 1st 2018
THREAD: To be clear, the #SamanthaBee story is a distraction (as was the #Roseanne story.) But given that I blog/tweet about feminism, I feel the need to comment. /1
I'll start by saying, I never use the "C-word" (writing it this way feels stupid- but I actually don't even usually say it). I think it's vile and angry and when used by men, always has a menace/threat involved (in the US- I understand in the UK it's used more often.) /2
I wouldn't have used the word. But I actually know a lot of feminists who do- in an attempt to reclaim it and take back some power (see Nasty Woman t shirts) I see Samantha Bee in that vein. I don't agree with it & cringe every time she uses it. /3
Read 28 tweets
May 31st 2018
Do @AdamSchiffCA and @SenWarren care to comment about their buddy #SamanthaBee calling a woman, mother and public servant a “feckless c**t” and telling her to dress like a hooker? The same woman who’s currently working on #PrisonReform cc: @TBSNetwork @TheDemocrats
Is that your office #AdamSchiff as your constituent please answer why this is okay? Though it’s something you probably wish you could say yourself that’s why I’m voting for @Johnny_Congress #FullOfSchiff #TakeBackCalifornia
Dear @BarackObama and @madeleine do you condone calling women “feckless c**ts” and telling them to dress like hookers? #AskingForAFriend
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