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Mar 17th 2020
So the Great Province of Alberta has hopes of passing the budget this week with an increased Healthcare Budget.....
.....There is only one gigantic problem: What about the 11,000 fired Doctors? What about the Radiologists and their Cancelled Contract? What about the upcoming Nursing Layoffs? Especially in the very midst of a global pandemic???
Care to respond to this @jkenney ? Oh I forgot.....someone already has your balls in their hand and controls you, your staff and the rest of your cabinet.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 7th 2020
It’s funny how @jkenney and the @Alberta_UCP backtracks about the budget!
Kenney ditching the balanced budget narrative real quick UCPers expected the NDP to perform miracles Premier Jason Kenney says the novel coronavirus outbreak is hammering Albertas economy & may force his government to abandon its core election promise to balance the books by 2023
It does appear based on all evidence right now that there is a significant global economic downturn beginning right now Kenney said Friday at an announcement in Morinville, Alta.
Read 16 tweets
Mar 2nd 2020
From Facebook: Mary Lou

Yesterday I found out that I’m losing my dream job 💔

By the end of this school year, my team no longer exists under the new UCP education budget. I am a Mental Health Therapist (Peace Collaborative Services - PCS) for kindergarten to grade 12 students.
I’ve never felt this strongly connected to a job before. My heart is so invested and I come home every day feeling so blessed and fulfilled ... ask my husband who puts up with the chronic mushiness when he asks about my day!
It’s an incredible role and so many students rely on these services. Parents often have difficulty taking time out of their work day to take their child to a mental health appointment.
Read 19 tweets

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