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Apr 20th 2023
1/ Hey, @ElectionsAB: It seems Albertans are getting messages from a Stephen Harper regarding the Alberta election. Mr. Harper is not a candidate. He is currently Chair of IDU, an international body that seeks to influence elections around the world.

That current position puts
2/ his activity firmly in the realm of foreign influence. Yes, he's a former PM but NOW he's an international political operative and he has no business trying to influence an Alberta election.

I encourage anyone who receives such messages to report it to @ElectionsAB and the
3/ appropriate federal authorities. Also report it to your MP, since Ottawa is trying to figure out how to orevent foreign influence on our elections. Let them know the IDU Chair has contacted you.

Don't forget: this man used Albertans to get to power, then did nothing for them.
Read 9 tweets
May 10th 2022
Re: court decision today. The thing that gets me about this is Bill C-69 is to ensure projects are evaluated to protect public health, the environment, and neighbouring communities. Who could be against protecting these things? 1/8 #AbLeg #anpoli #UCPCorruption
So when the UCP says C-69 will make sure there are no more pipelines built, they are saying that O&G production/shipping is inherently too dangerous for health, environment & communities to pass the evaluation process, right? 2/8
But if you look at it objectively, surely people's health, the health of the planet, is slightly more important than making money for Shell or Husky, isn't it? O&G provides jobs, but fewer and fewer the more automation takes over. 3/8
Read 9 tweets
Mar 23rd 2022
In Canada, wealthy families can place their children in expensive elite segregated schools to prevent them from getting to know the poor, and to shield them from the knowledge that the rich aren’t actually better than the poor.

Will you demand an end to school segregation?
In Alberta, the government subsidizes these elite segregated schools to the tune of hundreds of millions every year.

This is the cancer that feeds generations of Conservative children that they are better than; and more deserving than the poor.


In spite of the gross advantage and welfare granted for the wealthy, it isn’t enough for Jason Kenney. He sees secular education as an obstacle to Conservative domination over society.


Read 15 tweets
Mar 3rd 2022
Understand that Alberta is an oligarchy.

Sure things here might not be quite as bad as Russia or parts of the US, but that doesn’t make the way our petro-state oligarchy runs okay.

#ableg #cdnpoli
Government officials frequently wear hoodies declaring their loyalty to #oilandgas oligarchs.

It’s pathetic how out-in-the-open this is, yet people do nothing. Image
This relationship means hundreds-of-millions-of-dollars are transferred from the public to private hands every year in the name of #oilandgas.

Read 14 tweets
Sep 13th 2021
Just as a side note, speaking about fake nurse orgs, the corrupt UCP also setup a fake nurses account.. this account is liked and followed by many matts and is run by Anne Jordan, an architect in the kamikaze scheme
#FireTheUCP #ableg #UCPCorruption #UCPGaslighting #abpoli Image
And @Ella_Henry added more context to Anne's involvement with the kamikaze fraud here
Read 7 tweets
Aug 26th 2021
@CPC_HQ 1/ In Alberta, Conservatives don't believe in lifting everyone up. They reduced minimum wage for the young, increased tuition, are wanting rollbacks - retroactive - for HCW and PSE. They overpay their Con racist pals, increase corporate welfare and reduce accountability.
@CPC_HQ 2/ And @jkenney is your pal, and just like you. He made promises too. He broke them. He canceled contracts just because the previous govt made them - politicking, not governing. He gambled and list - billiins of $ and thousands of lives.

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #UCPcorruption
@CPC_HQ @jkenney 3/ Like you, he surrounded himself with incompetent ideologues. People who don't understand ethics and who break the law.

That's what we saw even before he was elected. Like you and your lawbreaking Willy Wonka meme, your defaming Senator, your racist MPs.

@CPC_HQ is like
Read 6 tweets
Aug 18th 2021
A thread about politicians and Ethics Commissioners.

The recently released AB Ethics Commissioner's report on whether or not the Minister of Education @AdrianaLaGrange acted inappropriately in the procurement process for masks has sparked reactions that suggest some background
2/ would help people understand the import better.

Starting with the creation of the Office of the Wthics Commissioner by the PCAA govt led by Don Getty.

It was the last year of his premiership. He had already given us Family Day - one day a year to prevent our children from
3/ becoming criminals. That's a different story, though.

In 1991 the legislation was introduced, in 1992 the Ethics Commissioner was appointed on April Fool's Day. (And Conservative govts have treated it as a joke ever since.) By 1993 it was a fully operational office.
Read 18 tweets
Jul 18th 2021
A blanket of smoke is covering #Alberta today.

Climate change events like this are becoming more frequent. So here is a short thread on air quality.

#cdnpoli #ableg #abpoli…
Right now there are air quality advisories across the province.

Health Canada uses a 1-10 scale where 1 is nice clean air and 10 is a like a #Conservative government in your lungs.

Alberta uses the same scale.🔗

#ableg #cdnpoli #absmoke ImageImageImage
A 1-10 scale is beautiful in it’s simplicity, but it also fails to communicate what’s really going ok with air pollution.…🔗

@environmentca does offer explanations for these numbers, but you have to go looking for them. Image
Read 24 tweets
Jul 11th 2021

Women of many of us are OK with the 'new shuffle'?! There are a huge list of reasons I'm angry with the whole 'shuffle' but this? THIS?? Women are ALREADY disregarded and tossed aside by this UCP but this (AND our Nurses)?!
Not ONLY do we, AB WOMEN, NOT HAVE a FULL Minister (of the Status of Women) but the Assoc Min, is overseen by a white, religious fantic, and Kenney-worshipping MAN!

ARE we ok with this??


I know I am so NOT ok with this disgusting

DISGUSTING show of the misogyny live and well in our AB Province and UCP! We already know the MASSIVE impact financially (among others), this pandemic has had on AB Women. Are YOU sick and tired of this complete BS too?? I personally don't have the knowledge
Read 8 tweets
Jun 16th 2021
I'm going to try to live tweet the #GreenLine meeting with the #UCP members...

I've never really done this before, they talk faster than I can type.

#ableg #yyccc
Ric McIver starts by introducing the project. He emphasizes that "this is the city's project"

"It's not our project, it's the city's project"

he repeats.

#yyc #yyccc #GreenLine
Question: why has the project been delayed?

McIver: The delays are the city's fault.
Read 31 tweets
Jun 7th 2021
1/ As knives come out in UCP over the Sky Palace Dinner, let's spare a moment to think about how none of these MLAs broke ranks over racism, over moneylaundering, identity theft, election fraud, harassment, homophobia, attacks on the poor, the war on MDs, the

#abpoli #ableg
2/ hijacking of ATRF, the shenanigans to pervert #abpse, the compulsive lying, the widespread incompetence, the abuses of democracy - none of those were enough to make the UCP MLAs take a stand on principle.

But the Sky Palace Dinner does.

Because it's about showing the public
3/ the government's entitlement. It isn't about ideology and policy - which most Albertans seem not to mind - but about character.

Redford was seduced by it. Prentice was seduced by it. Both started with seeming genuine intention of serving Alberta, but seemed to lose their way
Read 13 tweets
May 27th 2021
Why do this? Why invite the possibility of variants from everywhere in the world?

Stampede is Kenney’s last best chance for more social murder before the population is fully vaccinated.

Voting Conservative has consequences.

#ableg #UCPcorruption #Stampede
Hold on, what’s “social murder?”

Social murder is what happens when a society permits conditions that lead to an earlier death of people in a given socio-economic group or class. #ableg #onpoli #cdnpoli

@DennisRaphael01 explains here:…
Wait, that sounds a bit like Conservative policy. 🤔

“The current conservative policy environment has made our society less healthy, more dangerous, less stable and more unequal.”

via @CrimeandJustice
#ableg #cdnpoli #ukpoli…🔗
Read 15 tweets
May 16th 2021
It’a time to take notice of what’s happening in Nova Scotia.

“[Anti-maskers are] nothing more than an alt-right group that wants to protest things like science.”

@IainTRankin, Premier of NS.

Why are other leaders hesitant to say this?


On May 14th, the Nova Scotia Supreme Court granted an injunction to "prevent Freedom Nova Scotia and similar groups from staging illegal gatherings in defiance of Nova Scotia's public health orders."

I'm so envious. 😭

#nspoli #cdnpoli #COVIDIOTS…
Yesterday NS was arresting people FOR ATTENDING an anti-mask rally.

Read 22 tweets
May 15th 2021
This coming from the guy who has threatened the livelihoods of every healthcare worker in the province, while @shandro yells at doctors in their driveways, & who’s policies have prompted hundreds of doctors to close their practice &/or relocate. In a pandemic.

#abhealth #ableg
Sources to support claims to follow:

#ableg #abhealth #covid19ab #shandemic
“Health Minister Tyler Shandro said the UCP government would rip up the existing contract and impose changes to billing and compensation after talks with the Alberta Medical Association broke down.”

via @DrewPAnderson, Feb, 2020

#abpoli #abhealth…
Read 17 tweets
Apr 22nd 2021
Last time this guy went to McMahon stadium, he was wearing an “I heart oil” hoodie and got booed.

#ableg #cdnpoli #BoycottUCPdonors
“Kenney didn’t exactly get the response he wanted from the crowd at McMahon Stadium either. His introduction was followed by a round of “boos.””

#ableg #cfl #BoycottUCPdonors…
“Those boos could have been because Mr. Kenney was dressed like dweeb in a lame “I-heart-mapleleaf-oil-&-gas” bunnyhug, thereby “politicizing” one of the sacred rituals of Canadian professional sports.”

Read 8 tweets
Apr 15th 2021
Gentle reminder: if you want Conservatives out of office, your fight is also with the businesses that support them.

The Left tends to be a bit optimistic in thinking that the Right will play fair. They will not.

The rich will do whatever they can to block the Left.

If you're new to the party & happen to be a hockey fan, make sure you follow the money to see what your team is doing with your support.

In Alberta, @NHL teams are owned by billionaires who use their wealth to back Conservatives like Jason Kenney.

And if you ever see someone wear or flaunt an "I heart oil" hoodie, sweatshirt, hat, or bumper sticker, they've either been brainwashed or gaslit into harming you and your kids.

Oil and gas doesn't love you back.


Read 25 tweets
Jan 26th 2021
#JasonKenney decided to pose with a piece of paper.

#ABleg #ABpoli #cdnpoli Image
I have a feeling I’ll be using this one A LOT. #ABleg #ABpoli #cdnpoli #JasonKenney #UCPcorruption Image
For those of you with smartphone or desktop photoshop skills, here’s the blank version #JasonKenney conveniently posed with. #SignsOfJasonKenney
Read 7 tweets
Jan 22nd 2021
Feeling a bit of outrage fatigue. I know UCP likes to make digs about ‘the angry left’ (ie everyone who doesn’t support them or believe their lies), and maybe they’re trying to bombard us with their screw-ups until we’re numb to it all, but it’s ALL justified. 1/11
While we’ve been watching Kenney immolate what’s left of his credibility as a ‘leader’ over this Keystone XL debacle, it’s easy to forget that it’s only 10 days since we found out about the veto AIMCo will have over ATRF’s direction on how to invest hijacked pension funds. 2/11
It’s only 3 weeks since Kenney first tried to absolve his MLAs of blame in their hypocritical Christmas vacations, and less than that since he kicked a minister out of cabinet and another MLA out of caucus. 9 of them travelled. 5/11
Read 12 tweets
Jan 12th 2021
'This whole thing STINKS' - Mayor Craig Snodgrass from the @TownOfHighRiver talking about the @UCPCaucus decision to recisnd the 1976 coal policy without consultation with #Albertans last night in council meeting.

#WaterNotCoal #StopGrassyMountain #ableg #UCPcorruption
He also discussed the lack of transparency, environmental concerns, royalties, etc. The council then unanimously voted to send a letter to @jkenney requesting the IMMEDIATE reinstatement of the coal policy and which was rescinded on June 1 , 2020.
Further more, requesting that the Government Of Alberta
begin public consultation with Indigenous groups, Environmental Groups and all Albertans on any proposed revisions or replacement of this policy.
THANK YOU Mayor and council of @TownOfHighRiver!
Read 13 tweets
Jan 10th 2021
I took a drive down the 22 yesterday to check out a #monolith that popped up in the Crowsnest Pass area! Went to investigate, left realizing the @UCPCaucus is likely involved, in a bad way, as usual

More in thread 🔽

#FiretheUCP #ableg #WaterNotCoal #Alberta
If you haven't driven down the 22, it is gorgeous - rolling foothills, streams cutting through picturesque ranch land, and a rugged mountain landscape background. Near Maycroft provincial park, right near the Crowsnest pass is where this thing stands, approx. 12 feet tall.
It sounds like the Tin Man from Oz when you knock on it and looks to be made of shiny sheet metal. Seems to be mounted firmly into the ground, with no visible supports
Read 20 tweets
Jan 3rd 2021
With #ResignKenney continuing to trend, I want to talk a bit about what realistic options Albertans have for holding this govt accountable.

Let's be clear about one thing - there is no way Kenney will choose to resign. There are, however, other ways to take down a leader [1/8]
that has lost the moral authority to govern.

The typical process is to simply vote their party out in the next election. Unfortunately, the next #abvote is not until spring 2023, so w/ their legislative majority, we are likely stuck with the UCP for another 2 full years [2/8]

That doesn't mean it isn't possible to force an election sooner or remove Kenney as Premier! Let's talk about how this could work.

There are 2 feasible scenarios, both of which involve UCP MLA's breaking ranks with their party.

To force an early election, we [3/8]
Read 10 tweets
Nov 11th 2020
If you can help @HarvestHillsYYC Please do. They're unfairly being targeted by UCP Conservative Party Trolls & are being harassed by people who are going after their organization.
They've even gone as far as demanding Jenn retract any & all statements she made in regards to being critical of the current Alberta Government.

We are indeed dealing with a cruel & heartless government.
These EVERYDAY heroes, are the very people that are stepping up & filling the GAP that our government is refusing to fill.

The @Alberta_UCP can't see the damage that is being done to the province that I & others love so much. From Doctors to Parks, Everything is being attacked.
Read 12 tweets
Oct 28th 2020
1/ This Stasi-level behaviour should be national #cdnpoli news. First, background:

In the middle of a pandemic, @shandro and @UCPCaucus have torn up the contract with AMA, deny bargaining rights and issue orders through bulletins that limit MD billings.

#abpoli #ableg
2/ While Shandro and UCP propagandists like @SteveBuick2 @tarajago @MattWolfAB insist MDs aren't leaving, the docs are posting goodbye notices and pictures of their moving vans.

Then they decide to attack health care laundry workers who are on the govt payroll. Plan to fire them
3/ all and contract private companies. Their financial projections don't make sense - besides, we already had the dishonesty of the Klein govt, whose claims of overspending on health care wete proven completely bogus - and then Klein ordered a coverup.
(see "Shredding the Public
Read 15 tweets

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