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Apr 14th 2023
I hereby call on the @nytimes to STOP their print media business NOW.

NYT murders trees to print newspapers at 27 locations which take a trip (by truck/plane), sometimes thousands of miles, burning fossil fuels & trees all the way.

Let’s dive deeper 🧵…
The average paid print Sunday circulation of the New York Times was 745,000 copies in 2022. In 2012, it was 2,138,500. So let’s conservatively call it 1 million per Sunday on average. That’s 52 MILLION papers per year on Sunday alone!…
In 2022, the average weekday print circulation of @nytimes was approximately 310,000 copies, less than half the figure recorded in 2014. But to be nice, let’s say 400,000 papers per “week day” (Monday-Saturday). That’s 2.4 MILLION papers per week!…
Read 20 tweets
Nov 7th 2022
Hempcrete was approved for Residential Buildings! Building Code will feature Hemp-Lime (Hempcrete) was approved as a non-structural wall infill system Hemp Home Design Collection by Scotty additional building code and info:…
Here is a video that highlights the reduced lumber requirements for building with hempcrete: #Sustainable #SustainableHomeBuilding #EnergyEfficient #CarbonNegative #Agriculture #FarmRaised #SaveTheTrees
#Hempcrete Building Code approval applies to one- or two-family dwellings and townhouses plus should increase the availability of hemp-based building materials and facilitate greener construction projects around the U.S. source: #Gangapreneur
Read 14 tweets
Jan 11th 2022
A citizen's vision on the future of the global trade finance industry and some of the main players leading the 4th Industrial Revolution in the global supply chain🌎⛓️

This is a technical deep-dive thread on regulated technology initiatives

#globaltrade #Finance #DLT #fintech
Digitalization of documents will automate and remove the mess and expense of paper (eTRs). It will also create an auditable fraud detectable ledger of transactions in which will collect big data that AI can learn from to improve efficiency
#DLT #Blockchain
Digital documents create a "Digital Twin" that is fully trackable through the lifecycle of the trade documents journey. Paper documents could not do this.

This will allow ports and shipping companies to see where their items are in transit and what to expect

#Supplychain #dDOC
Read 21 tweets
Feb 27th 2021
Day6 at #SaveTheTree #SaveYorkGardens The 100 year old rare black poplar T68 is due to be felled to make way for an electrical cable. @thameswater @TaylorWimpey @wandbc @UKPowerNetworks Details below. Image
For those of you who want some background blurb.
The trees you can see here would be about 30 years in the future, lovely light, lots of trees, people sunning themselves. It is a common visual trick used by developers. 'Artistic licence' Image
The #tree in question is this one, T68. It would be right in the middle of the new open space area. Image
Read 19 tweets

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