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Aug 23rd 2022
1/7 🚀We’re thrilled to share that the @SpectralFi App V0.3.0 is available in Open Beta!…

You can now compute your #Web3 creditworthiness or #MACROScore, a cutting-edge machine-learning-based credit-risk model.

What’s the problem we’re solving? 🧵
2/7 Credit scoring should be trustless and globally accessible. We believe it is a public good.

@SpectralFi builds upon @ethereum ’s innovations and sets out to achieve the same goal for programmable creditworthiness and reputation that #Ethereum did for programmable money.
3/7 How are we solving this?

1️⃣ @SpectralFi App: on-chain credit Scores
(aka #MACROScore) for web3 users

2️⃣ Spectral API: programmable creditworthiness for builders

3️⃣ Decentralized #Scoracle Network (Credit Risk #Oracle): crowd-sourced #ML platform for data scientists
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