Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #oracle

Most recents (24)

Jun 13th 2023
Here for @AMD DC event. Starts at 10am PT, follow this thread along with the stream!🧵

I expect to see @LisaSu, Mark Papermaster, Forrest Norrod, and Victor Peng on stage talking about #AI, #Bergamo, and #MI300… Image
I'm with these goobers!
@dylan522p @PaulyAlcorn @Patrick1Kennedy Image
Lisa on stage
Read 90 tweets
May 30th 2023
Why #Arbitrum could be next big winner in crypto 🚀

Don't miss out 👇 Image

➡️ Arbitrum's TVL soared to $2.3B, making it the 4th largest chain in #crypto.

➡️ Users and investors are trusting and adopting it.

➡️ Stablecoin value grew by $500M in just 2 months since launch.

➡️ The demand is increasing rapidly⚡️ Image

➡️ With over 600K active users, #Arbitrum surpasses #Optimism and approaches #Solana

➡️ It's popular and valuable in the #Cryptocommunity

➡️ Arbitrum maintains the highest liquidity among Layer 2 solutions

➡️ It ensuring smooth transactions and a great user experience Image
Read 10 tweets
May 22nd 2023
1/ Hey frends! Have you heard the news? @PythNetwork is now officially live on the @injective #mainnet, bringing a whole new level of possibilities for #dApps and the #Injective community!
Let's dive into what this integration means and how it impacts the world of #DeFi🌐
#INJ Image
Pyth is an #oracle network that revolutionizes the way real-world data is brought #onchain
Through its innovative low-latency pull oracle design, Pyth publishes continuous real-world #data, inc. prices, for various markets spanning equities, #commodities, forex pairs & #crypto
With this integration, #Injective #dApps now have seamless access to #Pyth's #onchain #data, empowering #developers and users alike to leverage real-world #asset information within the #blockchain environment. This is a game-changer for Injective's #ecosystem! 🆙
Read 13 tweets
Apr 23rd 2023
Join us for the 3rd episode of our cosmic adventure through the @Entanglefi multiverse! 🚀

Get an in-depth look at the protocol's unique approach & discover the innovative liquidity solutions it brings to DeFi

#DeFi #LSD #Omnichain #ReHash

/1 Image
Before we move forward, please note that this thread merely aims to share our understanding of the topic and should not be taken as financial advice.

Disclosure: This post is under a partnership with the @Entanglefi team

/2 Image
Table of Contents
🟣 What is Entangle?
🟣 Synthetic Vaults
🟣 How SV work
🟣 Distributed Oracle Solution
🟣 Entangle Blockchain
🟣 High-level overview of Entangle Products
🟣 Use-Cases
🟣 Revenue Model
🟣 $ENTGL Token
🟣 Development Roadmap
🟣 References

/3 Image
Read 19 tweets
Apr 13th 2023
#Amazon uruchamia #Bedrock, w 'Wydarzeniach' #Polsat'u mamy specjalistów od #AI, także trend chyba jeszcze nie umiera 😅

Dzisiaj podzielę się z Wami projektami z koszyka #krypto AI które moim zdaniem należy obserwować.

zapraszam na wątek🧵👇
1/20 Image

Rzekomo nazywany "#Google'm kryptowalut", to protokół indeksowania umożliwiający przeszukiwanie wiodących blockchainów. Każdy może budować i publikować otwarte interfejsy #API, wywoływać podgrafy, co umożliwia łatwy dostęp do danych. Image

Celem ogólnym projektu jest umożliwienie konsumentom pozyskiwania usług sztucznej inteligencji od różnych agentów AI na platformie, umożliwiając każdemu dostęp do technologii AI lub uczestnictwo w jej rozwoju. Image
Read 20 tweets
Feb 9th 2023
AI is transforming the tech industry and #TRON is at the forefront of this revolution with its #AI-oriented integrations.

- Oracle Services
- Investment Management Tools
- Payment Infrastructure
- Content Creation
#TRON is embracing #AI to re-imagine how information is disseminated across #Oracle services and #Investment management tools.
AI Oracle Services + #TRON
@WinkLink_Oracle will be integrating #AI oracle services and provide the most accurate on-chain data for users.

- Systems learn what data is requested the most and models are updated based on that information
Read 7 tweets
Jan 10th 2023
Like seriously, #Crypto bois

Where in any way shape or form do you use one single network today?

Or are you even aware of any network or security protocols you use frictionlessly?

This evolution is happening for public networks, but not the wild West…
It's been failure and rugs one after another for years on years, with few successful adopted networks with utility tokens, like #Ethereum

Which is why $qnt is #erc20 for its utility functions, why wouldn't it be on the most popular network.

There's a necessity to " leap frog " 2 decades of friction and limited #interoperability to arrive where we need to be to achieve true real time digital assets across jurisdictions.

Leading solutions as discussed via #WEF, are #API #Gateways

Read 14 tweets
Jan 4th 2023
Overledgers aim is to solve #interoperability via API gateways, also with the work alongside #MIT and many others (like #intel) to solve this via the IETF proposal- #SATP

Secure Asset Transfer Protocol.

Overledger as a SATP compliant gateway utilises $QNT for all usage.
As pictured above it shows many industries that will benefit from a hyper connected network of networks across many verticals.

Lets take one of these and pretend Blockchain Platform ABC123 is utilising Overledger for their offering.

(Or like #Oracle) $Qnt.
Overledger enables their platform to offer multichain applications that can operate on private, public and legacy networks.

(Like SIA, and an application called Spunta)

Read 8 tweets
Jan 2nd 2023
What did your shitcoin do in 2022.

The Quant token was one of the strongest gaining assets in the world for a period of time.

No inflation, extreme distribution, mega adoption.

#sia #nexi


2023 #LATAM$

$Qnt Vs $Btc
Read 7 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
@chainlink is one of the most important, yet least understood, pillars of the #crypto ecosystem

It currently serves a vital role for DeFi, NFTs and L1s/L2s, and may ultimately be the unifying layer of #Web3

Here’s why $LINK token has the potential to 50x to 100x


🧵 Image

Chainlink is a “decentralized oracle network” that allows blockchains to connect to real-world data (we’ll explain this in a second)

It has a market cap of $3.6B, FDV of $7.2B and its $LINK token trades at $7.15

During the last #crypto bull market, the price exceeded $50

This thread will cover the following:

• What is an oracle?

• What problem does Chainlink solve?

• How does it work?

• What is Chainlink 2.0?

• Who are the key players in the ecosystem?

• What are its #tokenomics?

• What’s the potential value of #LINK?
Read 41 tweets
Nov 21st 2022
@MetisDAO announced that @LayerZero_Labs is officially live on Metis Goerli Testnet👀

What exactly is Layer0 and how does it help the Metis?
Let's find out🧐

Professor #bullEtin, you have the floor🐂

#Metis #ETH #omnichain #LAYERZERO #DeFi #Layer2 #CROSSCHAIN Image
First and foremost, I would like to inform everyone that the LayerZero does not conduct any token giveaways, presales, testnet with prizes, or similar activities.🥺

Testnet is only for developers, beware of scammers❌

#Metis #omnichain #LayerZero #Defi #crosschain
#LayerZero is an Omnichain Interoperability Protocol that allows direct communication between any other chains.

We frequently hear about bridge hacks, people losing a lot of money, and the Layer0 is designed to solve this problem, so it is not called a bridge killer for nothing.
Read 15 tweets
Nov 1st 2022

🔸What is Blockchain Technology
🔸10 x Great Blockchain Companies to Invest in

We dive deeper into this in the thread below
What Is Blockchain Technology?

It is a type of database that is both public & decentralized

Each “block” in a blockchain is a data structure & is recognized by a cryptographic “hash” and timestamp

It is almost impossible to alter/delete anything that has already been added
The blocks make up the chain & the data they contain is kept in a public database

Blocks include information on a transaction, such as cost/date/time & the digital signatures of those involved

Info on the blockchain can be accessed by anybody
Read 21 tweets
Oct 5th 2022
#Polkadot#Cosmos 同樣都是被標籤為跨鏈的需求,他們差在哪?這應該是最多人在問,也是我一開始最有疑惑的地方,但是在我更近一步理解 #Polkadot 的系統設計之後,更能夠理解這兩者是天壤之別
以前,我執著的點是大家都在用 #Ethererum ,為何還要用平行鏈接一堆小鏈?只是為了跨鏈資料交換,為何 #Polkadot 要做成這麼龐大的專案?

確實了解 Polkadot 這個概念之後就覺得果然自己眼光太短淺,而且對於 Polkadot 這個一體成型的超大架構設計,只能用五體投地來形容。
首先 #Cosmos 本身更專注在處理跨鏈資料本身的交換,也就是不同鏈上的資料交換方式。 而 Polkadot 則是想利用平行鏈的方式來處理跨鏈的需求。 而這個就是兩者最大的差異,對 #Polkadot 來說,跨鏈只是一種附帶成果,而不是目的。
Read 8 tweets
Sep 26th 2022
The Biden admin and #TikTok have drafted a preliminary agreement to resolve national security concerns but face hurdles over the terms, as the platform negotiates to keep operating in the United States without major changes to its ownership structure.…
I've written previously about what the threats of #TikTok are to democratic societies for @SecureDemocracy.

There are two main ones:
1⃣ Data exfiltration
2⃣ Information manipulation

So far, policy efforts such as via #CFIUS have focused chiefly on 1⃣ .… Image
And for @lawfareblog on what the US and its democratic partners -- many of whom like Australia🇦🇺 have raised and continue to raise similar concerns -- should be doing.…
Read 8 tweets
Sep 20th 2022
New to #Algorand? Check out all these videos to get you up to speed!

Heads up, this thread may be absurdly long!


🧵 1/ Image
Let’s start with #Algorand #DEX’s

@pact_fi interview:

@HumbleDefi interview:

@AlgodexOfficial interviews: ,

Older @HumbleDefi interview:

@algofiorg ⬇️
🧵 2/
Onto #Algorand #Lending protocols! (And @AlgoFoundation #defi governance options)

@FolksFinance interview:

@algofiorg interviews: ,

@algogard interview:


🧵 3/
Read 22 tweets
Sep 19th 2022
The relationship between the #EthereumMerge and #DeFi is a fascinating case study for a changing economic ecosystem.💎

And @variantfund's Twitter Space dove deep into how the #merge affects #DeFi.✨

Here is the summarized version:👇
The space was conducted by @variantfund and @eulerfinance.⚡

@spencernoon, @gham1lt0n and @Derekmw23 represented Variant.💰

@MacroMate8, or Seraphim, the head of risk at Euler, was the Euler side's representative.👑

@variantfund @eulerfinance @spencernoon @gham1lt0n @Derekmw23 @MacroMate8 @MacroMate8 first laid out what the long-term focus of @eulerfinance would be.👀

Euler will focus more on #Oracle technology to improve smart contracts.💎

This is why the #Euler team has added @chainlink support to the ecosystem.🤝

Read 13 tweets
Aug 31st 2022
🥁Ta-da! The long-waited report on #Oracle from IOSG is here! Fresh-baked still searing! Let's unveil it together!
🧶Enjoy your threads

📍… Image
/1 What is oracle❓
Oracle is the bridge and window of on-chain and off-chain data and the aggregator of real world elements like data, info, asset, credit. In short, oracle is a middleware providing real-world data services for blockchain projects.
/2 Why significant❓
Oracle can be essentially referred to as the “trust-maintenance machine”. More trust is needed to be fed in from the oracle and the vast majority of blockchain projects cannot survive without oracles because it will directly make them blind.
Read 13 tweets
Aug 27th 2022

When #cryptocurrency projects distribute their native #tokens straight to their customers' wallets.

[#web3 glossary thread]

Important or insider knowledge, notably about the value of #digital assets such as #cryptocurrencies and #NFTs; a measure of an investment's return over and above that of the market or other benchmark.

[#web3 glossary thread]

Formerly used to describe any #cryptocurrency that wasn't #Bitcoin; however, #altcoin is now used to describe any new cryptocurrency with a low market valuation.

[#web3 glossary thread]
Read 102 tweets
Aug 23rd 2022
1/7 🚀We’re thrilled to share that the @SpectralFi App V0.3.0 is available in Open Beta!…

You can now compute your #Web3 creditworthiness or #MACROScore, a cutting-edge machine-learning-based credit-risk model.

What’s the problem we’re solving? 🧵
2/7 Credit scoring should be trustless and globally accessible. We believe it is a public good.

@SpectralFi builds upon @ethereum ’s innovations and sets out to achieve the same goal for programmable creditworthiness and reputation that #Ethereum did for programmable money.
3/7 How are we solving this?

1️⃣ @SpectralFi App: on-chain credit Scores
(aka #MACROScore) for web3 users

2️⃣ Spectral API: programmable creditworthiness for builders

3️⃣ Decentralized #Scoracle Network (Credit Risk #Oracle): crowd-sourced #ML platform for data scientists
Read 7 tweets
Jul 26th 2022
Feeling spicy today $Qnt

#IETF114 #SAT #MIT #IBM #INTEL @quant_network

Secure Asset Transfer Protocol

Feeling spicy today $Qnt

#IETF114 #SAT #MIT #IBM #INTEL @quant_network

Secure Asset Transfer Protocol

Feeling spicy today $Qnt

#IETF114 #SAT #MIT #IBM #INTEL @quant_network

Secure Asset Transfer Protocol

Read 10 tweets
Jul 7th 2022
1. Protocols.
Let the market decide what codebase is best. Allow for future growth and future proofing for newer solutions.

- Agnostic Multichain (legacy, BC, DLT) applications. ✅️

#Overledger $Qnt
2. Platforms.

Where 100s of thousands of entities reside to gain access to infrastructure.

- In this case, #Overledger integration into #Oracle for #interoperability solutions. Future proof solutions for 430,000 customers.

3. Business Networks.

Networks or ecosystems that can take advantage of the new protocols to enable more interconnectedness via interoperability.

- Again NEXI / SIA. Focus on particular, #Spunta utilising #Corda and #Ethereum. (SIACHAIN / ABILABCHAIN)

Read 4 tweets
May 30th 2022
Most useful websites/blogs/Youtube Channels for learning SQL and Oracle Database.🧵👇

#SQL #Oracle #Database @connor_mc_d @SQLMaria @ChrisRSaxon

This is my favourite. It contains tutorials on SQL, PLSQL, a lot of quizzes and practice material from beginner to advance levels.

This is the encyclopedia of Oracle.…

These are a series of articles written by Melanie Caffrey covering A to Z of SQL and Oracle database
Read 7 tweets
Apr 29th 2022

Tu stakes tes $ETH sur @LidoFinance pour des bETH, tu les collatéralises sur @anchor_protocol et empruntes des stablecoins ( LTV de 70%) pour farmer avec du $LUNA en LP tokens grâce à la #DeFi, tu as un APY de 16%

Rien compris ? Le guide👇

L'airdrop est une stratégie marketing des startups #crypto pour promouvoir le projet. Il s'agit de distribuer gratuitement leurs #cryptomonnaies aux utilisateurs actuels ou potentiels.

Altcoin est un mot-valise composé de "alternative" et "coin" pour former "altcoin". Il désigne en réalité un groupe de #cryptomonnaies , l'ensemble des monnaies virtuelles autres que le #Bitcoin
Read 62 tweets
Dec 6th 2021
Worldwide implementation in different industries and daily usage give the financial market participants confidence to integrate and build their products around the strongest cryptocurrency #BTC, #ETH.
I am sure that this is coming to $TRAC, and here are facts why!
$TRAC is in forward to global company standard. Companies and international organization that build on #ODN are #BSI, #GS1, #Oracle, #SBB, #SCAN, #Homedepot, #SmartAgriHubs, #NGIAtlantic, #Walmart, #EVRYTHNG, #Halal
#ODN currently covering many use cases from different industry: food traceability, certifications, fashion, entreprise data interoperability, international trade, industrial data marketplaces, sustainable agriculture, financial flow, pharma industry....
Read 13 tweets

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