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Aug 14th 2022
These options advance SDGs but have trade-offs too.
#Enablers: #Awareness and educational programs (#SDG4 and #SDG12), technological solutions/#innovation (#SDG9), innovative #policy designs (#SDG16), involvement of multiple #socialactors (#SDG17)

92 Interventions are identified from 1000+ literature that helps to #Avoid or #Shift or #Improve in emissions.

#foodwaste reduction- 34 interventions: 10 Avoid, 10 Shift, 14 Improve

sustainable #dietary choices- 58 interventions: 15 Avoid, 7 Shift, 36 Improve
Read 12 tweets
Sep 30th 2020
Dear Sponsors & Volunteers,

*A great idea cannot be executed without the involvement of great people.*

Living example are everyone of you who has collectively carried the idea of Needy's Barn and supported the execution of every project by your contributions and support.
I salute all of you for this Nobel deed 🙏
Thank you and God bless you richly.

Cheers to the new month ahead, together we have come this far, together we will do much more.

Keep the date of the next project at heart October 31st.
Read 3 tweets
Aug 22nd 2020
"Every investment in another life can make all the difference for life. Don’t stop being kind and giving your best to other people." -@OgbeniDipo.

We are 8days away from making Needy's Barn 4.0 a reality.

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Every of your token counts in providing these special (disabled) children with 21st century societal requirements and welfare materials.

We are going to be supplying 4 computer sets and welfare materials.

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1.) Desktop Computer device requirement: 1gb - 4gb ram, 250 - 500gb hard disk size, with a good processor type and speed.

2.) Welfare materials: Food, clothes, shoes.

Donations in Kind and Cash is fully welcomed.
Reach out to Damilola on 08164163650.

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Read 5 tweets
Aug 17th 2020
Dear Sponsors / Volunteers,

I hope you still have us in mind.
We have identified two locations already in Ibadan.

To this effect, we will be donating (4-5) Central Processing unit (CPU's) devices to argument the pre existing computer laboratory they have.

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We will be donating welfare packages as well(Food and Clothes).

To make this a reality we need your support, in cash, kind and by volunteering.

To make our world a better place, to make our immediate environment a better place it takes the collective efforts of everyone.

Read 4 tweets
Aug 14th 2020
Highlights from Needy's Barn 3.0

We are 16 days away, and you are just one step away from sending your donation 🤗.

Together we can make the world a better place, every penny in cash or kind will make Needy's Barn 4.0 achievable.

Save the date Aug 30 2020.
Your donations are very vital to making it a reality.
Volunteering, Donations in Cash and Kind are welcomed.

#volunteers #giving #reachingout #charity #charitywork #needs #needy #sdg1 #sdg2 #sdg4 #sdg10 #sdg17 #sdg3 #donation #freegiving #charity #volunteer #sponsors #partners
Read 3 tweets
Sep 18th 2019
.@DFID_UK's new #UKAid programme supports neglected tropical disease elimination and the @TheGlobalGoals. We asked our colleague @yarimaezra about how @Sightsavers and partners will help #BeatNTDs and improve the lives of citizens in 13 of the world’s poorest countries #SDG1
“My name is Ezra Yarima, I’ve been working for Sightsavers since 2015. I am a public health specialist in Nigeria, with a monitoring and evaluation background. I am very passionate about disease management and disability prevention.” #BeatNTDs Ezra stands next to a sign in arabic outside a house.
“My favourite part of my job is that I know I am making a difference in the lives of people affected by neglected tropical diseases #NTDs. I cherish the smiles I see post-treatment.” #BeatNTDs Three children looking at the camera smiling
Read 11 tweets

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