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May 22nd 2023
What could be a better start to @IDMOD_ORG Annual Symposium at @gatesfoundation than Mahatma Gandhi's quote - "What you do for me, without me, is against me."

Crux of all global health, all development agenda.

To get updates, watch this space!
@IDMOD_ORG @gatesfoundation @katecrawford is the opening plenary speaker for Data ethics & AI through the lens of equity. ImageImage
@blprnt talks about transition from Big Data to Large Models. Where is data coming from? Who truly owns it? Image
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Jan 30th 2023
Hoy 30 de enero es día internacional de las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas (ETD) o #NTDs y como 🇩🇴 está en el #tropico también tenemos varias #NTDs (Breve 🧵) Image
Las #ETD son un grupo diverso de 20 afecciones que están muy extendidas en las regiones más pobres del mundo, donde la seguridad del #agua, el #saneamiento y el acceso a la atención #médica son deficientes, y se han empeorado por el cambio #climático 2/n Image
Están 'desatendidas’ porque están ausentes de la agenda de salud mundial. Incluso hoy en día, cuando la atención se centra en la cobertura sanitaria universal, las #NTD tienen recursos muy limitados y las agencias de financiación mundial casi las ignoran. 3/n
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Nov 8th 2022
Many thanks again ⁦@SwissTPH⁩ Swiss Tropical/Public Health Institute for hosting my visit to Basel, meeting with the faculty/students and delivering 2 lectures including an especially meaningful public lecture this evening in the old city on the rise of antivaccine activism
I especially appreciated the opportunity to reconnect with @SwissTPH dynamic director and friend Prof Juerg Utzinger, discussing new opportunities for collaboration on the neglected tropical diseases #NTDs
Tomorrow and Thursday I’m in beautiful Bern, giving a career counseling workshop with the masters, doctoral and postdoctoral students on careers in global health and tropical medicine, and a vaccinology lecture..
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Sep 23rd 2022
New from me, in @ConversationUK
"#Dengue in France: tropical diseases in Europe may not be that rare for much longer"…

A bit like #scabies, we do have Neglected Tropical Diseases in Europe
#ntds #beatntds
Few dozen cases of local dengue transmission, more than has been observed before (bit of a theme for #infectiousdiseases in the recent past...)

An infected traveller would have returned to France, been bitten by a local mozzie, with onward transmission from biting new humans.
Seeing more mosquito-driven disease in Europe. Loads of #westnile virus in the lowlands in northern Italy, plus a few cases across other Euro countries
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Apr 29th 2022
Welcome to another special edition of #TakeOnNTDs Tweetchat Series.

We will be discussing “#OneHealth Approach to #TakeOnNTDs

Our guest today is Dr. Janna Schurer, who will be discussing with us through the @Ughe_org twitter handle. 

Dr. Janna Schurer is an Assistant Professor in the #CenterforOneHealth at the @Ughe_org where she leads a community-based research program focusing on #OneHealth approaches to #NTDs...

Her team collaborates across sectors and disciplines to investigate the impacts of snakebite envenomation, podoconiosis and various zoonotic helminths in #Rwanda.

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Feb 28th 2022
Are you ready?

Countdown ⏰ to #TakeOnNTDs 10.0

In less than 5 hours, our guest, @girijasankar06 will be sharing her expertise in delivering evidence-based, contextually appropriate solutions to #TakeOnNTDs and advance health outcomes.

Join us, let's Engage • Impact • Learn
We are set to go!

Welcome to this special edition of #TakeOnNTDs Tweetchat. This #tweetchat marks the #ZeroDiscriminationDay.

We will be discussing “#WASH Access in #NTDs Endemic Communities”

Our guest today is @girijasankar06
Delighted to introduce our guest, a public health enthusiast and passionate Leader, @girijasankar06

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Feb 18th 2022
𝟭𝟵𝟴𝟬:Wojciech “Al” Krotoski et al publish a report in the British Medical Journal describing a dormant liver stage of #Plasmodium cynomolgi in Rhesus macaques. These dormant liver stages, called "hypnozoites" are postulated to be the cause of relapses of this #malaria species Image
- Image references:…;…
- References:;;…
𝟭𝟵𝟴𝟭: In 1981, Dr William C. Campbell of the Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research in the US, published "An Introduction to the Avermectins" which described a new series of compounds with potent antiparasitic properties against nematode & arthropod #parasites. Image
Read 88 tweets
Jan 31st 2022
It is now 60 days until (& including) the 1st of April, 2022! April '22 marks 𝟲𝟬 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 since the British Socety for Parasitology was formed from the Parasitological Section of the Institute for Biology!
To mark this, we will be releasing a #parasite breakthough/fact (1/1)
.. every day for the next 60 days: from 1962 to 2022! We will provide information on both well-studied & unusual parasites such as Angiostrongylus cantonensis, Echinococcus vogeli, Plasmodium falciparum, Mansonella spp., Hirudo medicinalis (leeches) bed bugs, & more! (2/2).
Today, we begin with 1962! Not only was the @BSPparasitology founded in 1962, but for the first time, the full life cycle of the "eye worm" Thelazia callipaeda was described by D.P. Kozlov in the Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Human thelaziasis is an NTD. #parasite Image
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Dec 20th 2021
@60Minutes I wrote an extensive article in the @MSFreePress in November of 2020 about the #hookwormepedemic in Lowndes County Alabama. My research connects #NeglectedTropicalDiseases to the underlying conditions related to #COVID19 in the Black community.…
@60Minutes @MSFreePress “U.S. Sen. Doug Jones and others have done nothing to mitigate this epidemic that has gone unnoticed among leftists who are calling for a Green “New Deal.” Meanwhile, 32% of residents in Lowndes County, Ala., live in abject poverty.”
@60Minutes @MSFreePress “A recent survey by the National School of Tropical Medicine found that 34% of these residents tested positive for Necator americanus (hookworm). Hookworm responds to deforestation, resulting in flooding, which then creates the ideal environment for hookworms to thrive”
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Jul 4th 2021
"In comparison to SOC or placebo, IVM did not reduce mortality, length of stay or viral clearance in RCTs in COVID-19 patients with mostly mild disease. IVM did not have an effect on AEs or severe AEs. IVM is not a viable option to treat COVID-19 patients"…
IVM is a great drug...for river blindness, strongyloidiasis, and scabies. Through my advocacy for mass/preventive Rx packages for neglected tropical diseases #NTDs in the early 2000s, my name is associated with providing IVM access to tens of millions of people living in poverty
But as an antiviral for clinical use, I've not seen compelling data, as the new paper I provided from Clinical Infectious Diseases - one of the top journals in our field - appears to confirm. Possibly there is an indication buried somewhere in there, and I'm open, but so far no
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Jun 25th 2021
Our 5th and final day of #ParasitesOnline21 will begin shortly with a plenary talk from Prof Santiago Mas-Coma from University of Valencia on: Fascioliasis control in human endemic areas: one health action to complement preventative chemotherapy
Prof Maria-Gloria Basanez introduces Prof Santiago Mas-Coma who was awarded Honorary membership of @BSPparasitology in 2020
Prof Mas-Coma cites his recent paper, which describes this One Health approach to tackle fascioloiasis spread by donkeys, which are important for transport in the Altiplano:… Sheep & cattle also act as reservoirs:… #ParasitesOnline21
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Jun 21st 2021
And that's @BSPparasitology's #ParasitesOnline conference just started with an address from @BSPparasitology President, Prof Maria-Gloria Basáñez of @imperialcollege! Delegates come from 53 countries worldwide! What a great week to come! #Parasitology ImageImage
The first #ParasitesOnline Plenary Lecture is from Prof Philippe Guérin of @IDDOnews who is telling us about "Exploring the re-use of existing data for poverty-related diseases: a scientific or an ethical imperative or both?". #Parasitology @BSPparasitology Image
Prof Philippe Guerin describes how we need to better use existing data from scattered clinical trials, and have common standards for reporting and quality; continuing to develop an equitable data platform model (for #NTDs & other diseases). Here's a talk:
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Apr 8th 2021
A #thread on our recent paper in @PLOSNTDs examining ecological #evidence-base for #DiseaseControl management practices for #KyasanurForestDisease #AcademicTwitter #Scicomm #OneHealth; paper led by @SarahBurthe from @MonkeyFever_ consortium
#Diseasecontrol strategies originate through endorsements by Governments/academia/authorities; they're often not field-tested robustly; even when they are, evidence is limited to one sector (cf. #OneHealth #Intersectoral approaches);
#publichealth approaches ought to be contextual & their effectiveness ought to be evaluated, yet strategies for disease control often spread through word of mouth and are sometimes untested;
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Feb 11th 2021
Live-tweeting about the 1st online conference on noma disease. Stay tune !
#ZeroNoma #NTDs
Opening message by @PeterHotez. Peter is among other things editor of @PLOSNTDs. The journal recently agreed to include noma in the list of eligible diseases for publication. #NTDs
Noma survivor @FidelStrub tells his personal story. Underwent 27 surgical operations ! Moving testimony by a strong advocate !
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Dec 7th 2020
There have been several small RCTs over the last weeks suggesting a clinical benefit for #ivermectin for #COVID_19.

It’s time for a MEGA THREAD on ivermectin, aka the “wonder drug”!

Let's start the show !🔥🔥🔥
Ivermectin belongs to the family of avermectins, which are natural fermentation products of soil bacteria. A Nobel Prize of Medicine was awarded for their discovery. Image
Ivermectin is indicated for several parasitic infections: onchocerciasis, lymphatic filariasis, strongyloidiasis, scabies. It works on head lice too. #NTDs

But ivermectin may have a broader therapeutic benefit. Hence its nickname, the “wonder drug”.
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Dec 7th 2020
You are not wrong. But it never was that way before? @NASA was launched in by Eisenhower, @PEPFAR #NTDs by W, I know because I worked with Dr Fauci to make it happen. Ok maybe Reagan wasn’t great, but not like this. Our nation was built on science. What the heck happened?
And how do we fix this? When i was chair 🪑 of microbiology at @GWSMHS for 11 years (loved it) I learned that you can get anything done you want as long as you don’t need to take the credit for it and are willing to reach across the aisle
Back then I would think nothing of going to Sen. Sam Brownback’s (R-KS) prayer 🙏 breakfast and walking down the hall to meet with Sen Patrick Leahy (D-VT). Two total ideological opposites, but work together on #NTDs? Not a problem
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Oct 1st 2020
Here it is!

#Inktober2020 day 1 in my #PathogenPortraits series. After years of studying this in cow bums, it had to be #EcoliO157

It causes bloody diarrhoea & if that wasn't bad enough, sometimes kidney failure & death. More info @…
#sciart #microbiology Inktober2020 E. coli O157 c...
#Inktober2020 day 2 in my #PathogenPortraits series. 'The Clap' (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) b/c who doesn't 💚 green purulent discharge?

It's sexually transmitted but also from mother->newborn during birth to cause blindness.
More info:…

#sciart #microbiology Image
#Inktober2020 day 3 in my #PathogenPortraits series. The very 💛golden💛 #MRSA.

Minds it's own business on your skin, but if it gets inside, methicillin won't do a thing to stop it.

More info at #sciart #microbiology Methicillin resistant staph...
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Sep 18th 2019
.@DFID_UK's new #UKAid programme supports neglected tropical disease elimination and the @TheGlobalGoals. We asked our colleague @yarimaezra about how @Sightsavers and partners will help #BeatNTDs and improve the lives of citizens in 13 of the world’s poorest countries #SDG1
“My name is Ezra Yarima, I’ve been working for Sightsavers since 2015. I am a public health specialist in Nigeria, with a monitoring and evaluation background. I am very passionate about disease management and disability prevention.” #BeatNTDs Ezra stands next to a sign in arabic outside a house.
“My favourite part of my job is that I know I am making a difference in the lives of people affected by neglected tropical diseases #NTDs. I cherish the smiles I see post-treatment.” #BeatNTDs Three children looking at the camera smiling
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Nov 26th 2018
"Lo más grave de los parásitos es que en muchos lugares se considera un problema resuelto": Norbel Galanti, @uchile , al inicio del Curso Internacional de Biología Molecular de Tripanosomátidos @IPMontevideo Image
Hay #tripanosomátidos en plantas incluso; #leishmania está extendido en todo el mundo; por #Chagas aun mueren miles de personas, alerta Galanti @uchile en Curso #BiolMolTritryp Comienza #NTDs ImageImage
"Tripanosomátidos son probablemente los primeros eukariontes que aparecieron en el planeta, hace unos 2.000 millones de años. Por eso saben mucho más de #biología que nosotros": Norbel Galanti de @uchile Image
Read 3 tweets

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