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Sep 9th 2020
New @SexOutLoudRadio!Professors @JenniferSHirsch & @shamuskhan are the authors of Sexual Citizens: A Landmark Study of Sex, Power, and Assault on Campus (from @wwnorton) based on brilliant research by them and a huge team about sexual assault on college campus. #sexualcitizens Image
Current #sexualassault discourses focus on toxic masculinity, consent, bystander intervention, adjudication—all important. @JenniferSHirsch & @shamuskhan take a new approach w/the concepts of sexual projects, sexual citizenship, & sexual geographies...#sexualcitizens
They share compelling stories of students navigating sexuality in a new environment; they don’t just focus on individual players but the systems that fail many of us. We talk about sex education (or lack thereof), power dynamics, inequalities, social status & peer pressure.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 28th 2020
As colleges & universities, including my own, announce ambitious plans to bring students back to campus amidst #COVID19, #highered leaders still haven’t fully faced the risks of campus party culture - A thread 1/11
In our study of white college women, we found for affluent white students on “the party pathway,” college is a social experience, with classes here and there to legitimate it. Game days, Greek rush & bar crawls are the point. 2/11 #PartySchool #GreekLife…
We know from @JenniferSHirsch & @shamuskhan in #SexualCitizens that campus party culture is dominated by white, wealthy students. White #GreekLife often excludes by race, class, gender, sexuality, etc. & has a history of racism, hazing, sexual assault, property damage 3/11
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