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Aug 15th 2020
If you want to give public comment on one of the earlier presentations (or on the AAO and ASO themselves), you should call in now: tel:14156550001,,1460343108##

The time to raise your hand will come fairly soon (but not yet). #SFBudgetAppsCom
Aaaaaand we're back. #SFBudgetAppsCom
They're going to take the commenters who need interpretive services first because the interpreters will no longer be available after 10 PM, so they're asking commenters who don't to hold off on raising their hands. #SFBudgetAppsCom
Read 135 tweets
Aug 14th 2020
Here's @DefundSFPDnow's playbook for today's hearing - they are providing talking points and instructions for calling in with public comment:… #SFBudgetAppsCom
@DefundSFPDnow is even offering to text you when public comment starts so you don't have to stream the hearing all day. Use their Google form here:… (or you can read our live tweet thread all day long!) #SFBudgetAppsCom
What's this all about anyway? We've been working to bring awareness to the deeply-rooted problems w/ police accountability and racist policing in San Francisco, and fix them through our local legislature and in our budget! This hearing is crucial to that effort. #SFBudgetAppsCom
Read 252 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
TODAY at 2pm: The #SFRulesCom will discuss and hear public comment on a potential ballot measure to amend the City Charter to repeal the arbitrary minimum of 1,971 full-duty sworn officers.

Some background:…

Like yesterday, @DefundSFPDnow
has talking points to help build your comment: #SFRulesCom
Here's the currently-proposed draft text:…

Legislative digest:…

Controller's fiscal analysis:…

Read 296 tweets
Jul 8th 2020
The #SFBudgetAppsCom meeting has started!

They're starting with item 1, a review of the budget process in general.

The SFPD budget is item 2. Our CTA for that:…
They're talking about money they do and don't have, particularly #CARESAct funds (@SenKamalaHarris @SenFeinstein) and ERAF. #SFBudgetAppsCom
Read 316 tweets

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