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May 17th 2021
Am seeing more and more assault on India, Hindus & Indic people (hit jobs by Western news media etc aided by vulturous Indian journos & writers)

Suffice it to say - #Hinduism is the only remaining ancient counter polyculture to the massive monoculturing & theism of the world
Looks like many forces do not like it or want it to prevail.
From the #Ghazwa-e-Hind forces to the #Leftists to the #whitesupremacists #abrahamics we are facing massive assaults.
And deracinated #Indians people who are cultural illiterates contribute more to such assaults!
But civilisational continuity exists in only one region of the world. It's #India. Nowhere else. Not even Japan can claim it.

It's us #Hindus.

#Hinduism is the only living #pagan #pluralist tradition and as is it must be preserved by the world, not actively destroyed.
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