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Jun 10th 2023
@DrWesleyEdwards chair of @CAS_OBSection introduces the first #OBAnes session of #CASAM2023.
Speakers: @SusannaStanford @ammunro2 @Ropivacaine Image
@SusannaStanford starts off with the importance of having a talk with the word “failure” in it. #OBAnes #CASAM2023 ImageImage
I have not asked permission to share @SusannaStanford’s whole lecture video today, and it’s 20minutes long. However, see the following links:

#OBAnes #CASAM2023
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Jun 4th 2023
Novel Content No.2 at #SOAPAM2023 virtual #OBAnes highlights Day 2: @DoctorStahl speaks on Obstetric Critical Care #OBCritCare ImageImage
@DoctorStahl is an intensive care bear, who loves #OBAnes. QR code to references. #OBCritCare #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImage
Pregnancy-associated mortality ≈ maternal mortality. #OBAnes 0.2% - doing well (wonder what the denominator is?), so Elmo could ask why are we worried? #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImage
Read 35 tweets
Jun 4th 2023
@matmedicine presents the first NOVEL content session of #SOAPAM2023 virtual #OBAnes highlights: Trauma in Pregnancy for the Non-Obstetric Provider. Objectives. Goals. All live from Italy - somewhat jealous @matmedicine ImageImageImage
Physiological changes during pregnancy (1): Cardiac/ hemodynamic changes. Haematological changes. Are these protective? #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023 ImageImage
Physiological changes during pregnancy (2): Respiratory effects - displacement of diaphragm is key? ABG changes important - lactate the same in pregnant and non-pregnant @matmedicine? #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImage
Read 18 tweets
Jun 4th 2023
#SolShnider track 3 during #SOAPAM2023 virtual #OBAnes highlights Day 2 kicks off with @antonchau1 on DPE vs other LEA options.
Dr Mark Zakowski, MD presents on Barriers to optimal staffing in #OBAnes (topical for @OAAinfo, @SOAPHQ & @CAS_OBSection members - indeed the worldwide shortage of #AnyAnes makes this important for @wfsaorg @ASALifeline @ANZCA @docanaesthetic @CASUpdate) #SOAPAM2023. “Adapt or…… ImageImageImageImage
Read 15 tweets
Jun 4th 2023
@JenDominguezMD kicks off first session of #SOAPAM2023 virtual #OBAnes highlights Day 2 with the best case reports. Learning objectives. #SoMe embargo on content (@AnaSjaus ahem). Divided into 4 topics. ImageImageImageImage
Distinguished judges! Image
Cardiac: 2 cases of PHTN in #OBAnes - interesting cases, here are the allowed #SoMe slides. ImageImage
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Jun 4th 2023
Back to #SOAPAM2023 virtual #OBAnes highlights with the #Solshnider track 1
@SparklesSpinals then proceeded to speak on opioids in pregnancy and beyond #OBAnes
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May 21st 2023
@NoelleHealy (another 🇮🇪 representative - @ISOA_Ireland well represented!) presents on #OBAnes as a team sport - how do we perform better? at #OAA23ASM. Quite an inspiring quote, then setting the stage with @Fionafionakel et al #humanfactors guidelines in… ImageImageImage
Why is teamwork important in OB/ #OBAnes? @mbrrace suggests some lessons to be learned. Prompt action is arguably reliant on good communication, within & between teams. Involving consultant/ specialist care early has been a theme for over a decade. #OAA23ASM ImageImageImage
@DOckendenLtd’ final report highlighted “conflicting agendas and poor teamwork” contribute to adverse maternal & neonatal outcomes? So how do we create good teams?

The @JulieAndrews approach may have the hills alive, but for #OBAnes we may need to start at the very beginning,…… ImageImage
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May 16th 2023
Bill Kirkup presents on the independent investigation into East Kent Maternity Services at #Anaesthesia2023 #OBAnes ImageImage
Battled with how to put “In their own words…” together. 4 slides at a time doesn’t cut it. It was a very emotive experience. So I hope this works (Twitter Blue perk)
#Anaesthesia2023 #OBAnes (prelude to #OAA23ASM)
In their own words: FAMILIES.

Midwives, not nurses. They cut me open (@HofkampMichael @emilysharpe @ruthi_landau). He’s singing, then he died. We don’t talk about cesareans. Physician: I’m the doctor. Midwife: we won’t be doing that.

And that last one… apropos of @SQuashie’s……
Read 10 tweets
May 10th 2023
Dr Daniel Katz presents on drug and equipment shortages at @SOAPHQ#SOAPAM2023. He’ll focus on why they occur, how we can prepare and discuss alternatives & substitutions. #OBAnes ImageImage
Why shortages occur (1): Generic drug manufacturing poses strain on supply chains, drugs require precursors (80% manufactured outside US). Supply chain has upstream and downstream components - removing precursors hampers upstream supply chain (before the drug is even…… ImageImageImageImage
A case study: Fludarabine. Generic 2003: 12 application holders, 6 actively marketing. But who is actually making it? No real time database explaining who is making the product. All May have the precursors stocked. #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImage
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May 9th 2023
@SparklesSpinals presents on Opioids and Pregnancy: Current & Future practice at #SOAPAM2023.

(Thanks to @SparklesSpinals for assisting me with an updated slide deck, and apologies for delay tweeting) Image
On the agenda, intrapartum and postpartum opioid use. 20% parturient fill an opioid script DURING pregnancy, 95% for acute or chronic pain. Opioid use in pregnancy has maternal AND fetal effects. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImageImage
What about supervised detox? Relapse rates during pregnancy = HIGH! MAT: medication assisted treatment for parturients with OUD. Methadone & Buprenorphine. Remember tailor opioid treatments with similar Mu affinity. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImageImage
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May 8th 2023
Dr Clemens Ortner, MD continues the #Solshnider track, speaking on #POCUS in the #OBAnes emergency - How can we guide care? #SOAPAM2023 Image
Case 1. Why was focused TTE not being used more widely in #OBAnes? #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImageImage
Learning objectives. #POCUS #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023 Image
Read 22 tweets
May 7th 2023
@antonchau1 kicks off the #SolShnider track 3 with DPE vs other #OBAnes neuraxial techniques. #SOAPAM2023 ImageImage
The selection of labour analgesia options, all catheter based and similar with slight differences. Value propositions of DPE: confirmation, translocation and improved safety - value over EPL and CSE. #SOAPAM2023 ImageImage
Value proposition 1: confirmation. #DPE adds visual confirmation to LOR - midline and epidural tip.

Why do #OBAnes get equivocal LOR? There’s an anatomic basis. #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImage
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May 7th 2023
@SOAPHQ and @ASRA_Society joint panel: A tailored approach to the management of the thrombocytopenic patient. With Dr Roulhac Toledano MD moderating Dr Lisa Leffert MD, @MelissaEBauer1 and @dr_melissabyrne Image
@MelissaEBauer1 (@DukeAnesAlumni) kicks off @SOAPHQ @ASRA_Society joint session: How low can you go? Looking at recent @SOAPHQ consensus statement. #SOAPAM2023 ImageImage
With acknowledgment that #OBAnes airway may be difficult, the use of neuraxial with lower platelet counts. 2015 sees rapid increase in literature supporting placement below 100,000. However, @SOAPHQ members requested a consensus statement as institutional policies were slow to…… ImageImageImageImage
Read 65 tweets
May 7th 2023
Dr Jessica Ansari MD on the #SolShnider track at #SOAPAM2023 educating #OBAnes on Post Dural Puncture Headache (PDPH)

@csfleakaware @csfleakinfo @SpinalCSFCanada Image
The objectives. The goal. Definition of #PDPH. Differential diagnosis mnemonic. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImageImage
Context is everything! RED flags = imaging. Acute neurologic sequelae associated with #PDPH. SDH, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, meningitis, oh my. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImageImage
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May 6th 2023
The PREMIER #OBAnes event of the year: The Gerard W Ostheimer Lecture - What’s New in #OBAnes?

@FarberMichaela hands the reigns to @PervezSultanMD

Large audience beyond #SOAPAM2023 @CarolynWeiniger @DrNickB_ObAnaes @LoughreyJPR @GongGasGirl (#OBSIG23SYD & #ASM23SYD)…… Image
Disclosures quite impressive - including the editorial reduction of a years work to 50 minutes. Methods: includes #OBAnes on Twitter! 108 articles. 32 in lecture. AND there’s an app @CarolynWeiniger! #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImageImage
The format of the lecture! 5 #OBAnes sections to cover! Global, North America, Antenatal, Analgesia and Postnatal. #SOAPAM2023 Image
Read 29 tweets
May 6th 2023
@FarberMichaela introduces (and hands the batton to) @PervezSultanMD #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImage
Multiple citations and prizes. Great colleague. Better family man. #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImage
A high maintenance patient according to his wife. #SOAPAM2023 Image
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May 6th 2023
@hnixon147 presents a very important topic - Optimizing Intraoperative Anesthesia: What can we do to improve care? #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023 ImageImage
A case: “Jennifer” 37 week primup, for induction. Receives epidural, works well for 10h, then requires top-up which is successful.

She chuffs along but eventually stalls. A section is called.

In OR, pinprick and Alice test passed. However, she quickly becomes +++ anxious.…… ImageImage
The patient is a physician, in same hospital. Feedback given. 9months post partum STILL having flashbacks, PTSD: #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImage
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May 5th 2023
#SolShnider track begins with Dr Tiffany Angelo introducing @bscottsegal to start the protocolization in #OBAnes debate vs @HansSviggum at #SOAPAM2023 Image
@bscottsegal will lead off with the PRO argument for protocolization in #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023 ImageImage
The early years - ICU is where it started, treating critically ill patients (no #OBAnes yet) #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImage
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May 5th 2023
Dr Vernon Ross begins Fred Hehre Lecture at #SOAPAM2023
The first African American to do so. ImageImage
The Fred Hehre story 1.
#SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImageImage
The Fred Hehre story 2.
#SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImageImage
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May 5th 2023
@MedgeOwenMD introduces Dr Vernon Ross for the Fred Hehre Lecture. #SOAPAM2023 #OBAnes Image
Fact 1. Family Man - in person, at @WakeAnesthesia and at @KybeleWorldwide #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImage
Fact 2. His mom’s uterus endowed him with sports knowledge. #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImageImage
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May 5th 2023
Dr Brian Bateman moderates the #SOAPAM2023 Gertie Marx Research Competition. #OBAnes Image
Number 1. @LilianeErnstMD presents The ED90 of Hyoerbaric Bupivacaine for Cesarean Delivery in Super Obese Patients #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023 Image
Background. Pre-pregnancy obesity increasing across racial groups. A large percentage in grade 3 obesity, racial differences. Super Obese patients more likely to have cesarean section. High block was more common in BMI > 50. #SOAPAM2023 #OBAnes ImageImageImageImage
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May 5th 2023
@Chronotrope presents on using pEEG for sedation at #RAUK23

Now it only took the first slide (next tweet) to draw my full attention, and mean that I will be catching up with recordings later. This raises VERY important questions for #OBAnes in light of recent #SOAPAM2023 chats ImageImage
Neuraxial anesthesia as a sedative…

Sensory deafferentation dependent sedation - an example of a full stomach being sedated that #OBAnes do routinely @VeenaGraffMD (oh wait it gets better)

@GongGasGirl have you heard of this? Anyone at #ASM23SYD? Image
Patient age and sensory block level significantly affect relationship between propofol Ce and sedation (I added the graphs from Roh et al’s study). Regional techniques dynamically reduce neural traffic. #RAUK23 #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImage
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May 5th 2023
@LondonAllergy presents on a topic we don’t hear much about (follow her & @LouiseSavic for fascinating insights): LOCAL ANESTHETIC ALLERGY at #RAUK23

Topic equally important to #OBAnes audience (@OAAinfo @noolslucas - #OAA3dc?) and I’m sure #SOAPAM2023 audience will enjoy! ImageImage
The allergist team are ready and waiting for your referral, poised to leap into action with different testing modalities. When would they do a drug challenge? To test cross reactivity, exclude allergy and confirm diagnosis #RAUK23 ImageImageImage
Skin testing (a positive latex allergy) includes a negative spot (saline to rule out dermographia) & a positive histamine spot to check for antihistamines in system)

Intradermal testing uses low dilutions for specific drugs. Here a 1:10,000 dilution of sugammadex illicited a…… ImageImageImageImage
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May 5th 2023
@Eltonchris presents at @OAAinfo @SOAPHQ joint session on strategies to implement national & institutional change in response to CEMACH & @mbrrace findings. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023 Image
@mbrrace the latest in a lineage of maternal mortality reports. Access the latest from November 2022. Delivered annually with a three yearly cycle of focus - #OBAnes due this year. How it works! #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImageImage
GMC requires participation in confidential enquiries. HSIB the FBI of #patientsafety - less confidential, but mandatory participation. @NHSuk resolution requires reporting. So you know the data is robust. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023 ImageImageImage
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