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Jun 14th 2022
Let me tell you today about recent exciting work by my former lab which brings together two things I love: #evolution and the #bacterial world! 🧑‍🔬䷰🦠

Let’s talk about #speciation, chromosome organization and positive selection.

Intro thread! 🧵 1/
For a really long time we have known that the many species of the bacterial kingdom have a common ancestor, and evolution during millions of years have allowed bacteria to be genetically very different and live in many different environments 2/
But, for closer species in the tree of evolution, which share a lot of similar genes, the order of these genes in the chromosome is highly variable…

what evolutionary process could result in these re-arrangements? 3/
Read 13 tweets
Aug 23rd 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 08/23/2021…
Why not working first thing on Monday can supercharge your productivity…

#work #time #productivity
So-called 'junk' DNA plays a key role in speciation…

#SatelliteDNA #role #speciation
Read 8 tweets
Sep 11th 2019
Happy to be back in Sweden for my 2nd #BiologyofSperm meeting & hearing fascinating stories on evolution of sperm, gamete interactions, reproductive organs and strategies by fellow #spermnerds
#BoS2019 #BoS15
Started strong yesterday with Sabine Koelle showing us the very first live imaging movies of sperm behavior in human reproductive tracts, all the way to the fertilization site, and even sperm filmed live swimming inside the testes! What a cool talk!
Next @lross_evoento told us about (incomplete) paternal genome silencing in fascinating mealybugs. @emwhitti brought us to the amazing world of Post-Ejaculatory Modifications w/ impressive proteomics data from 1000s of #drosophila reproductive tract dissections. #BoS2019 #BoS15
Read 28 tweets
Mar 18th 2019
Ready for tomorrow and my first sessions of @SkypeScientist ! Looking forward to chatting, not with 1 , but 6 classes of middleschoolers! Send all the good vibes (and waves) my way for a good internet connection all day!

#scicomm #outreach
The morning started well with 2 different sessions with 2 classes of 7th graders from North Carolina @chowan_middle . Getting really cool questions about how it is to be a #scientist , why I chose to do what I do and how much I get to decide what I study.
Read 12 tweets

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