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May 25th 2021
For decades, many Black Americans have believed that cops’ presence will either make a situation worse—or won’t have any impact. The solution has sometimes been to not call the police at all, even in circumstances where they felt unsafe.…
Some white people are now rethinking whether it’s a good idea to rely on law enforcement, especially if summoning the police could harm someone. And entire cities have considered whether police officers are the best response to certain kinds of offenses.…
But if not the cops, who are people supposed to call when they’re in need?…
Read 10 tweets
Jan 10th 2021
Coming up to this time four years ago, where I was taking a selfie every single day and tagging it #stillhere because getting through a day took monumental effort. Now, now I'm doing good. Some days are hard, some are joyful, some are okay. I am glad to be alive.
You can slip into survival mode, bit by bit, then one day, one day your energy isn't focused solely on keeping breathing. Then it is days, weeks, and months in a row, and you can give energy to other things. Things can get better. They might still be hard sometimes and that's ok.
If you're struggling right now, I am sorry things are so tough. But please, stay. You matter to people, and that voice that tells you are only a burden, that they'd be better off without you- it lies. I know it feels like truth in your bones, but trust me, it lies.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 26th 2020
#summerofcycling goes on:
👉Pop-up bike lanes are the new kids on the block. 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️
An incomplete summary. Thread ⬇️. Image
cont'd: Pop-up bike lanes (or emergency bike lanes) are temporary cycling infrastructure to help cyclists to maintain spatial distance to minimise the risk of infection and relieve public transport.
@Felix_Weisbrich on #TUMITV about the concept: Image
cont'd: The City of Berlin 🇩🇪 developed so called traffic regulation plans for quick implementation. Companies specializing in road marking are familiar with this type of template and work from construction sites, using markings and cones. Templates:…
Read 138 tweets
Sep 20th 2019
Quick Red Sox update. The Indians won so the Sox have no more room for error. They need to go 10-0 and need the Rays and Indians to go 0-9. BUT they play the Rays 4 times so only 24 games need to go the right way. If every game's 50/50 that's a 1 / 16,777,216 chance. #stillhere
Of course that would only leave them in a 3-way tie for the second WC spot. So if there's a 1/3 chance they make it out of that weird round robin and then a 1/2 chance they win the WC game against the A's, that's a 1 / 100,663,296 chance of making the actual playoffs.
Then they'd be one of eight teams in the playoffs so dividing one more time by 8 leaves the Red Sox with a solid 1 / 805,306,368 chance of winning the World Series. Way better than 1/1B odds. If the Sox winning the WS were a disease, TEN people on Earth would have it. So doable.
Read 3 tweets

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