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Oct 27th 2018
(1) Thread #3: Mass illegal immigration attempts on the US Southern border.

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(2) For over a year I've rejected all violent, lawless rhetoric whenever I tweet or write threads about political issues. This caravan thread is no exception.

The tragedy in Pittsburgh *should* provide a good explanation for why I do this.
(3) IMO, Trump's responses today to the antisemitic hate crime of murdering 11 people, injuring 6, & terrorizing millions more, were perfectly appropriate & balanced, & from the heart. We reject violence, while speaking freely & peacefully fighting for policies & laws we want.
Read 29 tweets
Oct 26th 2018
(1) #MAGA rally in Charlotte, NC 10/26/18: Live updates thread.

5.35pm: They're about to start the prayer, the pledge and the anthem. Warm-up speeches are underway. Watching this live feed:

(2) #HurricaneFlorence has been mentioned in the opening speeches. We must keep North Carolinians & everyone affected by this major disaster in our thoughts & prayers. My #thoughts about it include the need to #VoteGOP for superior prepping, response & recovery to disasters.
(3) 7.25pm: Charlotte, NC rally crowd cheer and applaud as the President talks about the arrest of the IED mailer, supporting the Police, and building unity in the country.
Read 18 tweets

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