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Jul 17th 2020
You should take a look at this thread. I will posts videos about masks, and some info about the planned vaccine from Gates. Also I will make sure to share some VERY IMPORTANT links to YouTube from Doctors, that explain this in detail.
Remember also that Covid-19 Molecule is 1 Micrometer at the smallest which never the best mask could protect you from. THEY DONT WORK!
Read 36 tweets
May 10th 2020
On April 30, President Trump said he would consider rehiring Flynn into his administration.

On May 9, Vice President Pence said he would be happy to see Flynn back in the administration after being asked about it.

I haven't tic toc'd in a long time because nothing usually came of them.

I'll make an exception in this case 👇 đź‘Ť


Read 3 tweets
Apr 17th 2020
Draadje over "Niemand heeft dit aan zien komen" roepers.

#tictoc 👇
1. Ruim een maand geleden werden de eerste coronamaatregelen afgekondigd in Nederland.
Sindsdien is een aantal kranten gaan evalueren. Zoals de Groene, de Volkskrant, de Telegraaf, het NRC, RTL, etc. etc.
2. Allemaal beginnen ze met de stelling dat "Niemand dit aan heeft zien komen"/"Het is ons overkomen".
Alhoewel sommige stukken erg goed waren, en zijn, stoor ik mij in hoge mate aan die zinsneden.

Ik zal uitleggen waarom.
Read 17 tweets
Jan 25th 2019
Remember when Rebel Media’s Washington bureau chief Jack Posobiec was ID’d as the origin of Russian-hacked Macron emails, & partied with Roger Stone at Milo’s the night before?
#cdnpoli #RogerStone #tictoc…
Posobiec linked to #SethRich, Pizzagate, #SyriaHoax.

Here’s a tweet by a Sputnik correspondent the night before the #MacronLeaks dump went viral— #cdnpoli
Oh look at this—Posobiec with Flynn at the RNC convention. Flynn’s the guy who said the campaign had an “army of digital soldiers” running the campaign “like an insurgency”... #cdnpoli
Read 6 tweets

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