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1. To my Twitter friends with whom I am exchanging on the issue of #Tofino, I asked you to remember that I am commenting from the viewpoint political communications strategy, and therefore that my critique of the Prime Minister and the PMO is strictly about that aspect.
2. I haven't suddenly gone rogue, and I'm not claiming that he's a phony.

I'm simply pointing out where there were planning, communications, and expectation management failings, and how things could have been done better.
3. And I don't think there's any doubt that things could have been done better, for had they been done better, #Tofino would not be the issue that has generated the most activity on my feed since WE.
Read 4 tweets
🇨🇦#Canada #FridaysForFuture International update #ClimateStrike #'s for #ClimateActionWeek:
🇨🇦1,000,000 people🇨🇦 Thus 1 out of every 6 strikers globally was Canadian🇨🇦 as well as we were 3rd globally for total # of strikes. Thanks to all local organizers & national supporters.
1000 #Calgary AB
15 #Cambridge ON
40 #Campbellton NB
20 #Camrose AB
15 #Canmore AB
15 #Cannington ON
150 #CapAuxMeules QC
300 #Caraquet NB
300 #Chambly QC
200 #ChathamKent ON
65 #Chibougamau QC
400 #Chillwack BC
40 #Clare NS
45 #Clinton ON
500 #Collingwood ON
80 #Compton QC
Read 15 tweets

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