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Feb 24th 2022
The #Taliban Interior Ministry in a letter, instructed Afghanistan border police, to #prevent_the_evacuation of Afghan citizens by foreign countries.
The ministry's letter states that border control officials are obliged to prevent evacuation operations by the US& NATO countries. Image
When #Taliban's spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid was asked about #evacuation & specifically the above mentioned letter, he said that "we have banned the evacuation process until make sure that what fate awaits #Afghans who are already evacuated. Over 5,000 evacuated Afghans are ...
...still kept in wretched conditions in temporary camps in Doha. Also, many Afghans in Turkey are living in dire situation with unclear future. We can't put more Afghans at risk&won't allow others misuse them. #Protecting Afghans is the responsibility of the government (#IEA) ...
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