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Most recents (4)

Oct 27th 2022
1. Good morning β˜€οΈ Thursdays 🧡is about #Trout
For clarity, we are talking about Salmo trutta, the native trout to Ireland, which can be either resident (brown trout) or migratory (sea trout) or many things in between πŸ“Έ G. Rogan
@WildTroutTrust @AST_Salmon @TheFSBI #FishSci Juvenile trout
@TheFSBI 2. Trout display phenotypic plasticity. A phenotype is a set of observable characteristics or traits of an organism ➑️what does it look like and how does it function? Here’s various L. Melvin trout, thanks to A. Ferguson & P. ProdΓΆhl @QUBelfast… Types of trout from Lough Melvin
@TheFSBI @QUBelfast 3. For trout, the decision to stay put in freshwater, or migrate to sea is complex, governed by genetics, the condition of the fish, and environmental conditions. This is an excellent infographic also from Andy and Paulo @QUBelfast , + Tom Cross, @TomEReed & @mcginnity_p @uccBEES infographic of trout life history decisions
Read 28 tweets
Oct 24th 2022
1. Mondays 🧡 is about long term monitoring.
How many people have a wall like this in their house? It’s the basic principle of long term monitoring: measure the same thing, the same way, in the same place, over many years (until your kids have flown the nest 😒) πŸͺΊπŸͺΉ
#Data Marks on a wall showing chi...
2. Long term monitoring and data collection leads to LTER – Long Term Ecological Research, where we use these data to understand natural variability, but also the complex interactions between people and nature over many years πŸ“ˆπŸ“‰πŸ“ŠπŸŒ³#LTER @eLTER_Europe @ILTER_network Slide of why questions rela...
3. In Burrishoole, data collection started in 1955 with counting fish: how many migratory (diadromous) fish were moving between freshwater (Lough Feeagh– top of photo) and the sea (Lough Furnace – bottom of photo) ?????? Aerial view of Lough Feeagh...
Read 24 tweets
May 26th 2020
Nowhere have I found such a mixed bag as I have #fishing the Lower #Wisconsin #River ... one long weekend bass, #trout, sheepshead, rock bass, redhorse, walleye, channel cat ..
Plus mooneye ...
@threadreaderapp unroll, please.
Read 3 tweets
Dec 28th 2017
2018 is the 61st year of long term ecological research in Burrishoole #BurrishooleLTER @MarineInst. I'm going to pin this tweet here and at the end of every month add some phenological happenings πŸŒΏπŸ›πŸ“ˆπŸŸπŸ’¦πŸ¦†πŸ¦‰πŸ¦‡πŸ•·πŸƒπŸŒΌπŸŒ™πŸŒβ„οΈ, including our main jobs. Stay tuned πŸ‘‡πŸΌ
@MarineInst This will coincide with our monthly staff meetings (last wed of each month) so I can get everyone's observations @FishEcoEvo @elizabethtray3 @B2020project
JANUARY: first snowdrops #phenology #burrishooleLTER
Read 125 tweets

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