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Oct 14th 2022
Currently attending a lecture at #UEA by @NorwichChloe. Hoping the students will do a good job with their questions.
Lots of compliments for UEA. Now getting onto work and employment. Keeps thinking that everyone should be helping to grow our economy. Still thinks our problem is people being on benefits not working. But people need jobs to pay enough without benefits.
Sticking plaster on the problem of mental health. Yes sure, add more mental health support? Let's see it. But has Chloe thought about the reason why we have an epidemic of mental health issues keeping people off work? Mental health suffers from poverty, inequality, oppression.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 2nd 2021
With #DeltaVariant spreading rapidly among young people, and some evidence that it causes more severe disease, there is a growing argument for #vaccinating children, and at the same time wealthy nations ensuring they deliver #VaccineEquity for ALL nations.…
Little doubt that relaxing control measures while the majority of the global population remains #unvaccinated risks the evolution of more transmissible, more virulent #variants. Variants that may be more dangerous for children & certain vulnerable groups.…
The researchers warn that,

'Even in countries where #vaccination has reduced the numbers of hospitalizations and deaths, high case numbers and large numbers of unvaccinated individuals provide a mixing vessel in which new #variants can emerge.'…
Read 12 tweets

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