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So, COVID vax entering preschool programme is frowned upon by some...after all "kids are all infected anyway, and they don't get sick"...a 🧵

This excellent paper is often cited to support that protection from infection is equivalent to vaccines...…
Sure, protection from infection and hospitalisation appear better in the infected cohort...

BUT, what's sometimes missed is the actual numbers reflecting how we get to these pretty graphs...

193K infections, 309 hospitalised, 7 died
273k vaccinees, 15 hospitalised, 0 died
Other important points:

The vaccinated cohort included either one or two shots...we know from adults that three is best, so efficacy could theoretically be improved.

Vaccinating pre-infected kids improves protection, the authors recommend boosters for both vaxd & infected kids
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#Covid UK latest:
🦠1,233,947 predicted current symptomatic #Covid infections @Join_ZOE.
🦠1,504,600 @ONS w/ending 21 Feb 2023
🏥Each new wave means a further wave of hospitalisations, then a wave of deaths. NHS at breaking point, those becoming unwell diverting vital services... Image
#SARSCoV2 variants in analysed sequences.
Source: @OurWorldInData: UK
'The number of analysed sequences in the preceding two weeks that correspond to each variant group. This number may not reflect the complete breakdown of cases since only a fraction of all cases are sequenced.' Image
Dr Mary Ramsay, @UKHSA, said 'Covid-19 was still circulating widely and there had been recent increases in older people being admitted to hospital. It is important those at highest risk of severe illness do not become complacent...'
Report:… @BBCNews Image
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While Westminster purchased and Installed Hepa Filters for Parliament in 2020 …. While MPs like Bridgen lied about Vaccines in debates and on Social Media, & parents were fined by Govt for non attendance in UKCovidUnsafeSchools 💥😱👇🤬
Now everyone knows why #ABrigden is lying his head off with Antivaxxer bollox on Twitter: to cover up the fatal errors by the Government he is still part of, backed by antivax AstroTurf groups like Hartgroup . #LyingToryScum
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In late 2020, the #JCVI of #England made two important recommendations for the initial roll-out of the #COVID19 vaccine.

1-Vaccines should be targeted to the elderly and vulnerable to maximally preventing disease rather than infection 1/
2-To increase the interval between first and second doses of ChAdOx vaccine for 3 to 12-weeks in order to have a higher efficacy with this longer dose interval. 2/
A new modelling study from England shows that targeting the most vulnerable had the biggest immediate impact (compared to targeting younger individuals who may be more responsible for transmission). 3/
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Le président Emmanuel Macron a refusé de passer un test COVID-19 «afin d'empêcher la Russie de METTRE LA MAIN SUR SON ADN» ont déclaré 2 sources de son entourage @Reuters

▶️ET VOUS, qui a récupéré votre ADN❓…
«Confier aux grandes sociétés pharmaceutiques la responsabilité du déploiement mondial des vaccins a été UNE GRAVE ERREUR...
Avec 37 milliards de dollars l'an dernier, l'injection #Pfizer est LE MÉDICAMENT LE PLUS LUCRATIF DE L'HISTOIRE»…
Notre cher Pr. Luc Montagnier nous ayant quitté, j'espère un hommage national.Dans la tristesse qui est la mienne -ayant eu la chance de travailler avec lui ces dernières semaines- j’essuie les sarcasmes de ceux qui se croient mieux informés...
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1/3 Who decided that when considering #CovidVaccination for 5-12yr olds, the “impact on education” wasn’t a significant consideration?

Or that transmission to family (& teachers) shouldn’t be factored in to any decision?

Why was the remit of the #JCVI so limited?
@CMO_England Image
2- If 🇬🇧school kids had been offered vaccination like their international peers, the health, wellbeing & education of 1000s would’ve been better protected & countless lives could’ve been saved!
British exceptionalism has caused so much avoidable harm & suffering!

3- At what point will @10DowningStreet @educationgovuk & members of the #JCVI reflect on whether they’ve abused their power & failed an entire generation?

An unconscionable national safeguarding failure!

@Rachel_deSouza @ChildrensComm @nadhimzahawi @sajidjavid
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Every day that passes denying vaccination to 🇬🇧5-12yr olds will result in harm to a child somewhere @RCPCHPresident @Rachel_deSouza .

The #JCVI’s REFUSAL TO OFFER these children an @MHRAgovuk approved vaccine is IMO a national safeguarding concern.

We have plenty of vaccines, in fact they are being wasted!

I would personally jump at the chance to give 5-12yr olds their first #CovidVaccination , I know many other HCPs who feel the same.

Parents like @Mangalang1 are desperate, some are seeking vaccination abroad.
@chris_salt is campaigning for 5-12yr olds to be vaccinated & offering advice to parents able to travel.

Why is this happening in🇬🇧 whilst children of this age in many other parts of the world are being safely vaccinated & @MHRAgovuk have approved it?

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.@Telegraph replaced their #OnlySix article twice - there are three versions
Engineered lobbyists #UsForThem appear in the second version, and disappear in the third
Data they use only goes up to Feb2021, before Delta appeared
#HARTleaks #HARTofDarkness…
@Telegraph .@Telegraph's #OnlySix article fails to mention that 46% of those 7,050 children hospitalised between the start of the pandemic and Feb2021 had no underlying health conditions
.@Telegraph's #OnlySix article uses the data from a reference used by the #JCVI
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Well this is interesting…

I didn’t know that @richardm56 was a signatory on this letter👇🏼 from #UsForThemUK to the then Education Secretary @GavinWilliamson regarding the use of 😷s in UK schools?

@susannareid100 @DrHilaryJones @benshephard @GMB…
Would one expect someone with a record of being a #COVIDMinimiser & of spreading #COVIDDisinformation to be presenting a daily breakfast programme with such a large audience?

IMO it’s a question @GMB & @richardm56 must answer!

@SunderlandLolly @mariannaspring @ITV
The list includes some of the usual suspects of course ….@hartgroup_org members - no surprises there!

@DrHoenderkamp & #AllisonPearson obviously wouldn’t have wanted to miss out.

I almost smiled when I saw the name of my old friend #FrancisHoar - such a nice chap!
3/ ImageImageImage
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▪️Children need to get back to school, they said.
▪️Education has suffered, is "simply too important”, they said.
▪️Mental health toll is unbearable, they said.

BUT there were always 2 sides to this coin.

Wake of Govt’s ‘let rip’ policy on my family, education & NHS – a thread.
So they had our kids return to quasi-normalised schools in Sept, unvaccinated.
No masks or bubbles.
No notice given about contacts.
Sad, pitiful deafening silence from my RCPCH - no siren call to demand measures known to limit spread in schools.

All pretending all was normal.
All was not normal.
Covid cases among schoolchildren were soon rocketing, as expected.

I now have big guilt that I didn’t keep all my kids home just as we *had* done prior to the belated first lockdown.
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If we consider the age groups of schoolchildren & their parents & the overall numbers of #COVID cases currently, the return to 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿schools will almost certainly result in a rapid increase in infections that is avoidable, unnecessary & predictable.
1/9 ImageImageImage
That the vast majority of schoolchildren <16yrs have been DENIED ACCESS to an @MHRAgovuk approved vaccination & that the #JCVI assessment did not include deaths from #COVID, #LongCovid, effects on parents/close family, educational disruption etc is shocking in itself!
How can the #JCVI not consider at all that most schools have zero effective mitigations to ⬇️transmission of #airborne🦠s & that children/staff will no longer #WearAMask , putting schoolchildren & unvaccinated staff at significant risk of exposure to #coronavirus 5/7 a week?
3/ Image
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Why would the #JCVI make such a narrow & limited assessment?

And why would their remit be confined to serious illness & hospitalisations in children from #COVID19 when there are so many other issues to consider?


@MHRAgovuk @RCPCHtweets @CMO_England @uksciencechief
Not to consider #LongCovidKids when so many children are affected is utterly bizarre?

Who advised them not to include #LongCovid?
Does this omission not make their conclusion null & void?

@dgurdasani1 @chrischirp @Zubhaque @Dr2NisreenAlwan @IndependentSage @LongCovidKids
Why not “look at” deaths #JCVI?

The number of children dying of #COVID is thankfully v small, but it is not zero.

We should be aiming for NO CHILD deaths from a disease that we have a safe vaccine against & know how to ⬇️ transmission of.
Why aren’t we?
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💉 Great news!

The #JCVI has recommended a third COVID-19 vaccination for stem cell transplant recipients and people with blood cancer. (1/4)
We urge everyone eligible to take up this offer of a third vaccination, as it may provide valuable additional protection against COVID-19. (2/4)
However, we do advise that patients continue to practice caution, as vaccine efficacy may still be lower in people who have had a stem cell transplant and those with blood cancer. (3/4)
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The ONLY WAY to make any sense of the changes to isolation policy, in combination w/ the removal of virtually all mitigations across 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿society, is that the @PrimeMinister @sajidjavid & @10DowningStreet ACTIVELY WANT ppl to catch AND spread #coronavirus.

@dgurdasani1 @TimesRadio
They WANT “US” to “GO NOW” rather than later in the Autumn/winter….that’s YOU & ME!

No matter how many ppl are doubly vaccinated, COMPLETELY UNMITIGATED TRANSMISSION/SPREAD will inevitably effect ppl in all age groups.
GOING NOW may sound BIG & BRAVE to those that haven’t followed the pandemic closely, but for anyone w/ even the slightest understanding of what’s really going on, it equates to pouring several large cans of petrol onto the UK #COVID 🔥, whilst simultaneously turning the 💦 off!
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Let’s be very clear about what’s going on here…

EVERY SINGLE DECISION currently being made about 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿CHILDREN’s HEALTH, WELLBEING & EDUCATION is being HEAVILY INFLUENCED by #Conservative backed/funded groups & also by MEDICS who are downplaying #COVID/#LongCovid effects on them.
This is incredibly concerning for 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿children & their families.

PLEASE WAKE UP MSM….I’m just a dr, not an investigative journalist. But it doesn’t take much digging to see how sinister & dangerous this situation is.

@carolecadwalla @BylineTimes @NafeezAhmed @IndependentSage
School #COVID policy(or lack of)
#JCVI #COVIDVaccination decisions for <18s

Key “players” feature in EVERY DECISION since last summer -the return to “normal” school Sept 20 & 21, Jan 4th Primaries return,removal of😷s May21, unnecessary delays to vaccination of 12-18yr olds….
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So, a 2005 blueprint to fight an #airborne #virus arriving in Britain was lost, filed away in Whitehall, and apparently never used.

Now uncovered, its recommendations included limiting travel and stopping ‘super-spreader’ events - lessons not learned.…
The @Independent reports that, 'One senior medical adviser who served in Downing Street throughout the last decade said they were “totally surprised” to learn of the blueprint, despite having worked in emergency health planning and pandemic preparedness'.…
The @Independent reports that 'the 2005 plan put together by the #DoH, warns of spread via “finer aerosols of infectious respiratory secretions, which stay in the air longer than droplets”, meaning it can be passed from one person to another through the nose, mouth or even eyes.'
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With #DeltaVariant spreading rapidly among young people, and some evidence that it causes more severe disease, there is a growing argument for #vaccinating children, and at the same time wealthy nations ensuring they deliver #VaccineEquity for ALL nations.…
Little doubt that relaxing control measures while the majority of the global population remains #unvaccinated risks the evolution of more transmissible, more virulent #variants. Variants that may be more dangerous for children & certain vulnerable groups.…
The researchers warn that,

'Even in countries where #vaccination has reduced the numbers of hospitalizations and deaths, high case numbers and large numbers of unvaccinated individuals provide a mixing vessel in which new #variants can emerge.'…
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I read with interest the @thetimes article on #schools which claimed triumphantly that daily #LateralFlowTests of close #COVID contacts is as good as or better at reducing ongoing transmission & that indeed “Schools do not spread COVID”.
Here is the article incase you can’t see it because it’s behind a paywall.

Have a read….
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Vaccine policy was in the news lots this week regarding #JCVI's decisions on COVID vaccinations in teenagers. It's been highly contentious. Some I agree with. Some I don't. But I respect that they'll have deliberated carefully on this complex decision.
Here's my short summary of vaccine policy considerations:

The objectives of vaccination usually boil down to either:
- protecting individuals from specific diseases,
- and/or protecting populations.
We may use vaccinations to protect selected high risk groups, who are either at high risk of getting infected (e.g. healthcare workers) or spreading the infection (e.g. kids), or if the consequences of the infection are severe (e.g. the elderly or immunocompromised).
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Über die letzten 6 Monate konnte Dynamic Causal Modelling die 🌊 und folgenden 🌊🌊 am besten erklären. Jetzt scheitert das Modell an Meldungen und Symptomen, die etwa 2x so hoch sind, wie angesichts der aktuellen Impfquoten und Prävalenz zu erwarten wäre.…
Die Impfung beeinflusst:
1. Infektion.
2. Übertragung.
3. schwere, symptomatische (systemische) Erkrankung.
4. Tod (nach schwerer Erkrankung).
Integriert in das DCM sieht man Beweise für einen Effekt der Impfung an allen vier Punkten der Kette. Aktuelle Wirksamkeitsschätzung ⤵ Image
Das Bemerkenswerte an diesen Schätzungen ist, dass die Impfung nur einen sehr geringen Effekt (7,4 - 18,9 %) auf das Risiko hat, sich zu infizieren und anschließend Symptome zu entwickeln und das, obwohl sie einen erheblichen Schutz vor schweren Erkrankungen und Tod bietet.
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Nachdem die 🇬🇧 #JCVI der 🇩🇪 #STIKO mit den Empfehlungen zur #Corona Impfung von Kindern und Jugendlichen folgt und damit die Umsetzung der #GreatBarringtonDeclaration forciert, über die Durchseuchung der Kinder "natürliche Immunität" zu erreichen, ein Blick auf andere Länder.
Während wir noch über die Impfung für Kinder diskutieren, sind in den 🇺🇸 USA & 🇨🇦 Kanada bereits 10,8 Millionen Kinder 0-17 geimpft. Dahinter steht eine klare Strategie und die Befürchtung, dass das Coronavirus Kindern zunehmend gefährlicher werden könnte.…
🇺🇸 US-Gesundheitsorganisationen, die die Impfung für Teenager empfehlen:
▪ Department of Health and Human Services
▪ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
▪ American Academy of Family Physicians
▪ American Academy of Pediatrics
▪ American Heart Association
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1/ #PrimeMinister & #HealthSecretary,

I just want to clarify how I can keep myself & my family safe from the #COVID19 surge in cases in our area?

I live & work in Newcastle, where cases are now well > 800 per 100,000, a real #COVIDHotSpot!

@BorisJohnson @sajidjavid
2/ How do you suggest advice to “proceed with caution” & “remain vigilant” will stop my #NHS colleagues & I from succumbing to #COVID19 as frontline HCWs regularly exposed to #coronavirus, now that 😷s are OPTIONAL in many places & virtually all restrictions will end in 7/7?
3/ Which exact bit of your roadmap/unlocking is still “following the science”?

The science that quite clearly says the best way to protect both health AND the economy PLUS prevent new #covidvariants arising is to KEEP COMMUNITY TRANSMISSION & CASES LOW?
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A large number of people living with immunocompromise in UK & world feel left out in the cold re COVID19. Recently I have spoken with people in this boat, & they have urgent questions. I don’t have the answers, but I said I’d try & highlight their key Qs here for awareness 🧵 1/
Q1. What do antibody levels after vaccination mean? Can I get anti-spike antibodies on NHS, or which private provider? Can we have a website showing key providers and what the cut off points are? Is any “positive” antibody result good, or is a low positive worrying? 2/
The problem is that we don’t yet know what the antibody results mean, whether antibodies are enough & whether low antibodies are compensated by T cells & other mechanisms. We are waiting to study people with vaccine breakthrough infections, and this is slow 3/
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OpenSAFELY: Risks of COVID-19 hospital admission and death for people with learning disabilities - a cohort study

HT: @apsmunro @DFTBubbles

Some concerning trends...
Cohort study of data from primary care linked to secondary care & mortality records in England.
89% of adults with Down Syndrome & 38% with cerebral palsy on the learning disability register.
For under-16s: only 34% with Down Syndrome & 11% with cerebral palsy on LD register.
It matters that persons with learning disabilities are correctly identified & recorded on primary care registers. How else can reasonable adjustments be made, or they are identified correctly for immunisations, annual health checks, care plans, etc...?
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