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Dec 22nd 2019

“Russia, Putin & Trump do not seek to normalize US/RU relations.

They seek to subordinate US interests to RU interests.

It is not just about sanctions relief.

It is about working together to dismantle the int’l system the US has spent the past 75 years building.”

American military and intelligence officials tracking NK’s actions by the hour say they are bracing for an imminent test of an ICBM capable of reaching American shores, but appear resigned to the fact that Trump has no good options to stop it.

Pyongyang promised a “Christmas gift” if no progress had been made on lifting sanctions

7/25, At 11:04 am, a little more than an hour later, Duffey sent an email to the D SecDef Norquist & to the COS to the SecDef the Pentagon’s CFO telling them to hold the aid.
Read 57 tweets
Dec 21st 2019
BIG: @publicintegrity last night obtained a WH Office of Management and Budget memo indicating the Trump administration moved to stop aid to Ukraine hours after @POTUS’ call in July with Ukraine President Zelensky.

Story:… #UkraineDocs #FOIA
Here’s an at-a-glance look from @publicintegrity’s @ZachFB at what the documents we obtained last night — the product of our newsroom suing the Trump administration in federal court — revealed about an issue at the heart of Trump’s impeachment.…
.@publicintegrity continues to fight in federal court to obtain unredacted versions of other #UkraineDocs we received last week…
Read 4 tweets
Dec 13th 2019
1/ BREAKING: @PublicIntegrity obtains 146 Ukraine docs from Trump administration as Judiciary Committee prepares to vote on impeachment.…
@publicintegrity 2/ The #UkraineDocs are the first half of a two-part disclosure a federal court in November ordered the Trump administration to provide @publicintegrity following our newsroom's September lawsuit.…
@publicintegrity 3/ The #UkraineDocs produced are heavily redacted. @PublicIntegrity is preparing to file a motion Friday challenging the Trump administration's redactions. "We will continue to fight to ensure that the documents see the light of day,” says @publicintegrity CEO @susaneudora.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 13th 2019
As the House Judiciary Committee was voting on articles of impeachment against Donald Trump, @publicintegrity received documents related to Trump’s decision to withhold military aid from Ukraine. Every substantive exchange between officials was blacked out. #UkraineDocs
A lengthy email exchange between Elaine McCusker, deputy comptroller at the Defense Department and Michael Duffey, a political appointee and the associate director at OMB, and OMB General Counsel Mark Paoletta was also blacked out.…
McCusker did email Duffey to say: “the funds go into the system today to initiate transactions and obligate,” which set off more emails from Duffey and Paoletta. The e-mails carried on to the next day when McCusker suggested they hop on a call.…
Read 7 tweets

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