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Apr 1st 2022
1/7 Today #PHAC released an Update on #COVID19 in Canada: Epidemiology & Preparedness, which underscores the need for ongoing work to prepare for futures challenges as the #SARSCOV2 virus continues to circulate and evolve.…
2/7 Although Canada’s overall high vaccination coverage and a range of surveillance, public health measures, treatments & other tools can better protect us going forward, we must still prepare for possible resurgence this spring and fall.
3/7 #PHAC is preparing against two key scenarios for the longer-term. A realistic scenario could be one in which we have low-moderate ongoing #SARSCOV2 transmission in Canada, with intermittent waves as new variants emerge or immunity wanes.
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Jun 23rd 2021
AY.1 or #DeltaPlus, a new variant of the coronavirus, has been categorized as a "Variant of Concern" by the Indian government, reports said, leveling up from its previous status as a "Variant of Interest." What does it mean for you? #VariantofConcern… Image
A #VariantofConcern shows some of the following traits: 1) An increase in transmissibility. 2) An increase in virulence. 3) Detrimental change in COVID-19 epidemiology. 4) A reduction in the effectiveness of public health measures, diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutics. Image
Worryingly, more than 40 cases of #DeltaPlus have been identified in India through genome sequencing. Of them, 21 are from Maharashtra, six from Madhya Pradesh, three from Kerala, three from Tamil Nadu, two from Karnataka, and one each from Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, and Jammu. Image
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