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Feb 23rd 2023
[#838] #Vasily #Ivanovich #Chendarov, callsign "#Tor" (July 18, 1959), #Slavyansk, #Donetsk region, #Ukraine🇺🇦.
(A traitor, sided with the #Russian invaders and separatists from the first days of the attempt to occupy #Slavyansk, later fled to the uncontrolled territory and began Image
serving in the First #Slavic Brigade [military unit 0880], #Viking battalion. He held the position of commander of a grenade launcher platoon, with the rank of senior lieutenant. He served and fought against #Ukraine until the end of 2018, was demobilized.After the start of a
full-scale invasion, the separat went to the front as a volunteer in the #7th company of the same brigade where he was a platoon commander.Included in the #Ukrainian database "#peacemaker")

Status: #Utilized (in April in the village of #Novobakhmutovka, #Yasinovatsky district,
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