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May 9th 2021
To mark #EuropeDay today we researched Glasgow’s European links. Well,to be honest @JWils60 did most of the work!
Now we have 6 walking routes tracing European connections across the city;proving Glasgow is a European City & always has been
#TeamGlasgowLoves at the Necropolis ⤵️
Fascinating visiting Glasgow’s Necropolis today seeing its architecture, sculpture. Interesting to note it is modelled on Père-Lachaise in Paris, it’s estimated 50,000 people are buried there - many with European connections
#WeareEuropean #EuroWalk #EuropeDay2021 @euromovescot
Our #Eurowalk today started at #Glasgow necropolis; here the memorial to Henry Dubs - the german locomotive engineer who played a significant role in Glasgow’s locomotive manufacturing industry, building train engines to be shipped across the world #EuropeDay2021 @srpssteam
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May 27th 2020
@SuneAuken ✨ 🦇 🌖
✨ 🏢
You’ve heard of 🏢
Gotham City...

Welcome to

...and its Super-cilious Hero
‘Fat Man!’
@SuneAuken 🌈💚🌿🌱🟢👀🟢🌱🌿💚

...often known as
‘Tw#t Man!


@SuneAuken ✨ 🕊 🌖
✨ 🏢
Welcome to 🏢

Show candour... ✨
Talk to each other...
Listen to each other...
Learn from each other‼️

This is the Era of TRUTH‼️

Read 102 tweets

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