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Most recents (4)

May 8th 2023
As I was banned from Twatter due to comrade Musk's policies of censorship and lack of knowledge of the English language, I will now share my favourite photos of my Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau and his wife #SophieGregoireTrudeau who did Canada proud. at the #Coronation Image
2 A proud moment in history, our Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau and his wife #SophieGregoireTrudeau at the UK #Coronation Image
3 The Prime Minister of Canada @JustinTrudeau and his wife #SophieGregoireTrudeau and the Governor General of Canada Mary Simon @GGCanada and husband Whit Fraser in the UK. #CoronationConcert #Coronation Image
Read 7 tweets
Sep 20th 2022
THREAD | Her Majesty The Queen's State Funeral. 19th September 2022. Short clips and highlights.

#QueenElizabeth #QueenElizabethII #TheQueen #Queen #RoyalFamily #Royal #StateFuneral #RIPQueenElizabeth #GodSaveTheQueen #KingCharlesIII #TheKing #PrinceWilliam #WestminsterAbbey
Her Majesty's coffin is conveyed from Westminster Hall to Westminster Abbey.

#QueenElizabeth #QueenElizabethII #TheQueen #Queen #RoyalFamily #Royal #StateFuneral #RIPQueenElizabeth #GodSaveTheQueen #KingCharlesIII #TheKing #PrinceWilliam #WestminsterAbbey
The coffin is conveyed on the Royal State Gun Carriage, pulled by 142 @RoyalNavy sailors.

#QueenElizabeth #QueenElizabethII #TheQueen #Queen #RoyalFamily #Royal #StateFuneral #RIPQueenElizabeth #GodSaveTheQueen #KingCharlesIII #TheKing #PrinceWilliam #WestminsterAbbey
Read 16 tweets
Sep 15th 2022
Thread: #WestminsterHall

As #QueenElizabethII lies in state. I thought a thread on #WestminsterHall and its history world be interesting.

Built by William II (son of William the Conquereor) in 1099. It was the largest hall in England and possible Europe. 1/18
Thread: #WestminsterHall

The Hall is 73 meters by 20 meters (240ft by 63 ft). Its walls are 2 meters thick and when built was an amazing feet on engineering as the design of the early roof has been a mystery in its early design. 2/18
Thread: #WestminsterHall

The Kings table which represented #Royal might was made in 1099 and placed in the hall. The table was the seat of power for Kings and Queens and they would be acclaimed by Lords at the table before their coronation at #westminsterabbey 3/18
Read 18 tweets
May 7th 2020
Last call for the Thames Clippers RB1 service #VirtualTour! We're setting sail in this thread in one hour so take a seat, grab a hot drink from the onboard bar and get ready to sail through London in style (virtually) #VirtuallyLondon
As our service is currently suspended, all content shared has been captured prior to lockdown. #StayHomeStaySafe
As we depart Woolwich, on our way towards central London, we’re passing the Thames Barrier. One of the largest movable flood barriers in the world – it even has its own visitor centre! Image: Bill Green
#Woolwich #ThamesBarrier #RiverThames #VirtualTour
Read 54 tweets

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