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(1) As a hurricane watcher (amateur, from behind a screen) I take an interest in other disaster types like earthquake, tsunami, & volcano.

International media coverage of the #Fagradalsfjall eruption in Iceland misses the mark a bit. Here's why.
(2) I see this phenomenon all the time, whenever New Zealand has an earthquake, tsunami or volcanic eruption.

Few in the media are trained in the responsible reporting of such disasters. They aim for clicks & ratings with little regard for public safety (anywhere.)
(3) Emergency Management Agencies (EMAs) usually issue media guidance & I've read such materials produced by the USA's (the largest EMA in the world.) Unfortunately FEMA's website redesign makes it hard to find them now, but I'll add links below later on.
Read 18 tweets
(1) Thread No.3 on NZ's #WhiteIsland volcanic eruption.

A third person has died in hospital today, about an hour ago.

Very sadly, it was the mystery patient, who has not yet been identified.

The death toll is now 17. Still 20+ critically ill.

(2) Normally by day four, the official list of deceased, missing, and injured would be clear.

But some of those hospitalized are not identified, due to the nature of their injuries, and the lack of ID with them.

Some have burns to >90% of their body. Most are unconscious.
(3) My current understanding is this:

>8 deceased, still on the island
>9 died en route or in hospital (H)
>21 alive in NZ Hs
>6 alive in AU H care
>3 alive & discharged from H in NZ

Total: 47

Of the 27 in Hs, 23 are in critical condition. More deaths are expected.
Read 19 tweets
(1) Thread No.2 on NZ's #WhiteIsland (aka #Whakaari) volcanic eruption on Dec 9, 2019.

This morning we learned that two more patients have died in hospital, bringing the death toll to 16.

People in this country are really hurting & many are angry about the aftermath.
(2) A large part of why people are angry is because of the Pike River coal mine disaster that killed 29 people in November 2010.

As we speak, experts are part way through the process of re-entering the mine to try to retrieve their remains, and gather evidence on the disaster.
(3) I think it's very unfair to conflate these two disasters and the response/recovery processes used in each.

One was caused by corporate negligence & it was clear from the start that all were dead, & immediate retrieval of the remains was out of the question.
Read 28 tweets
6.35pm: Press briefing: #WhiteIsland volcanic eruption in New Zealand.

>1 fatality confirmed
>Likely to be more
>A number were injured, in hospital
>Rescuers cannot go onto island atm
>Ashfall impacts local only at this stage
Press Briefing #2 at 9.11pm:

>death toll now 5
>they had been brought back from island
>exact numbers on island & their status still unconfirmed
>volcanologists advise island still too unstable for rescuers to return atm

#WhiteIsland #OvationOfTheSeas #NZvolcano #nzpol
#WhiteIsland volcanic eruption update:

It's just gone 10pm here in NZ, where an offshore volcano erupted while tourists were present, at 2.11pm today.

So far, 5 are confirmed dead, many injured, many missing. I think the toll will rise once crews can access the island again.
Read 34 tweets
My god, White Island volcano in New Zealand erupted today for first time since 2001. My family and I had gotten off it 20 minutes before, were waiting at our boat about to leave when we saw it. Boat ride home tending to people our boat rescued was indescribable. #whiteisland
Those are some of the people put boat picked up. Praying for them and their recovery. Woman my mom tended to was in critical condition but seemed strong by the end.

The helicopters on the island looked destroyed:
Read 7 tweets
#BREAKING New Zealand volcano popular with tourists erupts
#UPDATE New Zealand's White Island volcano has suddenly erupted, prompting fears for a group of visitors seen walking on the crater floor moments before

📸 File photo of White Island in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
#BREAKING 100 people near New Zealand volcano when it erupted: PM
Read 12 tweets

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