>1 fatality confirmed
>Likely to be more
>A number were injured, in hospital
>Rescuers cannot go onto island atm
>Ashfall impacts local only at this stage
>death toll now 5
>they had been brought back from island
>exact numbers on island & their status still unconfirmed
>volcanologists advise island still too unstable for rescuers to return atm
#WhiteIsland #OvationOfTheSeas #NZvolcano #nzpol
It's just gone 10pm here in NZ, where an offshore volcano erupted while tourists were present, at 2.11pm today.
So far, 5 are confirmed dead, many injured, many missing. I think the toll will rise once crews can access the island again.
I guarantee you every first responder in the Bay wants nothing more than to get to #WhiteIsland tonight - but they know they can't. Period.
This photo is looking North. The ash plume is blowing to the East, where I'd think it would be easier to evacuate from. I'm not confident about their chances, sorry to say.

>the regulator says it's safe
>the operator says it's safe
but, IMO
>you should always do your own due diligence.
NZ Police believe there are no survivors on #WhiteIsland.
Death toll anywhere from 5 to about 30 people.

The tragedy will have an economic impact on my country, which is already under economic stress. A flow-on effect.
We need tourists to keep visiting us. Just please stay safe.
Remember - the person could be in the hospital. We will know in time.
>5 confirmed dead
>8 missing, presumed dead
>3 discharged from hospital
>31 remain in hospital, some critically injured
47 were on the island at the time, 38 of whom were from the cruise ship, incl 1 crew.
Authorities will recover the deceased as soon as it is safe to do so. The toxic ash in the air makes it unsafe to visit the island atm.
>Casualties status unchanged since 8 hours ago
>One hour ago at 1pm there was a small earthquake in nearby Gisborne
>Quake was a 5.3, but 29km deep so it was very minor in terms of damage
>Quakes happen all the time here, we're used to them.
I do hope that all tourism to #WhiteIsland stops now. Let them rest in peace.


I'm embarrassed. I used to work for them.
We're too small a country to have the best resources to deal with such events.
Australia: 24
USA: 9
NZ: 5
Germany: 4
UK: 2
China: 2
Malaysia: 1
Source: NZ Police
This take by the leader of the opposition is unwise IMO:

Authorities are not going anywhere near the island today to attempt to retrieve the bodies of the deceased.
Kiwis have learned to trust our GNS agency when it comes to the life threatening rumblings of mother earth.
Safety first, finally.

"families are desperate to get their loved ones' bodies back"
"tourism to the island should continue"
She is out of touch with the rest of NZ.
MY thoughts are with the 30 severely-burned people fighting for life in 7 hospitals around the country.
And the years, decades-long, recovery that many of them now face.
We taxpayers are footing the bill for the rescues, the medical costs, & the depressed local economy from now on.
NZ can't afford continual natural & manmade disasters.
Taxpayers should not be forced to pay for the recovery of bodies at the former Pike River coal mine.
And our ongoing liability for #WhiteIsland related costs should be contained asap.
I bet no one on the cruise ship knew this.
You MUST purchase excellent insurance cover before you travel, so you are not reliant on our measly "single payer" ACC coverage.
Unless we return to the bold free market reforms of the mid 1980s, we are fucked.
Our so-called conservative party, National, are weak.
Those who are stronger on conservatism are unelectable, due to smoking too much pot, or condoning racism. I know, it's insane.
NZ needs to shut it down, because letting people suffer and die through lack of information, then going bankrupt to pay for it, is a losing proposition.
Time to get real.