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Feb 11th 2021
šŸ†˜Time is running out for America's iconic #WildHorses! Please take a minute to sign this petition and share it with everyone today!

Contact your members of Congress and tell them you want them to act to protect #wildlife and wild horses #WildHorseWednesday #WildHorseWinDay
How to Contact Your Elected Officialsā€¦
Wild horses are being chased by helicopters often until they drop or are injured. Pregnant mares miscarry. Day-old foals are forced to run until their legs break and are then killed. All to make room for private profit for agriculture, fossil fuels, fracking, and mining. ImageImageImage
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Oct 19th 2020
#PointReyes National Seashore a 71,000 acre historic peninsula on the Pacific Ocean is home to
native #California species like snowy plovers, red-legged frogs, coho salmon & tule elk

Ranchers, fharmers & gov plan to cull the #Elk - bc BEEF šŸ® #calpolā€¦
Conflict between ranchers & environmentalists is not uncommon in the West, where wildlife & #Animalag collide

ā–Ŗ#wildhorses in Utah compete w cattle & are slaughtered
ā–ŖBlack-tailed prairie dogs in Wyoming are shot & poisoned
ā–Ŗ#Wolves, reintroduced in West shot
3/#PointReyes National Seashore, 71,000 acre historic peninsula on Pacific Ocean is home to
native #California species like #TuleElk
šŸ‘‰Ranchers, fharmers & gov plan to cull the #Elk - bc BEEFšŸ® #calpol

āš LOOK at green on mapā¬‡ #AnimalAg WASTE into #oceanā€¦
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Sep 25th 2020
Good news! The number of cosponsors for the SAFE Act (H.R. 961), which would ban horse slaughter in the U.S. and the transport of American #horses for slaughter, has reached 234. TAKE ACTION: Send a message to your rep / senators: #yes2safe #wildhorses 1/ Image
Thank you, @RepKirkpatrick, for cosponsoring the bipartisan SAFE Act (H.R. 961) to ban horse slaughter in the U.S. and the export of American horses for slaughter, for the good of America's #horses and for human health! #yes2safe #wildhorses 2/
Thank you, @RepFredKeller, for cosponsoring the bipartisan SAFE Act (H.R. 961) to ban horse slaughter in the U.S. and the export of American horses for slaughter, for the good of America's #horses and for human health! #yes2safe #wildhorses 3/
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Sep 16th 2020
This is NOT healthy #publiclands mgmt. Forest Service is removing more #wildhorses from the Devil's Garden Wild Horse Territory, CA. But horses are adapted to arid lands. Putting them into feedlots & replacing them w/ cattle who are adapted to pasture-based settings is backwards. Image
The cost to taxpayers to have #wildhorses on #publiclands is $0. To remove them & put them into corrals costs us $50,000 per horse over their lifetime. We then pay upwards of $500 MILL in costs each yr for these private ranchers to graze their cattle & sheep on OUR public lands. Image
We need your voice to change the way #wildhorses and our #publiclands are currently being managed. Join us in the fight!
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Sep 11th 2020
But why the need for fertility control at all? #wildhorses in the U.S. no longer have free-range over vast western rangelands. Instead, pursuant to the Wild Horse Act (1971), they are confined to Herd Management Areas (HMAs) or Wild Horse Territories (WHTs) on public lands. Image
The fed gov manages these areas for "multiple uses" such as livestock grazing, oil & gas extraction & mining, & recreation. The conditions that America's mustangs live in today are anything but natural. #wildhorse pops also continue to be disrupted by roundups & removals. Image
Thus, #wildhorses and burros must compete on our public lands with other uses backed by powerful economic interests. Under these circumstances, the idea of natural regulation is just that: an idea that is unfortunately divorced from reality. Image
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Sep 11th 2020
How about a fast fact Friday? Here's a short video on PZP: A Humane Way to Manage Wild Herds. #keepwildhorseswildā€¦
PZP is given via a dart that injects at the hip site, then ejects to be retrieved. It prevents fertilization & pregnancy via an immune response that does not affect the horseā€™s hormonal system. As a result, the vaccine preserves the natural behaviors that distinguish #wildhorses.
PZP is safe for female horses (mares) in foal, & for mares who are nursing their young. In the first year, the mares & young horses (fillies) are treated twice: once with a primer dose, & a booster dose two weeks later. It can be used in female horses as young as 11 months.
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Sep 3rd 2020
This year, Bureau of Land Mgmt (BLM) released a catastrophic plan to Congress outlining a path to extinction for #wildhorses & #burros. On Sept. 23-24, 2020, the Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board (AB) will meet (on Zoom) for the first time since the plan was released. Image
The AB is a BLM-appointed citizen panel that makes recommendations to the BLM on #wildhorse and burro mgmt. Unfortunately, it is stacked with anti-wild horse and pro-ranching advocates who support the BLM's mass wild horse roundup and removal plan. #themoreyouknow
Now, #wildhorses need us to make our voices heard in opposition to the plan & in support of freedom. Join us in demanding that the AB rep the public interest by making humane rec's to the BLM instead of endorsing its disastrous mass removal plan.
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Aug 14th 2020
Why don't we sue to stop roundups? While we would like to be able to go to court to stop every issue that arises, litigation is expensive & far from certain. When we do file litigation, we do so strategically in an effort to chip away at BLM's most egregious practices and plans.
Complicating the situation, the animal welfare standards the BLM has for roundups (CAWP) is an internal policy (like a code of conduct) that is not based in law or regulation. However, this does give us a standard to hold BLM to with complaint letters and documentation.
While our letters are often ignored, it does help build a record of BLM and contractor violations. We use this record in our policy work. In short, when the standards are not met it is our job to hold BLM accountable and to speak for the #wildhorses and burros. #stoptheroundups Image
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Aug 13th 2020
This Saturday, Bureau of Land Mgmt's contractors will fly helicopters over the Sulphur HMA in Utah to roundup & remove approx. 600 #wildhorses. AWHC's reps will be on-site for this operation. #stoptheroundups Image
These wild horses have bloodlines dating back to the first #horses brought to North America by Spanish explorers in the early 1500s & are among just a handful of herds with strong Spanish genetics. #keepwildhorseswild Image
BLM has set a population limit of just 165-250 #wildhorses on the 267,208-acre Sulphur HMA, or as low as one horse for every 1,619 acres. The low pop limit is imposed so that livestock operators get to graze the equivalent of 1,417 cow/calf pairs & 692 sheep on part of the HMA.
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Aug 10th 2020
Bureau of Land Mgmt (BLM) is working w/ US Dept. of Ag (USDA) Wildlife Services to kill native animals, particularly apex predators, is the antithesis of its mission. In the WHB issue, the BLM routinely states, WHB "have no natural predators." But they do.ā€¦
Studies have shown that a mature mountain lion can kill and feed off one foal every two weeks. For example, in Mongomery Pass WHT, mountain lion hunting hasn't happened in decades and the #wildhorse population is considered to be at an ecologically effective level.
Eliminating natural predators to protect livestock interests in the same area where #wildhorses and burros roam is counterproductive to wild horse and burro mgmt - and to the detriment of #publiclands. #yourtaxdollarsatwork
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Jul 21st 2020
There's still time! The Rules Committee was expected to meet yesterday but is now meeting TOMORROW. Yesterday 3k of our AWHC community made calls & sent emails. Ask your member to co-sponsor & urge the Committee members to allow the vote. Take action:
We're building momentum with bipartisan co-sponsors: @RepCohen, @RepRaulGrijalva, @repdinatitus, @RepJoeNeguse, @RepDavidEPrice, @RepSchakowsky, @RepBrianFitz, @RepDavid, & @RepPeteKing who support the effort to dedicate funds to protect Americaā€™s cherished #wildhorses and burros
AND thank you @RepDebHaaland for supporting this amendment as well! The list of co-sponsors will update here:ā€¦ See Division C ā€“ Department of the Interior, Environment, #6. #keepwildhorseswild
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Jul 20th 2020
URGENT ACTION NEEDED! @RepCohen, @RepGrijalvaCS, @RepJoeNeguse, @repdinatitus, @RepSchakowsky, and @RepBrianFitz are sponsoring an amendment that would dedicate funding to protect Americaā€™s cherished #wildhorses and burros by requiring Bureau to spend at least $11 mill on PZP.
This requirement to implement humane birth control to humanely manage #wildhorse & burro pops in the wild as an alt to cruel roundup and removal of #wildhorses from public lands is done in an effort to rein in the BLMā€™s cruel, costly & ineffective roundup $ incarceration program.
Here is where we need your help: The Rules Committee will decide later today whether to allow the amendment to go to the floor for a vote later this week. This is huge! Please help #wildhorses & burros! One call & one click WILL make a difference! Image
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Jul 17th 2020
Good news: The House version of the SAFE Act to ban horse slaughter and the export of American #horses for slaughter has its 229th and 230th cosponsors!

TAKE ACTION: Click to urge your rep and senators to say #yes2safe:

#wildhorses #nohorseslaughter 1/3 Image
Thank you, @RepOHalleran, for cosponsoring the bipartisan SAFE Act (H.R. 961) to ban horse slaughter for the good of America's #horses and for human health! #yes2safe 2/3
Thank you, @RepGonzalez, for cosponsoring the bipartisan SAFE Act (H.R. 961) to ban horse slaughter for the good of America's #horses and for human health! #yes2safe 3/3
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Jul 8th 2020
Roundup (n): The taxpayer-funded gov act of utilizing helicopters to stampede and brutally tear America's #wildhorses away from their homes and into lifelong confinement, resulting in thousands of losing their freedom, and increasingly, their lives.ā€¦
Science says mass roundups are counter-productive. Mass removals act as a catalyst for a phenomenon called compensatory reproduction. Essentially, after a herd's population unnaturally plunges due to a roundup, biology dictates that birth rates will increase.
The roundup result: mass incarceration. Approx 50k wild horses are currently stockpiled in long-term holding facilities with no place to go. As more mustangs are piled in, the pressure to sell them for slaughter grows. PLUS the Path Forward & BLM Report want to add horses.
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Jul 6th 2020
BREAKING: House Interior Approps bill is out! The good: The subcommittee rejected the Presidentā€™s budget request for $15.3 mill in additional funding for the WHB Program. The bill continues to prohibit the slaughtering of #wildhorses and burros. #appropriation #freewildhorses Image
The bad: the draft bill would result in Congress handing the Bureau $42 mill in additional #taxpayer funds over 2019 budget levels with no hard requirements to prevent the agency from spending all the funds to #roundup and stockpile #wildhorses and to surgically sterilize them.
These are the first installments on the Bureauā€™s multi-billion dollar proposal to cull #wildhorse populations back to #extinction levels, a plan that will push the program off the fiscal cliff, inevitably resulting in the mass #slaughter of Americaā€™s nat'l icons. #stoptheroundups
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Jun 9th 2020
Can you in good conscience allow this gorgeous creature to be run to ground, trapped and sold to slaughter? Please take some time to save our #wildhorses! P.S. I don't know if this is a wild horse, but his relatives and ancestors are.
This is what they suffer Image
This is why they suffer and are killed. ImageImageImage
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Aug 22nd 2019
Since May, 42 wild burros have been found dead with gunshot wounds on public land along the Interstate 15 corridor between Halloran Springs, Calif., and Primm, Nev. #wildhorses #horses #burros 1/3 Image
If you believe that you may have information about the shootings of burros along the Interstate 15 corridor in California near the Nevada border, please call (800) 782-7436 or see 2/3
BLM is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of those responsible for killing burros along the I-15 corridor near the Calif.-Nev. border. We're working to raise an another $5,000 in reward funds. To donate, see 3/3
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Aug 15th 2019
@realdonaldtrump, who promised to protect our #publiclands, nominated William Perry Pendley, who hates our public land, as head of
@BLMNational. He has argued loudly that the federal govt shouldnā€™t own public lands. @senatemajldr @Johncornyn @tedcruzā€¦
@realDonaldTrump @BLMNational @senatemajldr @JohnCornyn @tedcruz Pendley has spent decades trying to sue the fed govt for protecting endangered species, fought against designating natl monuments, & stood up for lawbreaking cattlemen who held an armed standoff with BLM employees. @lisamurkowski @SenatorCollins @LindseyGrahamSC @tomudall @GOP
@realDonaldTrump @BLMNational @senatemajldr @JohnCornyn @tedcruz @lisamurkowski @SenatorCollins @LindseyGrahamSC @tomudall @GOP Pendley has argued loudly that the federal govt ~shouldnā€™t~ own #publiclands. It makes no sense to put someone who has such antipathy for our public lands, &the public servants who protect them, in charge of the agency that manages 248 million acres of them @senategop @senatedems
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Aug 13th 2019
Nigeria is a beautiful place and Taraba State particularly Sardauna LGA is indeed natures gift to Nigeria. This is a thread about my trip to the most beautiful place in Nigeria. #Nigeria #Taraba #SardaunaLGA #Mambilla #Gembu
@Emexie_ @enigma_kaye and I left for Jalingo from Abuja on a rainy Wednesday morning. The trip was uneventful with many checkpoints on the way. It finally stopped raining somewhere around Wukari. Overall, it was a smooth journey #RoadTrip #Nigeria #Jalingo
We arrived Jalingo a lil past 6pm. Trip lasted about 11hrs. My friend Jerry picked us from the motor park to Sanaf Suites where we had dinner and settled down in preparation for our trip the next day #Jalingo #RoadTrip
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Mar 19th 2019
Good news! 26 more House members are cosponsoring the SAFE Act (H.R. 961), which would ban horse slaughter / the transport of #horses for slaughter. New total: 114. TAKE ACTION: Keep the momentum going: Send a message to your rep: #wildhorses #yes2safe 1/4 Image
Thank you to these new cosponsors of the bipartisan SAFE Act (H.R. 961) to ban horse slaughter: @RepDennyHeck, @CongressmanRaja, @jahimes, @RepDebHaaland, @RepJudyChu, @RepCasten, @RepSteveChabot, @RepDavid, @NitaLowey, @RepPeterDeFazio, @AndyKimNJ, @RepDMP #yes2safe 2/4
Thank you to these new cosponsors of the bipartisan SAFE Act (H.R. 961) to ban horse slaughter: @JasonCrowCO6, @RepSchneider, @RepJohnLarson, @CarolynBMaloney, @RepDarrenSoto, @RepCindyAxne, @RepBonnie, @USRepKCastor #yes2safe 3/4
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Mar 5th 2019
Good news! -- 17 more cosponsors are backing the SAFE Act (H.R. 961). It would ban horse slaughter in the U.S. and transporting horses for slaughter. New total: 88.

TAKE ACTION: Send a message to your representative: #yes2safe #wildhorses 1/2 Image
Thank you to these members of Congress for backing bipartisan H.R. 961 to end horse slaughter: @RepMikeQuigley, @ABrindisiNY, @RepJoeKennedy, @RepSlotkin, @RepKatiePorter, @RepJoeNeguse, @JimLangevin, @RepDwightEvans, @RepBeatty, @RepJohnYarmuth, @RepMcGovern 2/3 Image
Thank you to these members of Congress for backing bipartisan H.R. 961 to end horse slaughter: @congbillposey, @RepPaulTonko, @RepJayapal, @RepDianaDeGette, @RepLouCorrea, @RepAdamSchiff 3/3
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Feb 26th 2019
Good news! -- 11 more House members have signed on as cosponsors of the SAFE Act (H.R. 961), which would ban horse slaughter. New total: 61.

TAKE ACTION: Send a message urging your representative's support: #yes2safe #wildhorses Photo: Emily McGahee 1/3 Image
Thank you to these members of Congress for supporting the bipartisan SAFE Act (HR 961) to ban horse slaughter: @repmarkpocan, @chelliepingree, @repjimcooper, @RepGwenMoore, @RepGraceMeng, @RepCartwright. #yes2safe #wildhorses #nohorseslaughter 2/3 Image
Thank you to these members of Congress for supporting the bipartisan SAFE Act (HR 961) to ban horse slaughter: @RepFrenchHill. @PeterWelch, @RepLowenthal, @RepBillFoster, @RepAdamSmith. #yes2safe #wildhorses #nohorseslaughter 3/3 Image
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Feb 23rd 2019
Good news! 15 more members of the House have signed on as cosponsors of the SAFE Act (H.R. 961) to ban horse slaughter. That brings the total to 50.

TAKE ACTION: Send a message to your representative: #yes2safe #nohorseslaughter #wildhorses 1/3 Image
Thank you to these members of Congress for supporting the bipartisan SAFE Act (HR 961) to ban horse slaughter: @RepCharlieCrist, @TulsiPress, @RepLipinski, @RepJuanVargas, @RepKathleenRice, @RepSeanMaloney, @RepStephenLynch, @Kilili_Sablan 2/3 #yes2safe Image
Thank you to these members of Congress for supporting the bipartisan SAFE Act (HR 961) to ban horse slaughter: @RepBonamici, @RepLeeZeldin, @RepDerekKilmer, @RepPeteAguilar, @RepTedLieu, @RepEspaillat, @RepCicilline 3/3 #yes2safe Image
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Feb 14th 2019
Great news! 18 new cosponsors have signed onto the SAFE Act (H.R. 961) to ban horse slaughter, bringing the total number to 29. Our goal is to reach 290, so don't let up!

TAKE ACTION: Urge your rep to join them: #yes2safe #wildhorses #nohorseslaughter 1/3 Image
Thanks to these members of Congress for backing the bipartisan SAFE Act to end horse slaughter: @RepBrianMast, @RepAnnieKuster, @JuliaBrownley, @GReschenthaler, @repdelgado, @GerryConnolly, @repblumenauer, @RepAlLawsonJr, @RepSusanWild, @RepHastingsFL, @RepStefanik 2/3 #yes2safe
Thanks to these members of Congress for backing the bipartisan SAFE Act to end horse slaughter: @RepJohnKatko, @RepPeteKing, @RepMattGaetz, @RepTimRyan, @KenCalvert, @DWStweets, @BettyMcCollum04 3/3 #yes2safe #wildhorses #nohorseslaughter
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