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Nov 10th 2022
The Effect of #Glyphosate on the #Gutmicrobiome and Neurocognitive Function…
1/5 Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbicide #RoundUp. In 1996 #geneticallymodified soybeans that could tolerate Round Up were introduced. At that time, Round Up made up just 3.8% of herbicides in use. By 2007 glyphosate use was more than double the next herbicide.
2/5 Glyphosate blocks an enzyme used by plants, bacteria, fungi, and algae, including beneficial bacteria in our #gut. Pathogenic bacteria Clostridia and Salmonella are not affected by glyphosate, allowing them to survive.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 2nd 2022
Info Importante.
Le Dr Judy #Mikovitz, qui, dans une récente interview avec le Health Ranger, a expliqué comment le glyphosate, l’un des principaux ingrédients actifs de la formule de l’herbicide #Roundup, potentialise ou amplifie la toxicité des « vaccins » contre le #Covid_19
#Mikovitz a poursuivi en décrivant le mécanisme d’action du glyphosate comme un « aspirateur » qui aspire toutes les parties, ou composants, des injections de #Covid_19 et en contient autant que possible directement dans les cellules saines, les détruisant finalement.
Une révélation qui a fait l’effet d’une bombe !
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Aug 4th 2022
#Warprofiteers: @Bayer lifts forecasts as food shortages boost demand for seeds and weedkiller. Almost doubles its growth forecast for 2022 as sharp increase in global food prices proves a boon for Bayer’s business…
@Bayer Despite profiting from the impact of the war on food prices, @Bayer still trades close to 60% below its level before news of its #Monsanto acquisition. That has exposed Bayer to concerns #Roundup causes cancer and it triggered an investor revolt that CEO Baumann barely survived.
@Bayer Bayer has already set aside up to $16 billion for existing and future Roundup lawsuits. In June, it suffered a major legal defeat when the US Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal over a landmark ruling that awarded $25M to a man who claimed #Roundup had caused his cancer.
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Aug 3rd 2021
Le scandale du #MEDIATOR
a tellement mis en avant des pbs de conflit d’intérêt entre les organismes de l’Etat et BIGPHARMA,

que l’AFSSAPS a changé de nom et c’est nommée #ANSM… Image


La sphère publique est juge et partie.
Cela peut mener a une sous-évaluation des incidents déclarés.

ANSM= une cible pour le lobby de BigPharma. Pb / Levothyrox, Depakine, Médiator… ImageImage

Des politiques influents peuvent être rémunérées par Bigpharma.
Il y a aussi des récompenses (offres de travail); ex de Monsanto.

Des « experts » Français décideurs ont des conflits d’intérêt.… Image
Read 57 tweets
May 19th 2021
Gearing up for a marathon #Roundup MDL settlement hearing this morning before Judge Chhabria in the Northern District. I'll have coverage for @CourthouseNews

In the meantime, here's a link to the judge's questions for counsel:…
Chhabria: "I was going back over the questions I put out and I found myself regretting that I didn't separate out the questions based on class."
There are two:
1. People diagnosed with Non Hodgkin lymphoma and exposed to Roundup and not yet hired lawyers
2. People who have been exposed to Roundup and not yet diagnosed with NHL
Read 130 tweets
May 11th 2021
A 🧵to contextualise what's happening in Cali, the epicenter of Colombia's national strike, based on a long ethnographic engagement with the young people behind the protests, police officers and local officials that @LinaBuchely and I have been conducting since 2016. 1/ Image
Some background to the current strike first. The huge mobilisations over the past 12 days are a continuation of the protests that took place in Nov. 2019 (#21N) against the current Duque government, its attacks on the peace accords and the country's economic situation. 2/ Image
The 2019 protests were the largest & most coordinated mobilisations in Colombia's history. People from across the spectrum called for economic reform, and for an end to the assassination of peace leaders & to the ESMAD, the country's infamous anti-riot police. 3/ Image
Read 48 tweets
Apr 30th 2021
1. At the beginning of 2021, #AMLO signed an executive order to ban GM corn and the toxic chemical #glyphosate over three years.

Now, a judge has provided #Bayer with a stay against the order.

The Mexican judiciary's war against AMLO's agenda continues.…
2. The ban came as a surprise to the #US and #BigAg, which thought their lobbying efforts had been sufficient to quash any such measure. In fact...…
3. US agencies & #Monsanto did a full-court press to stop Mexico from taking action. Leaked #USTR emails complain of “vocal anti-biotechnology activists” in the administration, and that Mexico’s health agency (Cofepris) is “becoming a big-time problem”.…
Read 6 tweets
Apr 30th 2021
Miscarriage risk is 43% HIGHER for Black women than white women, finds a new global study.
Clearly identified risk factors:
⚠️ Black ethnicity
⚠️ Air pollution
⚠️ Exposure to pesticides
⚠️ Persistent stress
⚠️ Working night shifts
⚠️ Alcohol & smoking.…
Medical racial bias toward Black moms is a BIG problem with doctors/nurses ignoring warning signs and symptoms, misdiagnosis, and malpractice!
Systemic inequalities and environmental racism plagues communities of color. Air pollution is one of many factors hurting Black families. Lead paint, poor water quality, and toxins too!
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Apr 12th 2021
☠️ #RoundUp 700.000 tonnes de cette substance chimique sont vendues tous les ans dans le monde, 9.100 tonnes en France.

La consommation de pesticides en France est d’environ 70.000 tonnes par an.
Macron n’a pas tenu sa promesse d’interdire le glyphosate d’ici 2021…
Dans tous les cas, le problème n’est pas tant le glyphosate, qui sera remplacé par une molécule similaire voire pire en cas d’interdiction, que le modèle agrochimique.
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Feb 5th 2021
#THREAD - Heran Demokrat Saat Surat Klarifikasi Kudeta ke Jokowi Tanpa Balasan

Simak berita #RoundUp nya pada postingan berikut👇👇
Pihak Istana Kepresidenan akhirnya angkat bicara soal surat klarifikasi AHY soal isu kudeta. Apa respon istana?

Istana memilih untuk tidak menjawab, sikap yang justru membuat heran Demokrat.
Istana enggan menjawab surat klarifikasi AHY soal isu kudeta ketum Partai Demokrat. Alasannya?

Istana beralasan, itu murni urusan internal Partai Demokrat.
Read 14 tweets
Jan 27th 2021
#Glyphosate and Roundup disturb gut microbiome and blood biochemistry at doses that regulators claim to be safe… New study reveals evidence for potential cancer-causing damage
Study proved #glyphosate disrupts gut microbiome thru same route it kills weeds — inhibition of shikimate pathway. Humans & animals do not have the shikimate pathway, but some strains of gut bacteria do, leading to dramatic biochemical changes & oxidative stress, the study found.
.@careygillam has done a very interesting interview regarding the new gut microbiome study with two of its authors, Dr Michael Antoniou & Dr Robin Mesnage of the Dept of Medical and Molecular Genetics at King’s College London #Roundup #glyphosate
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Jan 9th 2021
Pihak Kementerian Perhubungan menyatakan pesawat Sriwijaya Air SJY-182 jatuh di Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta Utara.

Simak beritanya di sini 👇
Pihak Kementerian Perhubungan menyatakan pesawat Sriwijaya Air SJY-182 jatuh di Kepulauan Seribu. Pihak kepolisian malam ini membuat posko Antemortem-DVI di RS Polri Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur. #SJ182…
Serpihan puing diduga badan pesawat Sriwijaya Air yang hilang kontak ditemukan. Puing-puing tersebut ditemukan warga di perairan Pulau Laki. #SJ182…
Read 48 tweets
Jul 6th 2020
BREAKING: House Interior Approps bill is out! The good: The subcommittee rejected the President’s budget request for $15.3 mill in additional funding for the WHB Program. The bill continues to prohibit the slaughtering of #wildhorses and burros. #appropriation #freewildhorses Image
The bad: the draft bill would result in Congress handing the Bureau $42 mill in additional #taxpayer funds over 2019 budget levels with no hard requirements to prevent the agency from spending all the funds to #roundup and stockpile #wildhorses and to surgically sterilize them.
These are the first installments on the Bureau’s multi-billion dollar proposal to cull #wildhorse populations back to #extinction levels, a plan that will push the program off the fiscal cliff, inevitably resulting in the mass #slaughter of America’s nat'l icons. #stoptheroundups
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Jun 20th 2020
Roundup plaintiffs with cancer, struggling financially & emotionally, have been dealt another blow with the coronavirus, as litigation & settlements stalled and @Bayer leveraged the pandemic to reduce potential settlement amounts #glyphosate Image
@Bayer Plaintiff Richard Garrison will never see his case resolved. Notice of his death was filed June 1. Others also died waiting.

Vincent Tricomi, who's undergone 12 rounds of chemo, has called on @Bayer to warn consumers about the potential cancer risks of #Roundup but they refused.
Bayer announced last month it reached verbal agreements to settle many pending #glyphosate cases. But @Bayer's terms for the deal are that Roundup will still be sold to home gardeners and farmers without any safety warnings and plaintiffs’ attorneys agree to stop taking new cases
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May 4th 2020
I was writing a rebuttal to Dr Grum’s article “The Case for GMOs” @Ethiobserver . But I have to break my silence as some people, out of their utter ignorance, are relentlessly making ad hominem attacks on #GMO opponents. #Ethiopia
You can search “@kebyes GMO” so that you will learn how enthusiastic I am about the issue. Unlike others who are bashing every opinion/evidence, I like to ask questions first. That is how you learn. So please ask before resorting to attacks, PEOPLE. #Ethiopia
Read 68 tweets
Mar 28th 2020
Attention cette figure est réalisée par une professionnelle, ne tentez pas de l'imiter.

En terme de pertinence scientifique, on est à peu près au niveau de Donald Trump.

Pour faire court : toutes ses affirmations sont fausses 🤡

Version corrigée en thread ⤵️ Image
1. Le roundup se met sur des aliments.

Il peut être utilisé en dessication (pour accélérer la maturité avant récolte). Pas en France néanmoins, mais nous importons des aliments qui peut être traité ainsi.

Voici les aliments dans lesquels du glyphosate a été retrouvé en Europe.
2. Le #DDT a longtemps été un produit agricole

Il n'est certes plus un produit agricole car interdit pour cela (convention de Stockholm) mais il a massivement été utilisé en agriculture ce qui a profité aux moustiques résistants au DDT et à diminuer son efficacité contre eux.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 21st 2019
[Draadje] Ter achtergrond bij het artikel dat we vandaag @FTM_nl publiceren, is het interessant om het vonnis (hoger beroep) van de meest recente Amerikaanse #Roundup-rechtszaak, die van het het echtpaar #Pilliod, in te zien..(1)…
De rechter verlaagt in het vonnis het schadebedrag dat #Bayer-Monsanto moet betalen van $2 miljard (!) naar $86,7 miljoen. De rechter onderschrijft echter het oordeel van de jury, dat het bedrijf verantwoordelijk is voor de ziekte van het echtpaar..(2)…
Volgens de rechtbank had Monsanto namelijk op basis van de beschikbare wetenschappelijke & medische kennis kunnen weten dat Roundup een risico geeft op non-Hodgkin lymfoom, een agressieve kanker..(3)
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Apr 20th 2019
I lived in England for years and as an investigative reporter I followed the creation of this monstrosity of globalization called the #EuropeanUnion. It's #NAFTA times 50!… #Brexit
My investigation into the EU began when I got the minutes of 14 secret meetings between all the top banking chiefs and international government operatives. They called themselves #TheInvisibles.… #Brexit
The Invisibles were writing the rules of the EU to smash unions and stop regulation of industry. We’ve just seen an example of this; Germany was about to vote to eliminate #RoundUp, but changed its crucial vote weeks after BAYER bought #Monsanto.… #Brexit
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Apr 16th 2019
And here it is. More Monsanto internal emails and texts with the EPA.…
In today's Pilliod v. Monsanto testimony, expert Dr. Charles Benbrook shared more about the scientific fraud by Industrial Bio-Test (IBT) Laboratories in the 1970s, and how Roundup was approved by the EPA based on IBT's invalid studies. #MonsantoTrial
Dr. Benbook is an agricultural economist and headed a subcommittee of the House Committee on Agriculture at the height of the IBT scandal from 1981-1983. @helenchristophi reported on his Johnson testimony and the IBT fraud here:…
Read 78 tweets
Apr 10th 2019
Roundup, Monsanto, cancer, golf courses, hidden secrets...…
Ground War: just how safe are your athletic children on the green playing fields?

A must watch documentary.

Follow @GroundWarDoc and @AndrewNisker to learn more. #GroundWarDoc #Monsanto #Roundup #Glyphosate

#Masters ⛳️ hidden secrets...
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Mar 19th 2019
Bon je m'y colle. Mais je ne vais pas y passer des heures, j'ai mal dormi 😀 @SciencesPoulet
@AntBerranger @emma_ducros @agritof80 et aux autres. Petit rappels sur le #glyphosate.
Préliminaire : mes tweets n'engagent que mon opinion personnelle. Ceci étant dit, jevais commencer par une petite présentation pour ceux qui auraient la flemme d'aller voir mon profil sur #LinkedIn. Je n'ai pas de pseudo et c'est volontaire.
Read 49 tweets
Feb 14th 2019
Décryptage de la méta-analyse (Zhang 2019) sur les associations épidémiologiques entre exposition au #glyphosate et risque de #lymphome non-hodgkinien (LNH)

Principal résultat : +41% de risque de LNH pour les individus très exposés

#cancer #RoundUp
▪️Méta-analyse de données résumées (pas de ré-analyse des données individuelles brutes)
▪️Critère de sélection basé sur hypothèse a priori : exposition élevée aux formulations glyphosate (longue durée, hautes doses, temps de latence élevé) pourrait conduire à un risque ↗️ de LNH
Exposition choisie : groupes de travailleurs avec une exposition élevée (pas d'exposition basse). Les personnes avec une exposition basse pourrait diluer l'effet de l'association.
▪️Base de recherche : Pubmed, updaté en août 2018
❗️Pas d'études non publiées inclues
Read 18 tweets

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