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Most recents (2)

Apr 23rd 2023
Sexism in the Indian Judiciary
Dear Milord
Where are the real women in the judiciary?


#SupremeCourtofIndia #JusticeChandrachud #Womeninjudiciary #India #Indianlaw #WomensRights #female #highcourt… Image
1. Totaly misplaced priorities of the Supreme Court of India
One week ago Supreme Court of India announced that it will create 9 gender-neutral restrooms in its main building and additional buildings of the court.
I have a question here:
Do we have sufficient infrastructure for…… Image
2. How many Women Judges do we have in Indian Judiciary?
The Supreme Court has constituted an all-women bench to hear petitions involving matrimonial disputes and bail matters. This is only the third occasion in the history of the Supreme Court that an all-women bench has been…… Image
Read 14 tweets
Jul 23rd 2022
Supreme Court judge, Justice Ravindra Bhat, to shortly speak at a conference on Women in Power & Decision Making by the PHDCCI.

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#SupremeCourt #WomensRights Image
Justice Ravindra Bhat begins his address: Before I begin, I must confess I'm acutely aware the irony that being a man I'm speaking here. It calls for genuine engagement.

#SupremeCourt #WomensRights
Justice Ravindra Bhat: The proverbial issue of making room for women at the table, is not just a women's issue. It needs to be worked at a systematic level.

#SupremeCourt #WomensRights
Read 69 tweets

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