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Nov 9th 2021
On October 28, @BradSmi wrote about the growing #cybersecurity skills crisis and the work done by @Microsoft to cope with the cybersecurity workforce gap namely by announcing the increase of investments in cybersecurity to avoid a lack of skilled professionals in a few years.
The importance of skilled #cybersecurity workforce is huge for the #tech sector and #IT companies. They need to ACT today, together with youth @PenningsFlorian…
We take the cybersecurity skills gap seriously at the #YouthIGF community and that is why we have created, together with the @MSEurope @KlyngeC @dws_c the First Cybersecurity Skills Summit @DigitalEU @DespinaSpanou. It is more that a Summit, its is a community @yourcyberskills
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Dec 15th 2020
The Youth IGF Movement has formed an alliance with ICANN Next-Gen and the #Swiss government to launch a series of focused youth debates on the most burning digital issues. @dw_akademie @dwnews
1/4 The first series of battles will take place in 10 regions in five different languages, and will be based on the eight focus points of the UN Secretary-General Roadmap for Digital Cooperation. @UNSGdigicoop
2/4 @ICANN is excited about this collaboration with the #YouthIGF through its NextGen@ICANN Program- said Deborah Escalera. Engaging young people from all of ICANN’s global regions and the broader Internet ecosystem is a key priority and an important step.
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Nov 29th 2020
L'Etat de droit face aux disruptions digitales, un débat à suivre sur la gouvernance d'Internet. En FR.
Avec @JeanMarieCAVADA @iDFRights @CNBarreaux @opendiplo @feral_schuhl
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La Gouvernance d'Internet est encore peu présente dans le débat francophone, pourtant commencé par l'#ONU à Athènes en 2006 @intgovforum , nous y étions déjà.
A venir sous peu notre débat: deux points de vues différents pour le nouveau format de #YouthIGF #Francophonie. Sujet: la souveraineté numérique commence-t-elle avec le nom de domaine national @AFNIC @LucienCastex @threadreaderapp enroll
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Nov 18th 2020
How we steer digital tool, would determine what our #digital legacy will be. Whether it will just be a magnificent thing that benefits some or whether it will reduce inequality. Whether the majority will be left safer or more vunerable. @HochschildF @UNSGdigicoop #YouthIGF #UN
That, we would put before you as a challenge for your generation #YouthIGF, said Executives during the UN IGF @intgovforum High-Level Open Forum.

The #youth activism constitutes the vast part of our digital world.
Full recording of the debate between the executives and the young. Find out what are the expectations from the #youth and how the decision-makers can bring answers to these challenges in digital.
Moderated by Yuliya Morenets. @threadreaderapp tnx

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