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Sep 30th 2020
Starting with #YU, one of my more speculative investments and I am delighted by the positive messages running through today's report.

A 31% reduction in EBITDA losses (£1.846m) on 19% less revenues but ;

"The estimated adverse impact on H1 2020 Adjusted EBITDA as a consequence of all of the above (Covid) is £1.6m."

So at £45m revenues, YU is almost at EBITDA breakeven. Big improvement.

"cash at 31 Dec 2020 forecast to be significantly above the 31 Dec 2019 balance of £2.4m"
When the business starts to accelerate its earnings growth, of which there is clear evidence for 2021, then we could well see profitability, especially when more value accretive acquisitions are added to the YU stable.
Read 16 tweets
Sep 22nd 2020
Been focused on other things for a few days but a few thoughts on shares I hold, given the perceived turmoil.

Main focuses for me for a while now, has been shares exposed to Covid, battery metals (incl. energy storage) and gold.

The events of the last few days if anything strengthen that stance.

In terms of Covid (and I tread carefully because both my stocks have other things in their locker), its a waiting game on both.

I think 1 strong update from #GDR and it moves much higher from here.
In terms of #AVCT, an update, one way or the other is pending, whereby the exact progress of BAMS/LFT tests, should be made clearer.

I see no reason for concern and the lockdown measures announced today in the UK, only go to strengthen that argument. Nothing has changed.
Read 13 tweets
Sep 16th 2020
I've being increasing my what was a small position in #YU

Not without sizeable covid related risks but the business looks to be on the road to recovery, with plenty of growth opportunity and the price for me is just too cheap.

Trading update due by end of the month.
Recent acquisition and new energy trading platform, which frees up restricted cash, aren't being valued by the market right now.

Also, low margin contracts that hurt progress these last 2 years, will be down to just £5m in 2021, replaced with high single digit contracts.
New management in place following the accounts fiasco of 2018. Slap on the wrist from AIM but that for me closes that particular poor chapter.

There are question marks over bad debts from potential Covid bankruptcies but the government small business scheme first payments
Read 17 tweets

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