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#Garuda abducting Queen #kakati, sculpture from Gandhara.

2nd-3rd century.

There are many jatakas (Buddhist tales) about the former lives of the Buddha. In this one, he was born as the king of Benares and ruled with his beloved queen, Kakati. The royal solar bird Garuda Image
came to the court disguised as a man and gambled with the king. He then became enamored of the queen and abducted her. But when Garuda heard of the king's great sadness and of his true love for Kakati, he restored her to him.

In #Gandharan depictions, the victim of the eagle
kidnapping is a lady. She is often shown with a snake, coiled around her and the eagle's beak. The eagle is no longer a representation of #Zeus but of Garuda, the Hindu eagle deity. Garuda's main enemy are Nagas (Hindu mythological snakes), which he eats.
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featuring ASD Talmone Calcio @SCTalamone all the way from Grosetto, Tuscany Italy 🇮🇹 ImageImage
The beautiful seaside village of Talamone is featured in Trip Advisors Best Places to visit in Italy in 2023!

You might recognise it’s spectacular scenery from the Bond movie Quantum of Solace! ImageImage
The club was founded in 1969 by Franco Natali ( back row left) and they won their first ever game 5-3 against local rivals Albinia!

Here’s the first ever team photo and a photo from that first game.

#TalamoneJan ImageImage
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1/8) Step by step on how to participate on @_zeus_swap Testnet.

Airdrop is confirmed 🪂

A thread 🧵🪡

Note that Testnet will be ending soon so don't forget to tag your friends so they don't miss out, and also like and retweet for others thanks.
What is @_zeus_swap ??

#Zeus is a liquidity protocol built on Metis blockchain. It focuses on delivering a better trading experience and upgraded capital efficiency to DeFi users.
How to participate??

1) Go to

-Search for "Metis Goerli Testnet"
-Connect your wallet & Select add to chain

When you're done Go to your wallet and switch to Metis Testnet.
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The emperor is dead *and* immortal! And a blonde. My newest digital restoration is Augustus as Jupiter, the king of the gods. A melding of Roman realism with Greek Classicism. A lot to unpack here … #polychromy #archaeology #art 1/ ImageImage
The statue was unearthed in Cumae, a wealthy Roman city near Naples, once a Greek colony and home to the prophesying sybil. The restorers were able to use ancient coins and cameos depicting the Olympian #Zeus and Augustus as Jupiter to guide their reconstruction work ... 2/ ImageImage
Coins like the one below, depicting Augustus as Jupiter Terminus, holding a winged thunderbolt and Victoria. The goddess is also shows up on the reverse of the coin that Augustus minted after the battle of Actium: Victoria on a globe, holding a wreath. 3/ ImageImage
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¡Hoy tengo cuerpo de #mitología! ¿Vosotr@s? Y ya que, en uno de mis últimos hilos, hablaba de #Zeus y sus amoríos, hoy voy a centrarme en una de sus criaturas: el magnífico #Heracles, más conocido como #Hércules, que fue su nombre latino. ¿Me acompañáis?
En esta ocasión,#Zeus(#Júpiter a partir de ahora),se prendó de Alcmena.El hecho de que estuviera casada con Anfitrión,rey de Tirinto,no fue un impedimento para el dios.¿En qué se transformó esta vez?En el propio Anfitrión:así no levantó sospechas cuando entró en el lecho conyugal
Lo curioso es que el auténtico Anfitrión también durmió con Alcmena y esta quedó embarazada de dos mellizos: uno hijo de #Jupiter y el otro de Anfitrión. Sí, sí, suena raro, pero es biológicamente posible: se llama heteropaternidad. Así nacieron #Hercules y su hermano Ificles.
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@SeanathanCory @walden4pa53 @HoLichette @backtothewind0 @BernieSanders I love #ChristianMythology,
it has many beautiful parts.
But like the people who wrote it,
it is full of cruel & evil things.

Goodness was in the world long before any middle eastern men wrote the bible. Some #mythos worship knowledge instead of demonizing it.
@SeanathanCory @walden4pa53 @HoLichette @backtothewind0 @BernieSanders One red flag for me as a little girl growing up w bible study was the way they dealt with questions. Why did they assume a deity crushed up a gold statue to poison water that made the whole town sick for revenge. Doesn’t a pathogen
make more sense?
They didn’t understand germs🤷🏻‍♀️
@SeanathanCory @walden4pa53 @HoLichette @backtothewind0 @BernieSanders Surely SOMEONE in the town must have proposed the idea that there must be another explanation.
Theres always several possible questions to rule out before defaulting to magic.

Or how about the burning bush?
If it really happened,
what else could have lit it ablaze?
Read 9 tweets

Os dejo por aquí un hilo sobre las 7 Maravillas Del Mundo Antiguo; de estas 7, sólo hay una que en la actualidad sigue en pie...¿sabrías decirme cuál?🌏 Image
Son muchos los historiadores que siempre han tenido interés en catalogar las grandes #MaravillasDelMundo; en el caso de las maravillas del mundo antiguo, la lista quedó finalmente reducida a siete.
El ser humano, desde siempre, ha sido un viajero por naturaleza. Los griegos escribían guías de viaje e historias sobre sus expediciones; más tarde, comenzaron a crear listas de lugares que, por su magnífico esplendor, no podían pasar desapercibidas.
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Sigue mi semana temática #MarfilArte dedicada a la #eboraria (arte en marfil) para el #TwitterCultural.

Las obras más espectaculares realizadas en oro y marfil, fueron la Estatua de #Zeus en #Olimpia y la #Atenea Pártenos en el #Partenón de #Atenas, ambas de #Fidias.

Sigue👇🏽 ImageImage
La Estatua de #Zeus en Olimpia fue una escultura crisoelefantina (marfil y oro) de unos 12 m de altura (y anchura todo lo que daba la nave) realizada por el gran escultor #Fidias alrededor del 435 aC y una de las 7 Maravillas del Mundo Antiguo.

Sigue👇🏽 Image
El emperador #Calígula ordenó que la trasladaran a Roma cosa que no ocurrió.
Lo que sí ocurrió es que #Teodosio II la llevó al palacio de Lauso en #Constantinopla y fue destruida por un incendio.

Sabemos de ella por escritos y monedas.

Sigue👇🏽 Image
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Thread MOLTO LUNGO, potete guardare solo le immagini 🤭
Ho scritto che nel 2020 c'è anche chi ha fatto qualcosa di buono.
Oltre a mia sorella.
Grazie a chi ha dato una mano e soprattutto a chi ha adottato ❤
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Today's #MythologyMonday theme is JUSTICE.
There are several deities in #ancientGreek religion that deal with law, order, and justice. One of them is the King of the Gods himself, #Zeus who delights in thunder. He is the god of law, justice and moral conduct.
Zeus gets the help of #Dike, the daimona or spirit of moral order and fair judgement. She is his daughter by #Themis and both mother and daughter are personifications of justice: Dike of human justice and Themis of divine justice. In poetry Dike is often the attendant of #Zeus.
In reliefs on the archaic Chest of Kypselos, a votive offering at Olympia, Dike throttles Adikia ("injustice") and beats her with a stick.
Her half-brother Ares would likely act in a similar fashion. Despite his impulsive nature, he is also a god that maintains civil order.
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The wise, one alone, unwilling and willing to be spoken of only by the name of #Zeus, the name of Life.

- #Heraclitus 113

[Kahn 1979, pp. 267-271]
“With deliberate antimony #Heraclitus here presents his positive conception of the divine ... The #aphorism is unusually dense and puzzling, full of conflicting forces mysteriously under control.”

- Kahn, ‘Art and Thought of #Heraclitus,’ 1979, pp. 267
“... for #Heraclitus as for Aeschylus ‘#etymology’ must be taken literally: an ‘etymos #logos’ is a ‘true statement’ hidden in the form of a name ... the name ‘Zēnos’ affirms that the supreme #deity is also a principle of life, like the ‘everliving fire’ ...”

- Kahn 1979 p. 270
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