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Science Journalist, Producer & Presenter | Sliced Bread on @BBCRadio4 | YouTube - live interactive family shows | Events Host |

Nov 3, 2018, 7 tweets

A thread of things I’ve been reading and watching recently that you may enjoy reading and watching yourself!


If you’re interested in space 🚀 then @skyponderer has written this lovely book packed with almost everything you need to know to live in space! 🛰

It’s also full of cool images (if you’re a pic person) and plenty of ace facts to impress friends & fam ☄️


More into #sport or #engineering? ⚽️ Prof @stevehaake‘s new book tells the story of 4000 years of evolving sports tech - from golf ⛳️ to tennis 🎾 to bobsleigh ❄️.

Super interesting and written by a leader in the sports technology field (pun intended 😉)


Then there’s the ever awesome @FOTSN trio whose new show is now available on DVD, download and... floppy disk! 🙌

Yes so @standupmaths @helenarney & @MouldS are good mates, but this is genuinely brilliant!

“You can’t polish a nerd” available at


I also got to go watch @northernballet’s The Three Musketeers at @marlowetheatre. Loved the meeting of #ballet with fencing 🤺 - some lovely moments of choreography in a stunning set with great lighting. (And ballet audiences are so lovely and respectfully quiet! Bliss!)


Next: #CbeebiesThumbelina

Is it ok that I’m a grown adult & am SO excited to see the @CBeebiesHQ Panto ft @katrina_bryan🧝‍♀️ @mistermaker🐸 @AndyDayTV😎 @rebecca7keatley🐦 @ben_cajee👑 @benfaulks🐛@ringlet_gem 🐞 @joseph_elliott🐝 @RichardDCaine 🕷 & my fave @maddiemoate🐭

Oh and I almost forgot that the FOUR new @OUPPrimary books that I was Series Editor for are OUT NOW. They join the 30+ we released a couple of years back 📚

Very proud of this series! ☺️

#learning #book #school #homeschool #family #treetops #infact #nonfiction #OUP

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