Amy Proal, PhD Profile picture
Microbiologist at PolyBio Research Foundation: helping research teams collaborate on infection-associated chronic disease #me #longcovid #lyme #eds @polybioRF

Dec 16, 2018, 8 tweets

“Missing #microbes” are a factor in the development of chronic #inflammatory disease 👉 But personally, I’m more concerned about the fact that many aspects of modern living are driving a rise in “missing #immunity” and the consequent survival of “additional persistent #pathogens

Here’s an example 👉 #Formula feeding is often associated w/ increased chronic #disease incidence☝️ Meanwhile, #breast milk has a #microbiome, but is ALSO filled w/ antimicrobial compounds + metabolites that play a key role in the immune’s system’s ability to manage #infection

This team found that interactions b/t neonatal #saliva and #breast milk released #antimicrobial compounds including H202☝️These compounds inhibited growth of a range of human pathogens:…

More specifically, in the lab, enzyme-based reactions that generate H202 in #breast milk + saliva mixtures 👉 inhibited growth of organisms including S. aureus, #MRSA, S. epidermidis, S. pyogenes, P. aeruginosa, #Candida albicans etc:…

In this study, complex #sugars in human #breast milk, like #colostrum, degraded the #bacterial quorum sensing molecule acyl-homoserine☝️This reduced expression of bacterial virulence factors + reduced the generation of #antibiotic resistance in S. aureus:…

In this study, #Lactoferrin, an iron-binding #glycoprotein, was found to be abundant in human breast #milk + infant saliva 👉 This lactoferrin is known to exhibit both bacteriostatic and bactericidal activities:…

This team found that human #milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) possess #antimicrobial + #antibiofilm activity 👉 Indeed, HMOs isolated from human breastmilk were even able to target strains of #MRSA and A. baumannii:…

I could go on....😅🤓 but that’s good for now:) I will say though that not one of my friends w/ an #infant knows this info☝️So let’s work on getting it out!

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