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Jan 15, 2019, 12 tweets

#Libya Situation seems tense again in South #Tripoli near Wadi Rabie - Are the 7th brigade making another move on the old international airport? Mainly Salah Eddinen road & Gaser Ben Ghashir could be affected by clashes. If so, how Tripoli Protection Force will intervene?

In the meanwhile LNA launches a military operation in southwest #Libya. Spokesperson al-Massmari says to protect Libyan borders, fight human trafficking & securing foreign companies investing in oil & gas prod. LNA declares #Sabha military zone & calls #Chad to close the border.

Report from @AFP of fighting between Chadian and Sudanese rebels near a goldmine site in #Tibesti ➡ Border between #Chad & #Libya…

#Libya In the meanwhile the 7th brigade confirmed that is committed to the security arrangements approved by the Presidential Council.

Over 100 people were killed in September when clashes erupted in #Tripoli

#Tripoli The Tripoli Protection Force announced its commitment to maintain security

There are 2≠ statements circulating. The one on Tripoli Protection Force's facebook seems fake…

So is this real? - Also on @ObservatoryLY

#Libya After yesterday 7th Brigade "Al-Kaniat" ambiguous statement warning fire was confirmed this morning. Situation could escalate again in south #Tripoli especially in the area of Qaser Bin Ghashir

Interesting 7th brigade #facebook page is managed in #Libya & #Turkey. There are at least 3 different pages, but this is the most used one and was recently updated.

#Facebook has huge influence in #Libya and is a key weapon for many actors.

#Libya #Tripoli The Ministry's Wounded Affairs Department announces public emergency & deployment of ambulances in the vicinity of the clashes. Machine Gun Sound can be heard in the area of Gaser Ben Ghashir.

#Libya The recents clashes in #Tripoli, as the previous one, are a clear sign of lack of security sector reform. Once again, #EU leaders have appeared to address the needs of EU audiences more than Libyan. This is another "relevant" @UNSMILibya statement.

@UNSMILibya Conflict in #Libya: according to medical sources from #Tripoli 14 deaths including 5 civilians & 58 injuries including 2 civilians. In the area of clashes, mainly Qaser Bin Ghashir, there are >300 #refugees from #Eritrea #Sudan, including 8 children & 45 women locked in detention

@UNSMILibya #Libya #Tripoli The Dep. of Wounded Affairs - Ministry of Health confirmed that 2 families stranded in one of the battle zones were evacuated. Total families evacuated since the start of the clashes: 213. In the📷by @wed_beniran Nurse Marwan killed in Suq-Alkhamis on Thursday.

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